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999 replies

SpanishFly · 24/05/2013 21:37

Just caught up with three episodes. On Wednesday's, when Chris and Amber were chatting outside the coffee shop/Lassiters, an extra walked past, who looked suspiciously like Scotty...

OP posts:
decaffwithcream · 13/06/2013 18:31

There are no other girls Callum and Baileys age in Erinsborough. Not since Sophie left. When Rani goes, that's it. Unless Brad conveniently brings a girl of exactly the right age for them, and a boy of exactly the right age for Amber...

CecyHall · 13/06/2013 19:19

Argh this whole Kate thing is pissing me off, I know it's to cause the whole dilemma of Brennan returning but seriously, she's been with Mason for about 2 minutes and she's acting as if they are married for 10 years.

Tortoise · 13/06/2013 19:36

There has to be a catch to Paul's offer. I think he will try and make sure Mason goes to jail.

Theimpossiblegirl · 13/06/2013 19:52

OMG I thought she looked familiar! Rebekah Emmalogou (sp?)from H&A- of course! I used to love Brad, really glad I saw this thread after watching my first Neighbours episode in years the other day. I'm hooked.

ShipwreckedAndComatose · 13/06/2013 22:14

Run! Turn around and run! While you still can!!!


Theimpossiblegirl · 13/06/2013 22:57

I'm putting it on the Sky+ box. Will have to delete some of DH's stuff to make room...

Tortoise · 13/06/2013 23:14

Teasing advertisement about Mondays episode earlier. Looks very good.

CecyHall · 14/06/2013 19:04

I usually watch the 7pm showing on 5* but they've taken it off for stupid big brother so we're having to record the earlier episode to watch at 7. But we've missed todays. So annoying!

CecyHall · 14/06/2013 19:12

Oh I've just found it on plus 1!

alemci · 15/06/2013 22:23

isn't Lucas upset about Vanessa taking Paddy. Isn't Paddy his biological son and now he is never mentioned. I thought Lucas was desperate to be part of a family etc. wouldn't he try to sort things out?

Steben · 16/06/2013 17:52

Officer Matt might as well be made of wood - I don't think I have ever seen anyone with such a lack of charisma.

Mason I can forgive as he is hot - however his ever changing hair is irritating me as is his zoolander style pouting.

Rebekah whatshername - did she get pregnant as a teen and then the father died and she wanted to call it a really weird name?!

Also does anyone else HATE Georgia?!

Tortoise · 16/06/2013 18:53

I was going to say about Georgia the other day but forgot.
I cant stand and her annoying voice.

Steben · 16/06/2013 18:57

I loathe Kate but part of me thinks she has been made less intolerable by the introduction of the hideous Georgia.

CecyHall · 16/06/2013 19:12

Steben- yes I think the boyfriend was called David and she wanted to call the baby Davida but then decided it wasn't fair to the baby I think.

The actor who plays Matt was nominated in the Australian/Asia PETA sexiest vegetarians Hmm

Fairygen · 16/06/2013 19:25

Is it just me, or does amber look about 25 years old??? She's supposed to be a schoolgirl!

Steben · 16/06/2013 19:29

Thanks Cecyhall that has been irritating me!

Pah sexiest vegetarian!

Steben · 16/06/2013 19:30

No Fairy she looks older than Kate!

AnneEyhtMeyer · 17/06/2013 14:21

Brad Willis looks nothing like Brad Willis.

GibberTheMonkey · 17/06/2013 14:35

I just choked on my coffee
Mason hot?

AnneEyhtMeyer · 17/06/2013 15:03

I can't see it myself, Gibber.

alemci · 17/06/2013 16:45

he looked more like Robert Carlyle.

AnneEyhtMeyer · 17/06/2013 17:36

Yes he did! Grin


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Steben · 17/06/2013 20:21

Yes hot Blush

Less so when he speaks but surely others agree he is easy on the eye?

GibberTheMonkey · 17/06/2013 21:06

Would prefer pretty much any other of the men

AnneEyhtMeyer · 17/06/2013 21:34

I think I would rank him second-last amongst all the men in Neighbours. Last would be Lou.

First, on the other hand, would be Paul. Blush

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