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The Big Fat List and the Days of Doom (TM) Part IX - The One With A Wedding and Some Weightloss

996 replies

grinningbee · 25/07/2012 15:24

Here we are again - new thread time! Can you believe we're on our 9th one?

I've been down to DFS and got us some new squidgy sofas. Feel free to add anything else you like Grin

OP posts:
pixiestix · 05/08/2012 15:13

Hello Slinks, nice to "see" you.

Swimming with two toddlers Huffpot? That is brave.

I might be a bit awol over the next few weeks as I am away more than I'm home but I will try and catch up when I can and weigh in on a Weds. I'm just praying that I won't pile all the weight back on immediately

SlinkyB · 05/08/2012 20:31

I have come to the conclusion that posting on MN after a break falls under the same category as sex and going to the gym. The thought is usually far more daunting than the actual activity, and you actually rather enjoy it in the end Grin

Huffpot How exciting that dp is going to propose! Will you choose a ring together? How long have you been together? Great news about tax rebate. Well done on not secret scoffing either. I've not plucked up the courage to take ONE toddler (or even baby) swimming yet, so bloody well done on the double trouble effort. Do you think you'd take gold if Toddler Wrestling was in the Olympics? Wink

Oh, and your post was so not long-winded!

Hey pix how has work this weekend?

I've been rubbish again all weekend. Think all-you-can-eat Chinese, bbq, cakes, wine and crisps. And dp is about to open the last bottle of champagne from the fridge ! Whoops. Will start afresh tomorrow as seamstress is currently taking my wedding dress IN.

Huffpot · 06/08/2012 10:06

Ahhh yes a gold would be nice. The youngest(2 next week!)screamed, clung to me and demanded out very loudly for the majority of it. The eldest(3 next month)clung for a bit then realised he had armbands on and took off. By the end the little one was sitting on the steps on his own bashing me with a pool noodle and delighted but kept telling me with disgust that he was wet.

The swimming thing is rather like mumsnet, sex etc(giggling at the truths you've uttered) - its not anywhere near as bad as you imagine and quite fun

Yup am delighted about the engagement. We've been together for 4 years now and have the 2 little ones. We've been talking about it for years but he's the kind that wants the proper ring etc(a bit materialistic to be honest). We're going to Hatton Gardens(hope I've got that right being foreign) and picking it together.

Am dreading the organising of the wedding though as we both want very different things. He wants the big Irish wedding/do whereas I want my pretty dress and pretty church and would be happy with a BBQ after. We've reached an agreement though. We'll do his version in Ireland then renew our vows on a beach in Oz with a BBQ after. Also means the people from home that aren't able to come because of money will get to celebrate witb us

Slink wedding dress IN means refocus....and you can totally do that

FaceCrack · 07/08/2012 08:07

Congrats huff. Lovely news!

The invasion is well and truly upon us. House is chaos but everyone is having a good time. Pleased to escape to work today. Diet is bad; beer at wembley, McDonald's at Olympic park....

Can someone do the list tomorrow please? I'm working and then entertaining in the evening. Thank you!

SlinkyB · 07/08/2012 08:51

I don't mind doing the list this week face. Have you been enjoying the Olympics with your family?

I've also been with dp four years huff. He's been married before and had the whole massive church wedding thing, and I'm not religious and couldn't imagine spending ££££ on one day (never thought I'd get married tbh) so am glad we agreed on a small-ish register office + reception do. Having your celebrations in Ireland and Oz sounds fab Smile Have you talked dates yet?

How exciting that you'll pick a ring together, I proposed to my dp so not sure I'll get an engagement ring. Was painful enough extracting cash out of him for my wedding band on the weekend, as he's, erm, tight careful with money and doesn't place importance on material objects!

Where is everyone? Obviously fhf is on her hols, but where are kid and bee et all?

SlinkyB · 07/08/2012 08:57

P.s Spent last night shaving, exfoliating, scrubbing and moisturising as am off to get my first-ever spray tan in a bit...! Am quite nervous, as don't want to come out orange. Have explained this to salon, and they promised not to make me look like David Dickinson. It's a trial run for The Big Day as my ivory dress kinda washed me out a bit I think. And I've turned into the most vain person in the entire world lately Grin

P.p.s went to circuits last night to off-set some of the crap on the weekend. Still need to pester dp to sort Shred out for me, anyone else still doing it?

FaceCrack · 07/08/2012 08:58

slinky how are plans? It's not long to go
Now...woop do woop! Maybe get home to get you an eternity ring once you have had another baby.

Yes having a great day. I got my paws on a day pass to Olympic Park on Sunday which was cool. Football last night was exciting france vs Japan. Volleyball tonight. Bit pissed about giving my stepbrother my GB hockey ticket for weds but I guess I can't go to everything

SlimJimBra · 07/08/2012 09:56

I'm here lurking Smile been away at my sister's for the weekend and ate loads of yummy food (and cake) in an effort to gain weight. We shared a bag of chocolate eclairs (the toffee ones, not the cake ones) between 3 of us Grin but I think my body is no longer used to eating so much sugar as that night I had tummy cramps and then diarrhoea Blush Shouldn't really complain about it but I need to gain at least a lb or I'm going to have to start paying again! I can't change my target except at my home group and I can't get to my home group for a few weeks Sad

Slinky - I can't believe the wedding is so soon, the wedding I'm going to on the same day is a big church affair, I'll be thinking of you in your registry office Smile

Face - Envy of all the olympic events you're seeing. I really wasn't that into it when the tickets went on sale but now I think I'd have loved to have gone. Hope the chaos of visitors isn't getting you down.

Huff - congratulations on your engagement, though a tax rebate is a rather unromantic way to propose Grin maybe you should get him to do it again, with Wine a nice meal and some Thanks

Clodaghdragonfly · 07/08/2012 11:08

congratulations huff.

I feel the same about the olympics slim, I wasn't interested at first, but have kind of got caught up in it all, and wish we'd been able to go to something. One of the mums at school was giving away tickets to Old Trafford for last night, but it's still ages from us. I love the North, but nothing ever happens within possible distance.

I am going on holiday on Saturday, so I should be absent as I'll be so busy packing and organising - expect to see lots more of meWink

diet not going well as am in a dark place again.

SlinkyB · 07/08/2012 14:45

Oh no Clodagh, sorry to hear that Sad Hope your holiday helps perk you up some, off anywhere nice?

Slim - living up to your MN nn eh?! Can't believe you're trying to put weight on Envy. I believe SW would encourage healthier ways to put on than eating sweets btw Wink. Hope you enjoyed your time at your sister's.

Well, the spray tanning was an experience shall we say! The beautician was very matter-of-fact whilst telling me to remove all my clothes, whilst handing me some paper "pants", which were actually a couple of tiny little triangles held together with a string Shock. Am quite dark at the moment, but am told that after my shower tonight I should look more natural. Dp couldn't help but laugh at me when I picked him up from work at lunchtime, I do look a bit odd it has to be said!

I'm not really into the Olympics, been watching the highlights/news bulletins on tv, and every time they show a GB athlete winning/crying, I well up Dp is glued to it though, which is quite irritating when I'm trying to talk wedding plans at him...

SlimJimBra · 07/08/2012 16:05

I was being healthy Slinky - I shared them :o

SlinkyB · 07/08/2012 19:27

Ha ha! Well done!

pixiestix · 08/08/2012 08:34

Argh, stupid internet is being AWFUL. Cant swap pages or message anyone so Hello Everyone!! Grin And please can you add me to the list with a 1.5lb loss this week. Posting this before the whole thing crashes....

Chocolatemakesmefat · 08/08/2012 08:39

Congratulations Huff Thanks

I too have been lurking and trying to keep up with you ladies, today is first weigh in since holiday and not that bothered as i expect a gain and know exactly why.

I have been quite good since i got back, however my Dad was 70 on Monday and we had a family mini party (main one yet to come) on Sunday with lots of gorgeous naughty food and cakes, the only thing I didn't do was drink as i was driving, so it could have been worse.

Will pm later with result as at class till 8pm

SlinkyB · 08/08/2012 09:21

Happy DoD everyone - or not, as the case may be Grin

Please pm me your stats by 9pm and I will publish The Big Fat List shortly after (Pix, have seen your loss here - well done!)

Off to get ds his hair cut for 2nd ever time. He was good as gold a couple of months back so fingers crossed he is again.

SlinkyB · 08/08/2012 09:23

Oh, forgot to say welcome back choc! Did you have a fab time in France? Good luck at weigh in later.

Chocolatemakesmefat · 08/08/2012 12:36

Fabulous time Slinky bit sad that there's no more cider o'clock, but must behave have a party to prepare for (in 3 weeks).

Good luck with the hair chopping, hope it goes well Grin

SlinkyB · 08/08/2012 20:07

Roll up roll up! Have only had two pm's so far, any more for any more?

Ds was fab again at hairdressers, in fact, he's been lovely all day today! Didn't really want to put him to bed Confused

I'm busy painting letters and making lace bunting for decorating the wedding venue. All the plans are coming together nicely, just a few finishing touches now.

SlinkyB · 08/08/2012 21:33

Here we go folks;

pixie has lost 1.5lbs this week, total loss 6.5lbs towards a 15.5lb target
SlinkyB has stayed the same, still in target
SlimJim has gained 1lb, which is good as she's now back in target range
choc has gained 1.5lbs (which is not bad considering she has just come back from France)
Huff has gained 2lbs, total lost 1st-something-ish

Well done Pix on being the List Topper - sparkly pom-poms and Slimmer of the Week award to you!

The rest of us...well, a short sharp kick up the backside is probably what we need...

FairhairedandFrustrated · 08/08/2012 22:50

Am home!

Thoughts for M bee xx

Congrats huff :)

Have eaten badly all week, back on the bandwagon tomorrow morning.

Shall I try and recall the badness of the past week? Just to make you all feel angelic?

Wed spag ball followed by numerous cocktails
Thur: fruit breakfast, ham salad lunch, vodka, rose wine and crisps, chicken with rice and green beans followed by ice cream and cocktails
Fri: fruit breakfast (see how it deteriorates throughout the day), ham salad lunch, wine and crisps, lasagne, followed by chocolate and walnut mousse and more rose and then dh showed the barman the proper way to make cosmos...
Saturday: fruit for breakfast, ice cream, crisps, rose, cocktails, wholemeal roll with ham salad and pineapple, ravioli stuffed with spinach and ricotta mmmmmmm alcohol
Sunday: full English cooked breakfast, marshmallow flavoured ice cream, pasta with tomatoes for dinner and some wine
I can't remember anything much from Monday....

So, at a guess, a gain of about 6/7lb but haven't weighed yet.

FairhairedandFrustrated · 08/08/2012 22:55

Well done pixie :)

Clodaghdragonfly · 08/08/2012 23:06

well done pixieSmile

I didn't bother WI. star week and feeling like a hippo so didn't want to make it worse for myself. (BTW,this is prob the first time I have ever admitted to not bothering, instead of pretending I forgot...)

hols in the Dales with the lovely GPsSmile

slinky, my boys had a haircut yesterday (the littler ones). DS2 (9) has been scalped as he wanted his lovely curls goneSad, and DS3 (5) Has gone short and spiky. DS1 (15) won't have his cut!!!

your hols sound nice FHF, hope all is as well as it can be x

DH and I are watching reruns of hotel babylon on netflix. (am getting bored now and need Midsomer Murders!)


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SlimJimBra · 09/08/2012 11:34

((((clodagh)))) [rebel]

SlimJimBra · 09/08/2012 11:40

Ooops, pressing return posted rather than started a new line Confused here's some more...

I am back on the wagon officially - I have lowered my target weight to 10st. I am 10st 4 at the mo and am bobbing along that line, despite my target weight being 10st 7, so I am going to see if I can make it to 10st. Never thought I'd be weighing so little, I was 10st at 6th form, though there is definitely more wobble than there was when I was 17!

So I'll be actually trying to lose weight this week instead of trying to gain - bet I gain this week :o

Chocolatemakesmefat · 09/08/2012 11:53

Well done Pixie

Staying at target is so hard Slinky and Slim I remember it from oh 10 years ago...oh god its been 10 years since I was slim Shock 10 YEARS!!!!

and breathe...

Off to a good start today with some scrambled egg made with cottage cheese, a ff yog and some grapes, feel full.

Lunch will be my normal pitta and ham salad, i left the curly wurly at home today hopefully I can last till 6.30pm without picking in the office.

possibly gammon, sugar snap peas and jacket spud with melted cheese for dinner just need to buy some gammon.

Bee I read your thread in chat the other day and now understand who M is and whats going on, the same happened with one of my close friends BF and its horrible, there is nothing you can say or do just be there for her. Sending you a huge amount of love and praying for M and her family

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