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180 replies

jenk1 · 23/12/2007 12:40

anyone know when this starts and who is in the line up?

i think i read that Gareth Gates and Linda Lusardi might be in it but apart from that i dont know anyone else.

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bossybritches · 11/02/2008 13:35

Yes allegedly no love lost between Zaraah & Suzanne!!!

bossybritches · 11/02/2008 13:36

I do think Linda-althoug improving- is not up to the others standard now. Her routine was disappointing but I can't work out why??!

unknownrebelbang · 11/02/2008 13:41

Linda's appeared better than she is because of Dan, I think.

bossybritches · 11/02/2008 14:01

Yes he's so good isn't he & a sweetie....bit sneaky of her though moving him in with the family - bet they practice LOADS!!

Wonder what her hubby thinks of it all? ( yes I know Dan is gay but....)

Mr Lusardi aka Sam Kane

unknownrebelbang · 11/02/2008 14:30

Don't know, it's a tad unusual, isn't it?

I like Sam Kane, I used to love watching him in some daft Channel 5 programme with Suggs.

MummyPenguin · 11/02/2008 22:38

I'm glad Tim went, I didn't like him. Smarmy. Yes, Chris (amazing) has skated before (ice hockey) however, the skating he's doing with DOI is very different to ice hockey. In ice hockey there are no toe picks like there are with speed/figure skating, and the addition of toe picks if you're not used to them can really throw you and catch you out. You do have to learn a new way of skating.

Greg must surely go next week, if not Steve. It's got to be Greg though, he always looks as though he's on the verge of falling over.

bossybritches · 11/02/2008 22:57

I know MP isn't it amazing he always looks so confident on the tennis court but the poor thing is just like a gangly teenager on the ice-not sure where to put himself??!!

Mind you compared to the little doll he has dancing with him anyone would look big!

I guess though even if ice hockey is a DIFFERENT way of skating Chris will still have the balance & confidence on the ice the others wouldn't have?

Whatever it is great to watch!

RosaLuxOnTheBrightSideOfLife · 19/02/2008 21:43

Blimey, did nobody watch it this week then.
FWIW I think the judges were mean to Suzanne. And Greg really HAS to go next week.

posieflump · 19/02/2008 21:44

oh I hope Linda whats-her-face goes. She annoys me for some reason

MaryAnnSingleton · 19/02/2008 22:40

did watch it, but got a bit bored...

bossybritches · 20/02/2008 11:22

Yep we did Rosa- agree with you about greg he has SO got to go -he's terrible!!

Posie-I'm glad it's not just me who gets annoyed by Linda- is it cos she just tries SO hard to be nice??? Her teeth annoy me too-totally irrational- but she's obviously had "work" done & it looks so false!!

MaryAnnSingleton · 20/02/2008 19:58

I feel bad,as I did with old Aggie,and should support the older woman, but feel a bit eeww about Linda.

bossybritches · 21/02/2008 07:18

Yes MAS she is a bit errr well "mutton" as my old nan used to say!!

nappyaddict · 21/02/2008 16:22

is anyone going to see the live tour?

MaryAnnSingleton · 21/02/2008 16:42

think my SIL is

nappyaddict · 21/02/2008 16:49

oooh where. i'm going to the nia.

MaryAnnSingleton · 21/02/2008 17:46

Birmingham ?

nappyaddict · 21/02/2008 18:08

yeah the nia in birmngham.

RosaIsRed · 24/02/2008 18:07

Looking forward to tonight. We took the DDs to see the Holiday on Ice show with Kyran Bracken in it on Friday. I have to say he got the biggest cheer of the show, but it certainly wasn't for his skating, which was very pedestrian compared to the professionals in the show. It really was quite spectacular.

MaryAnnSingleton · 24/02/2008 18:08

he is just lovely though

Saturn74 · 24/02/2008 18:09

can someone please tell me who was voted out last week?

MaureenMLove · 24/02/2008 18:29

umm, I think it was Steve Backley.

I wish i could dance like Torvill and Dean!


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unknownrebelbang · 24/02/2008 19:59

I love watching Torville and Dean.

I didn't see Suzanne's dance tonight (although I did see her mark) but everyone else stumbled at some point tonight.

jenk1 · 24/02/2008 20:46

should be gareth that goes through and linda and zaarah do the skate off.

dont know who should go out of those two though.

OP posts:
jenk1 · 24/02/2008 20:47

come on zaarah!

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