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The walking dead is on at 2.30am on Fox!!!

999 replies

Helgathehairy · 23/10/2016 17:56

Wanted to make this a separate thread to make it obvious.

I didn't know this until I saw it mentioned it somewhere else today. Fox are showing the walking dead at 2.30 am!

I won't manage to watch it - I'm 7 months pregnant and my 3 year old isn't sleeping well but if you were able, it would be cool.

OP posts:
Figgygal · 24/10/2016 14:02

I think I'm going to fast forward through the rough actual nursery parts I've heard it's absolutely grim.

I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan I have done since he was in Grays anatomy I don't care how evil character he is playing in this he still the most beautiful man alive he can kill whoever he wants 😄

EnidColeslaw771 · 24/10/2016 14:03

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cardibach · 24/10/2016 14:07

I was confused by the axe too. Negan threw it out and sent Rick after it. I didn't see Rick pick it up and then he climbed on the camper and it was there, so I thought I'd missed him throwing it up. Then he jumped back off and I didn't see him do anything with it, then he found it quite a way from the camper. Anyone see a load of stuff I didn't?

HateSummer · 24/10/2016 14:09

Yes, the axe is there and then Negan starts shooting and there's no axe on the roof and it ends up being on the ground somewhere. It's all very odd. I didn't get it.

EnidColeslaw771 · 24/10/2016 14:19

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cardibach · 24/10/2016 14:21

Negan didn't throw it up, he threw it out onto the floor didn't he?

EnidColeslaw771 · 24/10/2016 14:21

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cardibach · 24/10/2016 14:21

I may have to put myself through watching it again to sort this out.

cardibach · 24/10/2016 14:22

Yes Enid awesome. His eyes were completely convincing and definitely different after the Carl incident. There was actual snot too (or even more awesome makeup).

HateSummer · 24/10/2016 14:23

I didn't see any of that. I've watched it twice! I'm sure he threw the axe outwards.

EnidColeslaw771 · 24/10/2016 14:24

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DontOpenDeadInside · 24/10/2016 14:24

Just reached the caravan bit, and Negan throws the axe on the roof, then Rick's gets up and picks it up, jumps on hanging walker and drops it, then picks it up again when he drops. If that makes sense? But it seems to drop quite a distance from the hanging walker.

EnidColeslaw771 · 24/10/2016 14:27

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EnidColeslaw771 · 24/10/2016 14:27

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ColonelSamanthaCarter · 24/10/2016 14:30

wow. brilliant, gory but brutal and sad, hard to watchShock

HateSummer · 24/10/2016 14:32

Ok I just watched and paused and Negan does throw it on the roof, there's a bang on the roof. Then Rick picks it up as he runs towards the hanging zombie and the axe drops. It's all very subtle. The fog wasn't helpful.

HateSummer · 24/10/2016 14:33


Yes the axe ends up far away from where he dropped it.

SpaceUnicorn · 24/10/2016 14:36

I don't know what Kodi is (Luddite that I am), so I'll check that out, ta Smile

DontOpenDeadInside · 24/10/2016 14:37

Meant "rewatched" up there ^
Glens face was true to his comic book death. Very gross.

The walking dead is on at 2.30am on Fox!!!
Figgygal · 24/10/2016 14:46

Andrew Lincoln was very good!!

MiddleClassProblem · 24/10/2016 14:50

Just watched it, they were the two front runners for me and glad it wasn't just Abraham. When is he losing his bloody hand? So to speak...

MiddleClassProblem · 24/10/2016 14:51

I did g think it was as bad as Noah's death


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MiddleClassProblem · 24/10/2016 14:52

*didn't not did g

Bigfam · 24/10/2016 15:01

MiddleClassProblem I totally forgot about noah's death, I wrote in another thread that before Abe and Glenn that Hershels death was the worst. But noah's was shocking! Still think Glenn's was worse though

Bluebolt · 24/10/2016 15:03

The most gruesome for me was when they where sat round the fire eating Bob's leg. That scene will haunt me forever.

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