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TENNIS THREAD- We've mowed the grass, and now it's onwards to the hard courts!

1000 replies

Raahh · 11/07/2022 09:29

Quite neat timing for a new thread really. Grin


OP posts:
JaneJeffer · 11/07/2022 09:48

Thanks Raahh

I just ended the last thread with a typo Doh!

Fizzywinegum · 11/07/2022 09:58

Thanks for the new thread Raahh Tennis

The thing about the woman who’d had 700 drinks is about the funniest thing Nick has ever said - it would have been even more funny if it was Kate Grin

I don’t have any sympathy for Djok not being able to play in the US and potentially Australia - it’s his choice - I’m still a bit surprised that he’s willing to give up potential Grand Slam records for the sake of his dodgy principles but I guess it’s his choice

JaneJeffer · 11/07/2022 10:11
Quite a bit of tennis coming up on Prime.

I have lots of stuff to do but my motivation is weak.

absolutelynotfabulous · 11/07/2022 10:20

Fab! Thankyou @JaneJeffer. That's the rest of summer sorted.

Raahh · 11/07/2022 10:21

Jane I always think I start the thread with a typo Grin

Fizzy I think Djok believes that he probably has more years in him that Rafa- and Fed is unlikely to play competitively again (however much he wants to ). So, he will end with more slams. I wouldn't be surprised if Djok was allowed back to Aus, though, - and then wins it.
I don't trust him Grin He probably is still waiting for rules to change.

I still can't help finding it funny, that Djok has lost the number 1 spot to Daniil .He will also lose the points he got from playing in the US last year.

And I'm not fooled by any idea that Kyrgios is suddenly going to find a new work ethic and change his personality. Plus he has a court case coming up- be interesting to see what comes from that.

OP posts:
Raahh · 11/07/2022 10:26

Jane I keep telling myself I will do something a minute.

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ChessieFL · 11/07/2022 10:30

I will be really annoyed if Djok tries to find a way round the rules. As others have said he needs to accept that his decision not to get vaccinated means that there are things he now can’t do.

Glad there’s still plenty of tennis on Prime, I feel bereft already.

Raahh · 11/07/2022 11:31

I have actually mowed the grass.

That's me done for the day. Grin

OP posts:
absolutelynotfabulous · 11/07/2022 11:31

I've really enjoyed the tennis chat. I don't know many people irl who are serious followers.

I'm normally a fairweather follower but now I've lost my job I can actually concentrate fully for a bit (every cloud, eh) 😉

JaneJeffer · 11/07/2022 12:04

I have mowed myself. Now I can actually put some shorts on.

I love this thread absolutely. Everyone manages to get along even though we don't always agree with each other about everything and we can have a laugh.

Fizzywinegum · 11/07/2022 12:34

Grin Jane at mowing yourself!

I am also wearing shorts Shock - we’re off to Manchester in a bit. It’s DS1’s graduation ceremony tomorrow (delayed by 2 years!). Of course it has to be one of the hottest days of the year - don’t think I’ll be allowed to wear shorts tomorrow!

I also love this thread - it’s nice to be able to chat with fellow tennis peeps and have a few laughs along the way. The only time I get to have real life tennis chat is during Wimbledon!

I’ve just been speaking to my DM’s - she said that Jelena looked like one of those knitted toilet roll covers that they used to have in the 70s (if anyone else is old enough to remember them!)

Fizzywinegum · 11/07/2022 12:45

Like this!

TENNIS THREAD- We've mowed the grass, and now it's onwards to the hard courts!
Raahh · 11/07/2022 12:51

Jane I haven't got around to personal topiary yet- that's more work than the garden.
Fizzy GrinWe had one of those.

It's quite warm in Manchester. Cutting the grass nearly did me in- even though my patch of grass is in the shade.

DD2 has her sports day on Wednesday- I hate primary sports day, and even though it's the last one I will have to do, I am tempted to fabricate a medical emergency for her. She would be happy if I did. Lockdown had it's advantages- and not having to stand around a school playground whilst dc chucked bean bags at hoops in 30 degree heat was one of them. <killjoy>

OP posts:
JaneJeffer · 11/07/2022 14:19

My cousins had one of those in their house. I think Jelena needs to get the matching bonnet Grin

ChessieFL · 11/07/2022 14:30

I’ve just seen someone on another thread with the username 700DrinksWoman Grin

Sulusu · 11/07/2022 14:36

I'm honestly expecting the US government to cave in some form or another to allow Djokovic to play the US Open.

Whether you agree with Wimbledon's russia ban or not, at least they stood firm about it in accordance with gov rules. I don't see the US Open doing the same thing. It's far more sponser driven than Wimbledon IMO.

700DrinksWoman · 11/07/2022 21:23

Why, thank you for noticing Chessie I am a serial name changer but I'm much more into Dancing.

There is a funny picture going round about why Dick lost. (Well I thought it was funny)

Thanks for the Prime Link, l am going to reshuffle my sports watching priorities so I can watch more tennis.

fizzy enjoy the graduation

Iactually want one of those toilet dolls

TENNIS THREAD- We've mowed the grass, and now it's onwards to the hard courts!
theskyisbluernow · 11/07/2022 21:59

Marking my place for more tennis talk. Felt slightly bereft today, and though didn't mow either the lawn or myself, did get a bit more "achieving" done than I have in a fortnight. Did also have COVID though - boy, whatever strain I had was really nasty, so all stay safe and avoid it if you can.

JaneJeffer · 11/07/2022 22:14

Ha I thought it was you Dancing! I think you should have changed to WorstHangoverEver today 

Hope you're feeling better @theskyisbluernow

Gratuitous Rafa pic attached

Some of the other threads about various Wimbledon things got a bit heated.

TENNIS THREAD- We've mowed the grass, and now it's onwards to the hard courts!
JaneJeffer · 11/07/2022 22:16

Weird my paragraphs got transposed there. Is MN playing up again?

IceandIndigo · 11/07/2022 22:25

I had to go back to work today, so that distracted me from the tennis void. My colleagues were talking about Jelena’s pink dress and Prince George being made to wear a suit in the heat… and apparently also picking his nose at some point, although I missed that. The Prime coverage looks great 😊

Fizzywinegum · 11/07/2022 22:33

Ha ha thanks 700DrinksWoman - love the name change!

It’s still hot in Manchester but hopefully a bit cooler tomorrow - glad that I don’t have to wear a cap and gown

I think I saw George about to pick his nose Ice but the camera quickly panned away!

Gratuitous pictures of Rafa always welcome Jane Grin


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JaneJeffer · 11/07/2022 22:35

He must have worms Grin

Congratulations to your DS Fizzy

ChessieFL · 12/07/2022 06:46

I did wonder if 700DrinksWoman would turn out to be someone from this thread!

Raahh · 12/07/2022 07:09

Grin Dancing

Fizzy Good luck today for your ds- a bit cloudier this morning in Manchester, might not be as hot, but it's muggy.

Love the pic of Rafa, Jane.

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