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The Crown - series 3

694 replies

southeastdweller · 08/11/2019 22:45

I'm so looking forward to seeing this when it returns next Sunday!

OP posts:
VanyaHargreeves · 17/11/2019 19:35

The two very young girls as the young Princesses doing the accents do a much better job...

AllTheWhoresOfMalta · 17/11/2019 19:39

Starting this later so placemarking.

MurrayTheMonk · 17/11/2019 19:42

I'm on episode two-and loving it.

VanyaHargreeves · 17/11/2019 19:47

Also, I doubt this was the creators intention but Margaret though a fascinating character in small doses must have been a right fucking pain in the arse in all respects in real life.

Andylion · 17/11/2019 19:50

I love Tobias Menzies, he is the main draw for me, he was brilliant in Outlander

I agree 100% with this!

CaptainMyCaptain · 17/11/2019 20:02

Also, I doubt this was the creators intention but Margaret though a fascinating character in small doses must have been a right fucking pain in the arse in all respects in real life. she was a massive pita though, it was well known. Read Ma'am darling by Craig Brown.

RuffleCrow · 17/11/2019 20:03

I was actually surprised at how much HBC seemed to blend into the role VK had left behind. She's never struck me as a 'blender' but then I'm only an episode in. I may change my mind again.

Housewife2010 · 17/11/2019 20:11

Olivia Colman looks far too old to play a 38 year old Queen. She looks well into her fifties in The Crown ( I know she's 45 IRL but looks much older here).

vivacian · 17/11/2019 20:12

Episode 3, Aberfan is a difficult watch.

I love Olivia Coleman and want to like her in this, but so far it's hit and miss for me. I'm not really getting a feel for Bonham-Carter's Margaret either.

Still loving Harold Wilson and Prince Philip. Going to hold off watching another episode until tomorrow.

sureiscold · 17/11/2019 20:18

Hello! I'm new here. I haven't seen s1 or 2 but I really want to watch 3! Can I pick it up? Or should I watch the first two?

Awrite · 17/11/2019 20:19

Yy to Tobias's voice sounding very Prince Charles-like.

The limericks of episode 2 were hilarious.

The sadness and horror of episode 3 is heartbreaking.

Not keen on either OC or HBC but I think we were spoiled with CF and VK.

Awrite · 17/11/2019 20:21

@sureiscold - definitely watched 1 and 2 first

Mooey89 · 17/11/2019 20:26

I’m really struggling with the aberfan episode

VanyaHargreeves · 17/11/2019 20:26

Oh absolutely 1 and 2 first

Brilliant telly

Fireextinguished · 17/11/2019 20:32

Don't normally do Netflix. Planning on signing up for a month. Is all the new series available now or do you have to wait for it to be released?

southeastdweller · 17/11/2019 20:37

Yes it's all available now, all ten episodes.

OP posts:
kenandbarbie · 17/11/2019 20:37

I'm on episode 7! Yey me! Where are you up to?

Reallybadidea · 17/11/2019 20:41

Loving the series so far, however a line in episode 3 jarred: "the families sung a hymn". Surely it should be sang?

onemorecakeplease · 17/11/2019 21:10

This is out today???? God I love mumsnet I'm away to get out of the bath and head for bed!
Thanks whoever started this thread!!!

Fireextinguished · 17/11/2019 21:19

Thank you. Marathon session planning started.

mazylou · 17/11/2019 21:51

And watched it all. My partner was delayed flying back home by 24 hours, had to be done.

Interesting new cast, I thought HBC smashed the Washington episode, but really, a little old for the part. OC got the whole “I don’t have emotional reactions” down pat. And Harold Wilson was phenomenal.

BestIsWest · 17/11/2019 22:07

Watched the first two episodes.
Loving Jason Watkins as Harold Wilson.

Warming to OC.


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BonnesVacances · 17/11/2019 22:16

I'm halfway through ep2 but am a bit distracted by the OC and HBC's terrible makeup. Super HD or whatever it's called is not doing it any favours!

So far I think the early actors tried harder at getting the right accents, but then I wondered if maybe they'd toned them down in RL? And it seems a bit lower budget and more dramatic. For example in the scene with the art guy, where it was obvious he and Philip were having words and then OC was gazing up at him. Considering it was all supposed to be hush hush, it was all a bit obvious imo. It would have piqued any reporter's interest surely? And OC didn't hide her disdain for him whereas I'm sure she would have hidden it well at the time.

southeastdweller · 17/11/2019 22:30

Just watched episode five - 'Coup' - which I felt was a bit slow compared to the previous four episodes but there was fabulous acting from Charles Dance and Jane Lapotaire in their scene together.

OP posts:
UncleMatthewsEntrenchingTool · 17/11/2019 22:35

I’ve started at the end and it’s fascinating how Charles and Camilla has been written. If the crown had been written 20 years ago the story would have been totally different.

I feel so sorry for the Charles character (I say character, I know the writers are twisting my feelings here.) When he finds out Camilla is marrying APB (I don’t think this is a spoiler!) and it’s worse because you just know what total disaster it will push him into shortly.

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