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Virgin River Season 3

132 replies

InTheCludgie · 20/06/2021 22:36

Confirmed for 9th July! Anyone else a fan?

OP posts:
Nuggetnugget · 18/07/2021 22:24

Mel would have money from her husbands death / life insurance.
I didn't notice her looking different though no jogs. Smarter wear

Elune · 18/07/2021 22:32

So in the books, Mel has a lot of money because of selling their house in LA and I think she gets life insurance and also wrongful death money because her husband died in a robbery. But I guess the house in LA+ life insurance and any savings her husband had in the show might be a lot?

Towerofjoyless · 19/07/2021 07:18

There was a flashback scene around ep8 or 9 where Mel is jogging in the park with her husband, she's wearing a top which shows her belly and it looks fairly flat. But yes, up until that point I suspected pregnancy too!
I loved series 2 and rewatched it after finishing but doubt I'll do the same with this one

ChloeAndRadcliffe · 19/07/2021 10:22

Yes, I think the Charmaine storyline has been the most badly-handled one. I thought several months had passed from the opening scene to the one where Jack was back at the bar - because, you know, recovering from a gunshot wound takes time, so when Charmaine had no bump to speak of, I thought she must have already had the babies. Then when it turned out she was still pregnant, I found it completely unbelievable and just felt irritated every time she was on screen! My boss at a previous job was pregnant with twins and by week 24, she was huge - waddling around and having trouble using her computer because she couldn't get close enough to her desk to type 🤣 She was really short, so it looked more extreme, but still...

jay55 · 19/07/2021 13:35

Same I totally thought the babies must have been born during the break. Then was so confused.

Bluntness100 · 19/07/2021 13:38

I was also surprised about charmaine lack of a bump. I didn’t understand how so much had occured and with twins she’s still hardly showing. At one point I also thought they’d been born.

Suspect next series Todd is going to turn out to be a very bad man, the red flags are already there in terms of being controlling. Suspect some drama to come there.

LavenderAskew · 19/07/2021 17:37

Yes, it was confusing. Didn't help that they kept referring to "the twins" like they were born and in existence, such as "looking after the twins".

ineedanewbum · 20/07/2021 08:16


The actress that plays Lily reminds me of Caitlyn Jenner.

Series 3 was really weird, I don't know what to make of it.

This!! Image of Caitlyn Jenner.

Didn't enjoy this season at all. Charmaine with no bump was just ridiculous. I thought Mel was pregnant in real life also. As the season went on it became very predictable.

Mike is obviously the one who shot Jack and is framing Brady. He is the reason the drug dealer guy had the charges dropped - he could get to Spencer too. I also don't like Brady though. Just one of those people who is constantly landing themselves in trouble. No common sense.

How did Mel end up getting a text saying she was pregnant? I'm not sure how embryo transfer works but wouldn't she need to either go to the clinic to be tested or else do a normal home pregnancy test?

It was also predictable that Sally was not to be trusted I thought. Wasn't surprised she drugged Preacher.

Just found it all a bit predictable really. Its a pity as I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons.
GetTaeFuck · 20/07/2021 10:33

It feels like we are no further on story wise than we were at the end of S1!

As for Brady - fuck him. Women aren’t rehab centres for men. Brie should drop him like a hot rock, regardless of if he shot Jack or not.

Charmaine is doing with Todd what she wanted from Jack. Which is why she’s ignoring all the red flags.

Pl242 · 21/07/2021 07:30

I’ve just binge watched the season. I still enjoy it for the escapism, beautiful scenery and I like the small town/older character stuff.

But the pacing just seems really off. It starts only a few weeks after the shooting, but Jack is then fine and hope already gone. Bree suddenly there but not really introduced.

Some storylines were really pedestrian and slow yet there were all these fast paced things which jarred. Charmaine marrying someone in 3 seconds, Mel uncharacteristically deciding to get an embryo implanted on impulse in a day, Bree falling for Brady out if nowhere and inconsistently re what else she’s been going through. Preacher not letting the kid go to a sleepover yet blithely following a woman into the woods.

It’s all a bit jarring. Even for a melodrama. Though I’ll probably watch the next season anyway.

Bluntness100 · 21/07/2021 10:19

To be fair I enjoyed it, I did think they’d messed the timings up though, jacks recovery from a gun shot v charmaine hardly showing, and Mels egg implant thing. It was also clear hope wasn’t going to be coming back to the series, and charmaines marriage, although very quick should also add to the timeline and her bump.

I think thr preacher Paige story line is becoming a bit far fetched too.

And that guy joining the marines, he seems the least likely marine ever 😂

ChloeAndRadcliffe · 21/07/2021 10:34

Yes! I'm sure marines must have to be able to lift/press a certain weight - I had to do that just to join the police. That guy looks like he has even less upper body strength than I do.

Ineedaduvetday · 21/07/2021 12:01

I find Jacks craggy looks combined with his waxed chest rather incongruous.

His chest is one of the reasons I watch it Grin

KatherineJaneway · 21/07/2021 12:27

I found the writing all over the place this season. Jack had tears in his eyes so often I wondered if he had shares in Kleenex.

Chairmane's lack of bump was really noticeable.

Agree with pp that Mike is framing Brady and he is the one who shot Jack and is an inside man for Calvin.

I'll watch the next series buy hope the writing improves.

harknesswitch · 22/07/2021 21:28

I've just finished watching it.

Charmaine's bump, or lack of, with twins is ridiculous, is she having a gestation period of an elephant.

Mel having an embro implanted and then a positive pregnancy result, the gestation period of a hamster.

Hope's accident and obvious excuse to not come back to the series.

I also thought Mel was pregnant at the start of the season, more so than Charmaine

But for easy, mind numbing series with lovely views and Jack's occasional shirt off moments it was good and I enjoyed it.

youngestisapsycho · 22/07/2021 22:18

Jack just looked dirty all the time!

bonfireheart · 23/07/2021 09:07

Jack looks a mess and honestly I feel a bit bleurgh every time I see him since I saw pics of him online with his v v young girlfriend.

EasterIssland · 23/07/2021 09:18


Jack looks a mess and honestly I feel a bit bleurgh every time I see him since I saw pics of him online with his v v young girlfriend.

they're not together anymore @bonfireheart!
but Martin doesn't look as hot as he used to few months ago for me... he needs a damm haircut irl! :D
bonfireheart · 23/07/2021 16:09

Everytime I see Jack I think how no way would a female actor be a main love interest if she looked like that- he needs a haircut and a jetwash.

KatherineJaneway · 23/07/2021 16:22

I forgot he used to play Nathan Riggs in Grey's Anatomy

ChloeAndRadcliffe · 23/07/2021 16:43

I never thought he was really good enough for Mel, and I don't think they're a very convincing couple. They remind me of Lorelei and Luke from Gilmore Girls, craggy, scruffy-looking man with terrible dress sense and many arseholish traits paired with a much more attractive and intelligent woman who somehow manages to overlook his arseholishness even when there are other options around.

SandysMam · 24/07/2021 13:40

I am watching now, the Charmaine having no bump story is an absolute clanger! I don’t understand how they can have thought this was ok?? She would be at least 20 weeks by now at the very very minimum, and 20 weeks with twins is big bump territory!!


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isthismylifenow · 25/07/2021 19:59

I binged all 10 episodes yesterday.


At the end I just did a sigh and an eye roll.

I feel like they just chucked in any old storyline ( which there wasn't much of) to get the season over with. It's just the same repeating story since season 1 with a few other bits added in.

I won't bother with season 4.

bigbaggyeyes · 25/07/2021 21:50

In no situation at all, would anyone in Mel's situation say

Spoiler alert just in case ....

'I don't know if you're the father' why, just why! Wouldn't you explain about the IVF. I know it's a cliff hanger but I ended up tutting and turning the telly off. Nearly as bad as Charmaine and her 'twins' which don't seem to be growing at all

isthismylifenow · 26/07/2021 08:04


In no situation at all, would anyone in Mel's situation say

Spoiler alert just in case ....

'I don't know if you're the father' why, just why! Wouldn't you explain about the IVF. I know it's a cliff hanger but I ended up tutting and turning the telly off. Nearly as bad as Charmaine and her 'twins' which don't seem to be growing at all


I know, it is just so ridiculous....


I don't know which annoyed me the most:

The non bump
The fact that Charmaine was so ill she couldn't even get up, to weeks later having met someone, and low and behold even married.
Jack needing some shampoo
Lizzy's eyebrows
Mel and her 'no-one else can go through anything that I haven't already'
Going for IVF treatment in a weekend, and then getting a positive pregnancy message a few days later without even having a pregnancy test
The fact that Brie was 6 months pregnant by her abuser but didn't know she was pregnant, and another non bump
I could go on. But I won't.
Its been quite therapeutic though. I cannot believe I was waiting for his season to come out, and this is what we got!
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