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Good Wife UK thread (NO SPOILERS please)

369 replies

northender · 05/04/2014 21:33

Thought I'd start this as I'm not enjoying the other thread now with so many people on it who have seen US episodes.

OP posts:
littlemrssleepy · 16/05/2014 06:29

dust it's in 4od.

littlemrssleepy · 16/05/2014 06:31

Yes, Matthew Lillard. He was the killer in scream. He was very sweet in that episide

AntoinetteCosway · 16/05/2014 08:28

I've always liked Matthew Lillard-he's such an underrated actor I think.

avocadogreen · 16/05/2014 09:47

Ohhhh little that clip really made my day :-)

handcream · 16/05/2014 12:27

Bit confused. That clip where Will was asking for Alicia to take him back just before he was shot. Was that wishful thinking by Alicia or a real call?

Undercurrent · 16/05/2014 16:00

Wishful thinking.

What didn't make sense to me was the fact that nobody at LG or Florrick Argos knew about the shooting until they were told by Diane or Alicia. All these lawyers seem to know each other and work in each other's firms/DA office - the news that a lawyer was killed would have spread like wildfire.

AmIGoingMad · 16/05/2014 16:06

Agreed undercurrent. I thought the same thing but figure they let the realistic element slide a little on that front so that the audience would get what they wanted and get to see everyone's reactions.

Do you reckon the ASA who was with Will at the end will remember Will's last words as being a message to give to Alicia when he's off the loopy inducing pain meds?

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/05/2014 16:07

Wishful thinkingSad

I criedBlush

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/05/2014 16:08

And what happened to Grace-she got a spray tan!Grin

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/05/2014 16:16

Why did they fire the client?Confused

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/05/2014 16:20

And did anyone notice Alica's dreadful peeling manicure?!Shock

AmIGoingMad · 16/05/2014 16:22

I think to make a point! Not great business sense granted but I quite liked the satisfaction it must have given when he had been a bit precious and unhappy to give any concessions to the situation.

AmIGoingMad · 16/05/2014 16:22

I didn't!Grin

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/05/2014 18:09

I noticed her nails when she was holding the phone listening to Will's message - I was totally distracted thinking why on EARTH didn't they do her nails while she was in hair and makeup!!

DustBunnyFarmer · 16/05/2014 22:29

I love Diane! That scene where she gave the pushy client his marching orders was fantastic, especially when she revealed she'd already spoken to the other firms. Attagirl!

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 16/05/2014 22:58

I love Diane's hair!

When Diane told Alicia that Will loved her I welled upSad

northender · 17/05/2014 01:10

dh and I just watched last night's episode on 4od. I thought it one of the best yet. The moment when Diane and Alicia hugged made me sob again. David Lee's part was fab tonight too. Loved it but felt drained by the end.

OP posts:
DustBunnyFarmer · 17/05/2014 07:42

What's David Lee's game? Was he sniffling in that side office because he was sad about Will or mega frustrated that it had stuffed up the partner's vote for the LA office? Did he have ambitions to lead the LA office? Or was it relief that Will was gone & he might finally get his hands on Will's throne in the Chicago office? All the immediate moving & shaking about their clients struck me as quite mercenary, if pragmatic.

TensionWheelsCoolHeels · 17/05/2014 10:12

I took David lees reaction to be genuine upset that will was dead, when the swinging brick morphed momentarily into an actual heart. The fact he did it where no one could see suggested he did feel something.

onedev · 17/05/2014 16:33

Totally agree Tension Smile

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 17/05/2014 16:36

Genuine upset at Will's death, he was beyond shocked. The fact he recoiled later on when Diane (?) touched his arm was to illustrate how uncomfortable he is with emotion.

AmIGoingMad · 17/05/2014 18:52

Tension I agree. I was wondering what was going on but then figured he had a reputation to uphold.

Do any of you think will would have given the ASA a love message for Alicia?


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DustBunnyFarmer · 17/05/2014 19:21

The ASA was so addled, I think there is more to come when his morphine is withdrawn. I also thought he was portrayed as gay with a bit of a thing for Will, so I was surprised when a wife & child were mentioned. It almost made me wonder why the hell his wife wasn't at his bedside & his assistant seemed to be his only support.

onedev · 17/05/2014 19:44

I agree DustBunny - I thought he fancied Will too.

Wonder who will be the beneficiary of his will as I don't think he had family so wonder if he'll have left anything to Alicia?

juneau · 17/05/2014 19:48

The thing is I thought Alicia and Will's affair was supposed to be a secret at the time (or maybe I've just forgotten?). But anyway, they broke up a couple of series ago and he's been seeing that chick Isabel (where is she??). So why, when Will died, did both Diane and Kalinda both immediately feel like they had to call Alicia? I know she and Will were old friends, but they've had kind of a big falling out lately, so why the rush to call her?

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