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Good Wife UK thread (NO SPOILERS please)

369 replies

northender · 05/04/2014 21:33

Thought I'd start this as I'm not enjoying the other thread now with so many people on it who have seen US episodes.

OP posts:
BuzzardBird · 09/05/2014 22:55

Interesting point onedev

northender · 09/05/2014 23:04

ds came home from school today having done a courtroom role play in humanities related to Henry VIII. Dd volunteered to be a barrister and when the prosecution referred to Henry's weight, ds stood up, "channeled Will Gardner" and said "Objection. Relevance?" Grin . Apparently the teacher was most impressed! That's my boyGrin
Still feel upset about Will's demise Sad

OP posts:
DustBunnyFarmer · 10/05/2014 07:38

I was shocked about Will's demise, but I'd started to find his character a bit grating this season. All the stuff about screwing Diane over/ousting her, employing the loopy Irishman, expanding into New York without proper consultation, let alone his behaviour towards Alicia. I thought he was behaving monstrously TBH - callous, reckless, dick-swinging machismo. Yes, I get the whole wounded bear thing (supposedly over Alicia's betrayal), but I had begun to find him deeply unlikeable. I think there are lots of other great performances/characters who will see us through - Nathan Lane's, Elspeth etc.

SpanishFly · 10/05/2014 09:12

They need to bring back Michael J Fox.

I had inadvertantly read a spoiler weeks ago so knew this was coming but I pictured it being a more dramatic/complicated storyline. Eg something to do with the ballot box evidence or lemond bishop.

Where IS Peter these days?

I hope this gives Alicia the final nudge to leave him. I suspect she'll become very very hard nosed and bitter in a few weeks.

When Eli took the phone call, there was a tiny hint of "phew, Will's out of the picture now :-)

SpanishFly · 10/05/2014 09:13

Rayofsun it's not a spoiler after the programme has aired in the UK!

onedev · 10/05/2014 09:51

I agree Spanish - I'm sure Eli is relieved & Peter will be too & they weren't exactly fans of Wills!

tribpot · 10/05/2014 10:18

I didn't see that in Eli's reaction (although I have seen a slightly longer cut of the scene in the next ep). You know he will be calculating what it means, though, and I suspect the two strands were:

  • is it good that the lawyer involved in the ballot box thing has been killed and
  • how badly is the First Lady of Illinois going to spin out of control?
minniebar · 11/05/2014 21:42

Yes that was what I thought Trib - Will's death makes Peter safer dammit

BookFairy · 13/05/2014 08:33

Oh yay glad I saw this thread as I just watch weekly episodes on More4 - none of this watching episodes further ahead online business!

I actually leapt off the sofa on Thursday night. Did not see it coming. I'm v intrigued as to how Alicia will cope in the coming weekz.

Bue · 13/05/2014 21:27

Where is Peter indeed? They have the oddest marriage.

And for that matter where are the Irish guy and the annoyingly zany girlfriend? The writers don't seem to have a very coherent plan for the overall storyline.

TheDietStartsTomorrow · 13/05/2014 21:33

Bue, I'd said the same things after watching the episode a few weeks ago.

I also thought about it for ages afterwards. My heart beat faster and I'd never felt so affected by a TV death before Will. I had to keep slapping myself and reminding myself it's not real life.

I thought I'd miss Will too, even though I didn't like him that much. But surprisingly, the show seems to work just as well without him too.

I have to say, the suddenness of it all really shook me and made me realise that so many people experience similar sudden losses every day. Life really is too short to not spend it wisely and too definitly too short for grudges.

onedev · 13/05/2014 21:34

Very true Diet Grin

AmIGoingMad · 13/05/2014 22:26

I'm so sad and cannot wait until Thursday for next episode! But I will.

I'm both looking forward to watching the performances such as Alicia and how she reacts both immediately and over the next few episodes, and also dreading them as I just know I'll end up in tears!

avocadogreen · 15/05/2014 20:36

Oh my goodness just realised it's Thursday- don't think I can bear to watch tonight! but I will

KoalaFace · 15/05/2014 20:59

I'm scared...

And very very sad Sad

How can a storyline from a TV show have played on my mind all week? I'm clearly a basket case.

AmIGoingMad · 15/05/2014 22:11

You and me both koala!

It was so sad but so well acted. Peter wound me up as he was obviously only concerned for what this would mean for his relationship with Alicia and not what she was actually going through.

I still can't believe he's gone.

Cary was hot tonight though as a silver lining.

I also loved Diane's treatment of that pompous client.

avocadogreen · 15/05/2014 22:13

Oh that was good,.but so sad :-( Alicia finally realising she chose the wrong man.

KoalaFace · 15/05/2014 22:20

Cary was very hot. He has upped his game this season.

Maybe that's why Kalinda gave in?

PoopMaster · 15/05/2014 22:28

What a great show, the writing and acting is brilliant - even down to that terribly awkward hug at the end.

It's so heartbreaking and seems so...real.

minniebar · 15/05/2014 22:36

I went to a funeral yesterday. Not a close friend but someone my age… man this was a tough episode to watch. I feel quite wrung out now.

KoalaFace · 15/05/2014 22:45

minnie Sad sounds like it's been a horrible day.

littlemrssleepy · 15/05/2014 23:03

I miss Will already Sad. I'm with you on it playing on my mind. And Alicia didn't even get to drink wine this evening. Just a glass of water from Grace. Harsh. That bit where she imagined Will saying it was all a mistake - for a millisecond got my hopes up!

This has cheered me up though.


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KoalaFace · 15/05/2014 23:08

Oh little I loved that episode!!

Is the actor who played the guy in the band called Matthew Lillard? He was so endearing! I smiled all the way through...

...if only I had known what was coming.

DustBunnyFarmer · 15/05/2014 23:36

Our cable is kaput at the mo. Anyone know if MoFo (more 4) makes Good Wife available on catch up, or alternatively if it repeats later in the week. Repair man booked for tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Italiangreyhound · 16/05/2014 01:32

So sad Will is gone. Awful episode last week but well acted.

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