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SpanishFly · 24/05/2013 21:37

Just caught up with three episodes. On Wednesday's, when Chris and Amber were chatting outside the coffee shop/Lassiters, an extra walked past, who looked suspiciously like Scotty...

OP posts:
whatadrama · 22/04/2014 17:57

They repeated the second episode shown last night at 6.30 which was a bit annoying.

SweetSilverSongOfALark · 22/04/2014 18:07

See what you mean about the speed of the funeral. Either they skipped a period of time or they don't have autopsies in Australia! And are laser fast with gravestone engraving...

alemci · 22/04/2014 18:16

how was kate a teacher at school when she was only 21?? when did she have time to qualify?

SweetSilverSongOfALark · 22/04/2014 21:42

OMG! There is a Facebook page for Kate and Mark and a petition you can sign to bring back Kate and for them to have a wedding!!

I really am not making this shit up!

Also, after reading the thing about Stephan Dennis saying the murderer was in that episode, I have decided it was Mark who dunnit....

qazxc · 22/04/2014 21:44

How do you put up a gravestone so fast! I thought you had to wait a while anyway for the ground to settle.

EBearhug · 22/04/2014 23:52

I've just watched the funeral and so on. I think there was a timeslip between the hospital and the funeral. Although I'm not sure you can excuse 6 months or so that a headstone needs (maybe they go back and adjust them after a while?)

The one thing I have noticed is that no one has mentioned Harry. He moved to Sydney. It's not so far from Melbourne that he couldn't manage to get back for a sibling's funeral. Or at least be mentioned in despatches, "Such a shame Harry can't make it," or whatever.

EBearhug · 22/04/2014 23:55

OK, I misjudged them, because I hadn't got to the end, and there's Paul and Sophie talking about her going to the States to see Harry there.

So if Paul's going to buy Sophie's ticket first class, why couldn't he do that to get Harry over for the funeral? (Yeah, yeah, I know it's because the actor isn't acting these days and stuff. But still.)

SweetSilverSongOfALark · 23/04/2014 06:46

He's on a 'basketball tour' apparently Hmm

KittyMcAllister · 23/04/2014 07:08

I'm thinking it was the stalker ex-girlfriend whodunnit.

SomethingAboutNothing · 23/04/2014 07:31

Brilliant, have just found a thread to discuss my guilty pleasure of Neighbours watching. Nobody in real life appreciates it!

Must confess that I had tears in my eyes watching the second special - think it was watching beautiful Brennan look so sad.

SpottyTeacakes · 23/04/2014 07:40

Hands off, Brennan is mine!!

qazxc · 23/04/2014 08:31

I'm still in awe of Paul's talent for mental arithmetic (years/days that kate "should" still have) or has he been skulking in the bushes practicing that little speech.
You would imagine that your sister's funeral would be more important than a basketball game.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 23/04/2014 10:03

Gazxc - yes, I'd noticed that about the gravestone too. If I remember right, it was a number of months before my mum was allowed to put up dad's gravestone.

That FB page is deluded! It's not like when we were told Mark was dead - no-one saw his body, so they could bring him back with just a bit of explanation - but everyone saw Kate dying, with the ambulance crew working on her, and then saying 'There's no output, there's nothing more we can do'. No way she's coming back.

I am not sure if Brennan will stay, to be honest. It looked like he was brought in to be a bit of love-interest initially, and then brought back to add into Kate's complicated love-life - if she's not there, what purpose does he have? I think he will mope around being all grieving and sad and cross - and maybe he will solve her murder, when Matt can't - but then he will say it is all too painful, and will leave.

Rummikub · 23/04/2014 10:08

Finally! Someone else who shed a tear! (Don't feel so alone now Grin)

SomethingAboutNothing · 23/04/2014 11:54

Glad to be of assistance Rummikub Grin

I'll fight you for him Spotty Wink

qazxc · 23/04/2014 13:59

She'd bloody better not come back as a ghost or something.

SpottyTeacakes · 23/04/2014 14:11

Paul's being a nob

Rummikub · 23/04/2014 14:46

She'll be present as flashbacks I think.

Rummikub · 23/04/2014 15:12

How short is Imogen's skirt!

Engine003 · 23/04/2014 15:32

That Facebook is ridiculous.

"Paul lives in LA. We need get Paul to find Ashleigh in LA and hypnotise her to come back to Neighbours and stay for ages and hypnotise Scott McGregor to stay for ages, so we get the wedding and a pregnancy for Kate & Mark. They deserve happiness after everything they've been through. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE IN SOAP OPERAS."

No, just no.

alemci · 23/04/2014 17:10

glad to see Doug back but it tickles me that his son has a new head.

seeing as it is only 20 years' ago since the lost child Brad has managed to marry Beth then divorce her, have Ned then meet Therese, have Piper who is grown up. the time frame seems very implausible and rushed.

NCFTTB · 23/04/2014 17:54



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BadgersNadgers · 23/04/2014 21:53

So glad that Kate will theoretically never return. And we get nasty Paul. I love Nasty Paul.

KittyMcAllister · 23/04/2014 22:21

Mmm, nasty Paul.

And yay to Doug being back.

AnneEyhtMeyer · 23/04/2014 22:59

I love Paul full stop.

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