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Virgin River Season 3

132 replies

InTheCludgie · 20/06/2021 22:36

Confirmed for 9th July! Anyone else a fan?

OP posts:
MrsDThomas · 11/07/2021 07:39

Im really late to the party.

Im on S1 E 3. Its good!

SpeckledFrogsLog · 11/07/2021 08:49

No spoilers but I want to go to a Lumberjack Games!!

AlphabetAerobics · 11/07/2021 08:57

Binged the whole lot on Friday - not as engaging as the previous series. Never knew embryo transfer was just like booking a manicure... phone for random appointment, show up.

Hope is possibly my favourite character, so disappointed not to have her around.

ChloeAndRadcliffe · 11/07/2021 09:05

I've finished it now and I'm also struggling with the embryo transfer thing! Is it really that quick?

I didn't enjoy it as much as previous series but there sure are enough cliffhangers to make people come back for series 4. I felt like the big "what will happen to Jack" question from the end of series 2 was rather fudged, though, with just a jump to an unspecified time later and him looking perfectly well!

Notonthestairs · 11/07/2021 09:38

I haven't seen the episode that relates to embryo transfer but I have had it done. Process itself is very quick but the timing is crucial. Normally happens on Day 5. You get regular updates as to how the embryos are coming along and then 2 are chosen.
I freaked out and worried they'd fall out so I didn't go to the toilet for hours - madness Grin

I'm on episode 4 but won't get chance to watch any more til tomorrow evening.

Forestdweller11 · 11/07/2021 09:55

I've binge watched. Thought it was boring. Turgid, and I loved series 1 and 2 and this isn't a patch on those.

AlphabetAerobics · 11/07/2021 10:14

Notonthestairs No "timing", just a "thing I might do today as I've got nothing else planned"! 😂

Notonthestairs · 11/07/2021 11:29

Grin yeah that definitely doesn't reflect my experience. It was nerve wracking. But I did get a photo of my boy as a blastocyst (something like 8 cells) so that's quite cool.

Ulysses · 11/07/2021 12:19

I’m rewatching the episode I dozed off to yesterday and I’m now trying to figure out if real life Mel is pregnant. She’s wearing a fitted dress in one scene but then in another outdoor shot there’s a strategically placed bad and she’s wearing a dozen layers!

Ulysses · 11/07/2021 12:19

*bag not bad.

InTheCludgie · 11/07/2021 13:48

Like pp's finding myself feeling confused re the timeline. I thought at first that Charmaine had had the twins but just couldn't remember as I dont have the best memory in the world! What is that shrinking bump all about?

OP posts:
CloseYourEyesAndSee · 11/07/2021 16:19

I'm watching it and it's pretty boring.
I liked the dramatic storylines - Paige on the run and the drug dealers, but there isn't much of them, just mel and Jack arguing. Charmaine is sleep walking into an abusive marriage but nobody has bothered mentioning it to her. Its a bit rubbish.

lemmein · 11/07/2021 16:28

I hate Mel! No matter the situation she makes it about her, to the point of anyone sharing their traumas ends up apologising to her for bringing back bad memories Hmm Literally never a situation she hasn't experienced worse - annoying woman!

Also the gaslighting of Charmaine - eurgh, just nasty.

I'll still watch though Grin

Ulysses · 11/07/2021 16:59

I was surprised it finished at the point it did. It feels like it was half a season with so many storylines hanging. I think we will be in season 10 before the twins make an appearance at this rate.

CloseYourEyesAndSee · 11/07/2021 17:11

And as if she would have said it the way she did without immediately clearing up any potential for misunderstanding Hmm

ChloeAndRadcliffe · 11/07/2021 18:22

So many of the "big issues" end up being resolved in one quick and easy conversation. Like when Brie let slip that Jack had been married before, but didn't think to say "Oh, but it was when he was really young and it only lasted five minutes", so it was like a big cliffhangery thing for about half an episode. And then when Mel confronted Jack, it was cleared up almost immediately. It feels a bit like creating false drama.

Notaroadrunner · 11/07/2021 22:56

Just finished it. Disappointed with the ending. So much to happen yet and God knows how long we'll have to wait for series 4.
Charmaine storyline was beyond frustrating. Why didn't she see through that nasty prick? It's not like she was with him for months and couldn't get away from him.
I found Hope to be a pain in the ass in series 1&2. Reckon Muriel is a better match for Vernon.
Ah well, I should have dragged it out over the week but ended up watching it in 2 days. I'll have to find something else to watch now.

bonfireheart · 12/07/2021 22:18

Is new season up now? I have no Internet or netflix atm, but got an email to say it was...

Notaroadrunner · 13/07/2021 00:06


Is new season up now? I have no Internet or netflix atm, but got an email to say it was...

Yes, it came out on Friday.
Notaroadrunner · 13/07/2021 00:07


Me! Love it. It’s like the grown up version of Chesapeake Shores - if anyone knows if this is coming back let me know.

It’s just generally feel good TV!

I've started Chesapeake Shores today - 4 episodes done. It'll keep me going for a while Smile
LoveFall · 13/07/2021 00:18


I thought real life Mel might be pregnant too!

SometimesIFeedTheSparrows · 13/07/2021 11:20

Mel's face around the jaw is screaming pregnant to me. Plus the baggy clothes and the carrying of bags pulled over the stomach. The Internet has questions but no answers.

Also - the actress that plays Lily - what's going on with her mouth?


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AlphabetAerobics · 13/07/2021 11:27

Thank you for the Chesapeake Shores - sounds ideal. I mean I know Virgin River is hardly Anna Karenina... but it's easy viewing and doesn't tax the brain!

I too thought Mel was pregnant - there was a definite bump in a few scenes - but then flat in others. Usually there are shots of her sprinting through the woods in lycra but none this time.

I am not a fan of Christopher. Not very charitable I know. Whiny little git!

Hels20 · 13/07/2021 18:53

Let me know when we can discuss it! I think the span of the series was about 6 weeks - judging by Charmaine’s (lack of) bump.

Re questions about Embryo Transfer - think it usually takes about 5 or 6 days of injections but you have to be at right time of your cycle. Not sure how long the visit lasted for.

Hels20 · 13/07/2021 18:54

Ps I liked Brie and want to know more about Brady.

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