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SpanishFly · 24/05/2013 21:37

Just caught up with three episodes. On Wednesday's, when Chris and Amber were chatting outside the coffee shop/Lassiters, an extra walked past, who looked suspiciously like Scotty...

OP posts:
decaffwithcream · 07/06/2013 21:58

"Interestingly Matt's acting gets worse in every episode"

Yes, I noticed that. It was very unexpected as it was hard to believe it would be possible but he sets a low standard for himself and then keeps defying expectations to get further below it every time.

decaffwithcream · 07/06/2013 22:00

Incidentally, that's some job Susan scored as Principal. She was in her new post about 3 days, then went off to her sister, came back for 5 minutes and went off again. Confused

AuntGertrude · 07/06/2013 22:27

"New wicked Steph"? She has always been a total horror, and has totally ruined I don't know how many people's lives and love-lives.

I think they're running Lucy to deliberately look like Helen Daniels - I like how she is tougher and more important than her big brother now and can whup his ass.

Sheila Canning can stay for a long time, I hope.

ShipwreckedAndComatose · 08/06/2013 07:24

I noticed that decaf! Can you imagine what would be said if a head did that in England thinks of recent thread about head having two days off

alemci · 08/06/2013 10:24

yes Aunt or Rosemary used to look very similar to Lucy's corporate look. a bit of power dressing. A bright coloured jacket - just the ticket.

What about Kate and her teaching skills. What exactly does she teach? She seems to be the only member of staff in the school.

Yes Susan seems to be very flexible as the principal

decaffwithcream · 08/06/2013 11:39

I thought of that thread with the 2-day absence by the headteacher too! They trotted out that chap as "substitute principal" once, to tell kate to deal with the twitter furore and then he left her to it. She's going to be pretty busy soon what with 2 love interests, moving house and running a school...

SpanishFly · 10/06/2013 18:45

Rebekah Emmaloglou hasnt aged well!!

OP posts:
Tortoise · 10/06/2013 18:49

I love that Kate can just take a day off!

decaffwithcream · 10/06/2013 19:47

Yes who's left to run the school now? Or even teach in it? I am actually looking forward to the arrival of 3 more teenagers if it means less screentime for Amber/"new Zeke"/Rani's incredibly cringeworthy play rehearsals..

SpanishFly · 10/06/2013 20:33

Decaff, a certain Brad Willis is a teacher. ..

OP posts:
decaffwithcream · 10/06/2013 20:41

So he is! And doubtlessly he will be instantly hired - God knows there are enough vacancies with the non-existent and absent staff...He and Lauren won't recognise each other (literally, I've seen a picture of him. Disappointing for any of us with fond memories of surfer Brad.)

Now that the eclipse is upon us and Brennan is due to appear during it and be reunited with Kate, I was wondering if they're going to play Bonnie Tyler in the background...

pussycatwillum · 11/06/2013 11:07

I have a love/hate relationship with Sheila, but once or twice I've thought 'Wonder if they do that top in England?' Blush

Tortoise · 11/06/2013 12:32

I've just packaged up an item I sold on EBay, it's going to a Brad Willis! Made me chuckle to myself! Grin

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 11/06/2013 14:30

Did you see Steph throwing away her anti-psychotic medication? That is definitely going to end well!

GibberTheMonkey · 11/06/2013 14:47

Oh he's Scott from H and A

decaffwithcream · 11/06/2013 20:38

She could've been a bit less blatant about throwing it in Karl's kitchen bin - as could Amber with her carelessly chucked away pregnancy test on top of Lou's rubbish bin.

squeelybean · 11/06/2013 20:44

Hang on a cotton pickin minute ladies who was Rebekah Emmaloglou playing?

What have i missedConfused

ShipwreckedAndComatose · 11/06/2013 21:01

Newbie manager for Lassiters who just happenes to be married to Lauren's 'first love' and ex character from waaay back..Brad Wllis.

And there just happens to be a spare house on the street coming up Grin

squeelybean · 12/06/2013 10:21


Was that her?

I spent my teen years wanting to be as cute as her, feeling rather smug nowWink

SpanishFly · 12/06/2013 14:37

I know!! She was stunning in H&A. What's happened? !

OP posts:
NettoSuperstar · 12/06/2013 14:48

I once saw her in a shopping Center, she was very rude.

ShipwreckedAndComatose · 12/06/2013 17:36

Ok, those rehearsal scenes are making me want to vom.


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decaffwithcream · 12/06/2013 18:45

And they drag on forever. The fast forward button is your friend Shipwrecked. I won't be watching Neighbours "live" until the play is over. Or Rani has left and thus at least removed the whole Bailey storyline thing.

Has anyone noticed that Mason is now employing the "I only have one facial expression and tone of voice" style of acting too? He must be taking tips from his father.

alemci · 12/06/2013 22:23

yes as if teenage boys would do that sort of thing and be in a play like that and why do they both like her anyway. aren't there any other girls around.

also Amber in that pink top in the bar and wearing the same top the next day (i think). she is really annoying.

also Brad wasn't exactly brain of Britain if I remember. surprised he is a teacher..

also the age thing is a bit weird. Lauren and him were still teenagers 20 years ago so i think their kids are too old for their ages particularly Mason. more realistic would be Scott and Charlene as they are mid forties. would be more interesting and realistic in a chronological sense to have them back even though they would have different heads

ShipwreckedAndComatose · 13/06/2013 17:48

That's not in the least bit weird....Paul paying for the legal aid for Mason (who he doesn't like) to defend himself against a charge brought by, perfectly normal, that Hmm

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