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180 replies

jenk1 · 23/12/2007 12:40

anyone know when this starts and who is in the line up?

i think i read that Gareth Gates and Linda Lusardi might be in it but apart from that i dont know anyone else.

OP posts:
MaureenMLove · 24/02/2008 21:08

Shame for Linda, I thought they were as good as each other. It should have been Greg, but I since I don't vote on these things, what do I know!

bossybritches · 24/02/2008 21:30

TBH I think Greg is ONLY in because the Great British Public (god love 'em!)

are a) giving him the sympathy vote

or b) doing it to wind up Jason

......................& possibly both!!!

Saturn74 · 24/02/2008 22:09

It was a shame for Linda.
And Greg is extremely pants - his poor partner looks constantly embarrassed.

anniebear · 24/02/2008 23:37

Jason should never have said if Greg gets in the final he will quit.......cue everyone voting for Greg!!!

bossybritches · 25/02/2008 06:57


Nothing the GBP love better than a challenge!

LIZS · 25/02/2008 07:44

Did I blink and miss Zaraah's "jump" ? tbh she should have been eliminated on the basis that she didn't really attempt it, in the same way as Tim Vincent was. Mind you not sure for how much longer we could tolerate Linda's plastic features.

unknownrebelbang · 25/02/2008 09:00

I would have preferred Zaraah to have been given the boot, but it's academic really, neither of them would have made the final.

Jason, shut up!

I think you're right, if a bit...erm...blunt...but the voting public love the underdog, especially if they think they're hard done to.

LieselVonTrapp · 25/02/2008 09:46

Me too, cause now I dont know anybody on it

RosaIsRed · 03/03/2008 13:22

Yet again, it is left to me to resurrect the DoI thread? Doesn't anyone CARE? Greg has finally got what he deserves and the judges marked Suzanne down unfairly AGAIN this week - it is gripping stuff you know.
Plus all the injuries - which ITV are not exaggerating to try to generate a bit of suspense AT ALL.

collision · 03/03/2008 13:26

who was in the skate-off?

LieselVonTrapp · 03/03/2008 13:28

zhara and greg

LieselVonTrapp · 03/03/2008 13:28

dont know why zara cause she was the best of them all

tegan · 03/03/2008 13:29

Greg and zaraah were in the skate off but greg went. Should of been zaraah as she was crap last night

RosaIsRed · 03/03/2008 13:32

Not as crap as Greg, who basically just pushed a broom and a table around. I thought Suzanne was really good, and was marked very harshly.

Fimbo · 03/03/2008 13:35

I actually liked Greg's skating this week. At least he brought a bit of fun to it.

Zaraah next to go I reckon. The public just aint warming to the poor lass.

LieselVonTrapp · 03/03/2008 13:36

why not? i dont do the personality thing I just think shes the better skater. i have no idea who she is tho

Fimbo · 03/03/2008 13:40

That's why Liesel because no-one know who she is. Aggie stayed in for so long even although she was crap because the whole of Scotland was voting for her. (with the exception of you!).

Zaraah was in Coronation Street for a wee while.

RosaIsRed · 03/03/2008 13:41

In general, women contestants seem to be less popular than men. The first four voted off were women, and they were by no means the worst four. And last week was two women in the skate off. I wonder if it has to do with the audience profile?

Freckle · 03/03/2008 14:02

Robin Cousins was on television this morning trying to persuade people that Chris Fountain having played ice hockey doesn't give him an advantage over the others because it is a different type of skating and different blades. But what about confidence on the ice, what about balance, etc.? Surely these are a huge advantage over someone who has never skated before?

LieselVonTrapp · 03/03/2008 14:06

i dunno who he is either

Freckle · 03/03/2008 14:08

Who? Robin Cousins or Chris Fountain??

LieselVonTrapp · 03/03/2008 14:12

Chris Fountain


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dizzydixies · 03/03/2008 14:16

chris fountain is is hollyoaks, he was the one who had twin sisters who died in fire I think, father who commited suicide, fell in love with his married teacher, had an affair with her and got her pregnant and subsequently fell out with her got her put in the jail where she was murdered and baby was brought up by her husband but have just found out, due to baby having lukemia that he IS the father and will need to donate bone marrow, girlfriend is sister of local 'gangster' and she is currently sleeping with one of her flatmates

no wonder he's fecked off to the skating I ouldn't bother getting out my bed after all that!?

MummyPenguin · 03/03/2008 17:03

I think the problem with Zaraah is that she's quite annoying. When she's having the little chat with Phil and Chris and Jayne after her skate, and sometimes in her VT, she's just quite annoying with the things she says and the way she says them. It's that whole "I'm really trying too hard to be witty and appealing" thing. The public just don't buy it.

MaryAnnSingleton · 03/03/2008 17:18

I think that about Suzanne -

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