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Here comes the sun....

110 replies

OhYouBadBadKitten · 04/07/2013 11:56

The sun has got his hat on
Hip Hip Hip Hooray....

Well not quite, but come tomorrow and onwards. Models show it hanging on right through the coming week and into the next Shock Potential for storms perhaps later in the modelling period.

Not quite nice for all, especially to start where western areas and Scotland could see much cooler weather. South eastern and central England are currently looking to be the favoured hot spots. Sunday looks to reach mid to high 20's but cooling off a bit on Monday.

It actually looks like the best weather we've had for a few years I think (if you arent about to explode with baby or a hayfever sufferer). Happy days!

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 12/07/2013 20:17

DS1 has a football tournament on Sunday manky. Sad

OhYouBadBadKitten · 12/07/2013 22:50

Storm threat is rescinded somewhat tomorrow. Temps do look very hot still. 32 c still seems fairly likely.

OP posts:
Campaspe · 13/07/2013 07:53

Kitten, any chance of thunderstorms for the south west? You reckon we've got another 10 days of this do you? :(

OhYouBadBadKitten · 13/07/2013 08:43

Campaspe at the moment I can't really see any signs of a break down. Some cooler weather at times perhaps (coming weekend?) and the high pressure wobbles about a bit, bringing the hottest temps to different parts of the UK.
No sign of storms in your area - yet. Maybe the NE coast this afternoon and CS England looks interesting Wednesday.

OP posts:
Mirage · 13/07/2013 12:37

We rode early today,before it got really hot,but it was still 22.5 at 9.40.The dds are currently in the big paddling pool and I'm planning to walk across the field with them later to swim in their cousin's outdoor pool.Will be interesting to see if we get the thunderstorms later.

digerd · 13/07/2013 13:18

Hazy sunshine for a couple of hours now, but 30 in the shade.
Missing the fresh cool breeze we've had the last few days.
Went out with dog at 6.30 am and there was no breath of air Confused
It was only 16 but as so muggy felt much hotter.

Did a bit of gardening in the shade until 10am, then it all got too warm and sweaty for me so have been indoors since with front door and back door open to get as much breeze as possible.

Will not be going out again until 7pm. Dog walks are all in the shade thenSmile

digerd · 13/07/2013 13:24

Sun keeps going in - and I am so relieved when it does- but not for long enough.

digerd · 13/07/2013 15:23

Just got up from a 90 minute kip and still 30 degrees and sunny and not much breeze. Dog flaked out on her back, cooling her tummy from the bit of breeze coming through open doorsSmile. Sun moved round to the back now. 27.5 in the sunless room though, but still cooler in than out.

Parmarella · 13/07/2013 15:37

32 in the shade in Hants!

Tiny Bit of a breeze though.

Is it too hot to do a bbq? Can it be too hot to one? Will it be too hot for guests to sit on our patio?!

Shall we sit in paddling pool?
Delicious dilemmas

Mirage · 13/07/2013 18:42

No storms here,there there a few spots of rain an a few rumbles at about 4.30,but nothing else.Car thermometer says 28.

digerd · 13/07/2013 18:56

Clouds have all disappeared now. Little bit of breeze but it's a warm one. Took little dog out at 6.15 and even in the shade was too warm to walk - should have taken my spanish fan with me. Fluffy little dog was panting heavily so did just a short walk.
So looking forward to our 6.30 am walk in the cool air tomorrowSmile

OhYouBadBadKitten · 13/07/2013 19:02

Managed to get to 33C here. Quite warm really!

OP posts:
NoComet · 13/07/2013 19:12

BBQ had turned into burgers in a frying pan as it's too hot out in the garden. The kitchen is out the sun this late and the blinds been down.

StillSlightlyCrumpled · 13/07/2013 19:23

Nicely toasty here in Leicestershire car read 31. Dog unhappy outside & has laid on the floor tiles most of the day. Off to North Devon on Monday and crossing fingers it stays nice Smile.

digerd · 13/07/2013 19:59

Poor dogs in this heat, mine loves the cold winter.

digerd · 14/07/2013 07:02

Just been out with little dog and it is already suffocating with no breath of air and much warmer than yesterday at this time. Little dog decided she'd had enough after 10 minutes and refused to go any further.
Where is the fresh breeze we've enjoyed last week? < just when I need it? Confused>

OhYouBadBadKitten · 14/07/2013 08:07

Already 19c.
Not going to be so warm in Scotland, esp western side.

OP posts:
digerd · 14/07/2013 15:34

When the sky cleared at 7am the air was fresh and clear. Managed to stay fresh until 2pm.
So what went wrong at 3pmConfused?
The fresh air has disappeared and is close and oppressive
The sky has hazed over somewhat, so that must be the reason.?

OhYouBadBadKitten · 14/07/2013 19:56

It is pretty humid!

Some hints from GFS of a cool down at around the 23rd but there aren't enough indicators that will happen.

In the mean time el scorchio for most though fringe coastal counties could struggle a bit at times.

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 14/07/2013 19:58

I told you so. The minute the schools break up-sheet rain/gales. You mark my words. Humph.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 14/07/2013 20:01

Honestly, it's just a little hint and GFS is famed for forecasting non existing breakdowns.

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 14/07/2013 20:04

Mmmm. I am too scared to even dream that this summer will be dry. Grin


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OhYouBadBadKitten · 14/07/2013 20:13

I really really hope that this wasn't a result of the heat. :(

OP posts:
digerd · 15/07/2013 09:14

Brilliant blue sky atm and air is clear and fresh. Could have a stronger breeze though.

Campaspe · 15/07/2013 13:03

The heat is really getting me down. Had a fan on in my bedroom last night, but the temp didn't drop lower than 26°C :(

Have been toying with the idea of getting a mobile air con unit. Can anyone advise how they work, and if they are worth the money?

I haven't heard anything about droughts yet, but with no rain in sight at all, it can't be long before this becomes a problem. The thought of having to use stand pipes in this weather makes me shudder.

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