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Virgin River Season 3

132 replies

InTheCludgie · 20/06/2021 22:36

Confirmed for 9th July! Anyone else a fan?

OP posts:
ChloeAndRadcliffe · 13/07/2021 21:14

Yeah, Christopher is a bit annoying, but then his mum has just vanished with no explanation and left him with some randomer who won't let him have a sleepiver, so I can sort of see why he's so whiny!

Hels20 · 13/07/2021 21:19

Yep - totally weird that Preacher wouldn’t let him have a sleepover.

AlphabetAerobics · 14/07/2021 09:39

I'd love to see Brady come good under Brie's influence.

Yeh, Preacher wouldn't let him have a sleepover... but DID happily follow the woman into the forest AFTER that bloke had been seen in the same town.

As for Charmaine - she needs to get herself over to Relationships and receive the double-whammy of "LTB" and "stop chasing men and work on yourself".

LavenderAskew · 14/07/2021 19:48

I'm just watching. Loved series 1 and 2 for being such mindless viewing and the way so many storylines were piled on every character. So were so mental.

So far, I have not been disappointed with the daftness!!!

Shmithecat2 · 15/07/2021 14:34

I'm now very fond of Muriel, she's so sweet. I feel sad for her. Preacher needs to find a pair, and all of a sudden, Brady is quite attractive. Brie is very good for him. The whole season is pretty dire tbf, up to ep8. It's picked up a bit since then. Am halfway through ep9.

northernstars · 15/07/2021 22:35

I also thought Mel looked more pregnant than Charmaine. I feel like they're adding too many dramatic storylines at once. Ruined Coronation Street and I can see this going the same way!

Its90minutestonight · 15/07/2021 22:46

Not loving this season so far.

Nuggetnugget · 17/07/2021 09:21

Can we discuss it a bit more?
I finished it yesterday.

ElderMillennial · 17/07/2021 14:43

I am very excited for S3!

ThePontiacBandit · 17/07/2021 15:09

I was underwhelmed. Liked but didn’t love the first two series but found them watchable. This series was just so over done. Too many dramatic story lines without enough light relief.

WellThisIsShit · 17/07/2021 18:43

It’s weirdly dramatic and yet sluggishly slow moving

FakeColinCaterpillar · 17/07/2021 23:49

I watch this even thought I hate it!
When will charmaine actually look pregnant, it’s twins, hasn’t any time passed? She should be massive by now. But I agree I thought Mel was pregnant several times.
I thought Mel would buy Lily’s farm. I assume Hope couldn’t actually be on set for some reason.

CloseYourEyesAndSee · 18/07/2021 03:20


Mel's face around the jaw is screaming pregnant to me. Plus the baggy clothes and the carrying of bags pulled over the stomach. The Internet has questions but no answers.

Also - the actress that plays Lily - what's going on with her mouth?

She's had a shit load of cosmetic surgery. It always irritates me when actors who have had visible face modifications play parts of people who would never have had that in real life. It is too far out of believable.
ChloeAndRadcliffe · 18/07/2021 11:01

I don't think Alexandra Breckenbridge is pregnant, it just looked like she'd put on a tiny bit of weight. I'm in no way being bitchy, she obviously isn't overweight, she was just very slim before and is now just averagely slim!

Nuggetnugget · 18/07/2021 11:05

Hope couldn't be on set due to lockdown.
I find it hard to believe that Charmaine newly pregnant with twins would meet and marry a man before her bump was showing. So a matter of weeks. It's hard without having extra issues / life challenges to meet and marry someone so quickly in real life.

HappyGirl86 · 18/07/2021 16:28


Can we discuss it a bit more?
I finished it yesterday.

What did you think??
I thought it was all quite depressing until the last episode when loads seemed to happen.
I didn't find it as much of an "easy watch" as last series!
ThePontiacBandit · 18/07/2021 17:11

I couldn’t believe it went from a cliffhanger end of season 2 to live pretty much back to normal. I wondered if Jack was dreaming in a coma to start with!

WinterBerry7 · 18/07/2021 18:22

I know it’s not exactly meant to be realistic but I found the storylines this season a bit too far fetched.
Charmaine has gotten over hyperemesis, met someone, got engaged and married before she even has a bump?
Mel could just call up and arrange an embryo transfer same day with no prep that results in her being pregnant?
Finding the Preacher storyline annoying tbh, as well as Lizzie and the other guy (can’t even remember his name!) teen love story. Not sure why it gets so much airtime.

SometimesIFeedTheSparrows · 18/07/2021 18:23


I couldn’t believe it went from a cliffhanger end of season 2 to live pretty much back to normal. I wondered if Jack was dreaming in a coma to start with!

Jack barely had a scar either, which for 3 weeks healing isn't bad.

That's the stuff that stood out: Charmaine's smaller bump than end of last season and quick acquisition of new husband out of nowhere; Jack walking round like he wasn't shot; Brie appeared and Hope disappeared; Mel stopped wearing gym gear and running and started wearing baggy clothes and carrying bags in front of her stomach; Lily had a face-lift and her baby was in suspended animation. And none of them said anything about any of it Shock Hmm

But apparently there's 22 books to adapt so there will be a few more series to come Grin
Elune · 18/07/2021 18:26

The actress that plays Lily reminds me of Caitlyn Jenner.

Series 3 was really weird, I don't know what to make of it.

CloseYourEyesAndSee · 18/07/2021 18:52


The actress that plays Lily reminds me of Caitlyn Jenner.

Series 3 was really weird, I don't know what to make of it.

JacquelineCarlyle · 18/07/2021 21:14

I'm on episode 2. I loved the first 2 series but not feeling this so much and not sure I've much to look forward to given this thread!

Seems really weird how the cliffhanger from season 2 was done within the first 2 minutes of episode 1. Totally agree Re Charmaine not showing - very bizarre and makes me feel like maybe the twins have already been born but then again, the abandoned baby from season 1 still only looks a couple of months old?!!


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Bluntness100 · 18/07/2021 21:17

Suspect thr actress who plays Mel is pregant in real life, hence the outfit changes.

EasterIssland · 18/07/2021 21:31

She’s not

Alexandra is a proud mother of two. However, during the filming of her pregnancy arc on Virgin River, she was not pregnant in real life.

Hels20 · 18/07/2021 22:15

Spoilers contained in post below….I think we need to discuss.

I think Muriel came across really well in this series.
I liked her.

I found Preacher just erm…wet…can’t believe he fought in Iraq.

The Embryo Transfer was weird. Unless she was with her sister for about 2.5 weeks. You have to prep.

I missed Hope a bit - so obviously Covid related.

I liked Brady and Brie together; Ricky and Lizzie were sweet and I am pleased he is moving on.

Lily didn’t look like someone with terminal cancer - and I agree about a PP. what has she done to her face? She looks like Caitlyn’s sister!! I wondered if Jack and Mel would move on to the farm. Where did Mel get the money to gift like that?

I loved the first two series - possibly because of the sexual tension between Mel and Jack - but this series was a damp squib.

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