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Here comes the sun....

110 replies

OhYouBadBadKitten · 04/07/2013 11:56

The sun has got his hat on
Hip Hip Hip Hooray....

Well not quite, but come tomorrow and onwards. Models show it hanging on right through the coming week and into the next Shock Potential for storms perhaps later in the modelling period.

Not quite nice for all, especially to start where western areas and Scotland could see much cooler weather. South eastern and central England are currently looking to be the favoured hot spots. Sunday looks to reach mid to high 20's but cooling off a bit on Monday.

It actually looks like the best weather we've had for a few years I think (if you arent about to explode with baby or a hayfever sufferer). Happy days!

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GloriaSmud · 10/07/2013 21:04

My trailing lobelia I've got in a pot has not liked the hot spell at all. Despite lots of watering yesterday, some of it isn't so much trailing as totally wilted now! But it has been nice to have some cooler weather ~ maximum today has been 20.8C and that was at 8.05am this morning!

Meglet · 10/07/2013 21:44

The raspberries are now looking rather wilty and the water butt is empty. I might have to whizz the hosepipe over them tomorrow to make sure they keep going until it's all fruited. Don't have anything else I need to worry about once they're done.

digerd · 11/07/2013 09:00

exactly as forecast, today the SE has low lying cloud. Only 15 degrees atm, but giving my roses a break. Seems to be clearing slightly despite very little wind today.
We'll see what later on brings. Don't mind a day without sun as tomorrow is supposed to very warm again.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 11/07/2013 09:04

Cloud should break up today digerd.
Am quite grateful for this cooler interlude!

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digerd · 11/07/2013 09:13

Oh dear, the sun has already come out, but sky still thinly cloudy.

MegBusset · 11/07/2013 20:19

I have just booked a camping trip for next weekend (20th/21st) so nice and hot would be great :)

Campaspe · 11/07/2013 22:01

Anyone able to interpret the gfs forecast and give me a rough date it will be cooler in the south west? Ta

OhYouBadBadKitten · 11/07/2013 22:03

Hang on campa....

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OhYouBadBadKitten · 11/07/2013 22:06

Maybe towards the end of next week, but I wouldn't put too much store in that. GFS is famous for modelling breakdowns that don't happen. Need ecmwf to come on board with that and it's not. It still shows hot at the end of the week.

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IwishIwasmoreorganised · 11/07/2013 22:09

Hoping it stays warm and dry (in south east Wales) well into the school holidays (we finish next Friday).

We're loving this warm spell Smile

OhYouBadBadKitten · 11/07/2013 22:13

I love love love the warm weather. But, I think we need a few night time thunderstorms because a) they are fun and b) we really need some rain. (Didnt think I'd be saying that)

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IwishIwasmoreorganised · 11/07/2013 22:31

Ok, OYBBK. Bring on the thunderstorms but only between the hours of 7pm-7am (when ds's are in bed!!!).

OhYouBadBadKitten · 11/07/2013 22:42

Sounds good!

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Mirage · 12/07/2013 09:55

We got our hay baled yesterday! We had to stop on Monday because the moisture content was 30%! With no rain for the past 2 weeks or so,it can only be the heavy dews we've had and the grass being lusher as we are baling earlier than we normally would.

My cousin saw a twister in the hay field yesterday,and said it took the hay up quite high.My dad said that twisters were a sign of very hot weather to come,looks like he was right.Smile

OhYouBadBadKitten · 12/07/2013 10:19

Do you mean a dust (hay) devil? They are so cool!Really good explanation of how they form here

A few weeks ago I was sat just upwind on the sides of a shallow valley and 3 of them (grass devils really!) whizzed past, one straight over me. Was very fun!

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OhYouBadBadKitten · 12/07/2013 10:20

Will you get chance to get in another load of hay by the end of the season or is that it mirage?

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OhYouBadBadKitten · 12/07/2013 10:20
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Sparklingbrook · 12/07/2013 11:23

I will be amazed if this weather lasts any longer than the day the DSs break up-24th July 1.20pm.

Mirage · 12/07/2013 13:22

That is very interesting oybbk I didn't know what caused them.I remember seeing them in the same field when I was little and it scared me,probably shades of The Wizard of Oz,but haven't seen one for years.If I'd have been in that valley with you,I'd have been a bit scared.

It looks like we are right in line for the thunderstorms,if they materialize.Grin

I don't know if we'll get another cut,it depends how much rain/sun we get and how long the summer lasts,it is possible.We've done over 40 acres already and it smells just lovely.

MySweetPrince · 12/07/2013 13:54

It's not very nice here in Kent.........grey, cloudy and none too it going to clear soon........I have a long week-end booked and finish work at 3p.m...booked earlier in the week(worked later Mon,Tues and Weds) specifically to enjoy the warmer weather Sad

Perihelion · 12/07/2013 15:17

It seems Scotland has the highest temp again. Leuchers ( near St Andrews ) 27.9C. Edinburgh's officially 27.5C, my garden is 28.8C. WTF? Got a slight breeze so not as bonkers as Tuesday, but still......East Coast is usually cooler, but the wind's coming from the west. Too hot for DD to go out and play.
Mind you this will all go tits up as I've been shopping today to buy summer clothes.

digerd · 12/07/2013 16:18

It was cloudy most of the morning and at noon in the shade it was only 23.
Now it's 25 so getting warmer.
Only 10 in the night, though.
Just hope we have a fresh breeze at the weekend as can't cope with muggy heat.


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digerd · 12/07/2013 16:33

It was only 13 at 6.45am when I was out with little dog. I wore my warmest pink summer jacket.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 12/07/2013 17:51

GFS is being much more accurate with the temp forecasts than the met office for this area. Was predicted to get to 24C and have reached the heady heights of 28c.

MSP, unfortunately the more east you are in Kent and the closer to the coast the more you are likely to be plagued with cloud and cool. I'm hopeful that if the heat continues that this will become less likely as the sea warms.

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mankyscotslass · 12/07/2013 20:05

Sweltering here in Manchester, and worried about DS1 - he has a football match tomorrow lunchtime, then a football tournament in the afternoon.

And DD is at a Brownies event in Cheshire, all day - I hope they find shade.

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