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SpanishFly · 24/05/2013 21:37

Just caught up with three episodes. On Wednesday's, when Chris and Amber were chatting outside the coffee shop/Lassiters, an extra walked past, who looked suspiciously like Scotty...

OP posts:
decaffwithcream · 18/06/2013 21:56

I sit through weeks of a hideously boring tweenie "love triangle" and those godforsaken play rehearsals, Lou's awful family and their even worse acting dominating everything and nothing remotely interesting happening.

I skip one episode and there is the eclipse, Brennan comes back from the dead, Kyle is almost blinded, Brad returns and Steph has a psychotic break and abducts Lucas 's baby.

Seriously how long was that episode??

AnneEyhtMeyer · 18/06/2013 23:11

Grin decaff. So true. Definitely worth watching on Demand 5.

AnneEyhtMeyer · 18/06/2013 23:12

Oh, and you forgot to mention that Lucas proposed to Vanessa again. It was all go in Ramsey Street! Nothing else will happen for months now.

Fairygen · 19/06/2013 06:53

I must have missed an episode (or 2)! Where did this ridiculous school 'play' come from? It really is painful to watch!!

SpanishFly · 19/06/2013 08:39

Alemci, I'D be more careful, YOU'D be more careful. But on Ramsay Street? Nah.

It was also the fact he was like a child "it'"

I also hated the "20 minutes before" labels on screen. The only time they didn't use it was when it wasn't clear they'd jumped back in time.

OP posts:
SpanishFly · 19/06/2013 08:42

Fairy, it was Priya's play. It was written when she was the same age as Rani. So they're performing it as a tribute to Priya.

As an aside, why do I think Bailey has bad breath? Hmm

OP posts:
Tortoise · 19/06/2013 13:53

Wow, Paul's house has been totally transformed! I'd love their garden.

decaffwithcream · 19/06/2013 14:05

I didnt even know Lucas had proposed again Anne! You're right nothing will happen for months.

I love the way Paul's house has that whole sunny room at the back that Paul/Andrew/Kate/Sophie obviously just never went into.

His house has gained an extra room just like Lucas's did when all Lou's family moved into his. And Susan and Karl's house gains a bedroom every time they up their intake of teenagers.

Built like tardises, those Ramsay St houses.

Steben · 19/06/2013 14:40

Can I ask where is Susan?!

Tortoise · 19/06/2013 16:40

Susan is with her Sister. She was in an accident or something.

AnneEyhtMeyer · 19/06/2013 16:43

Maybe they borrowed the extra room from Lucas and Vanessa's flat? That would explain why it was two-bedroomed when Susan lived there but only one-bedroomed now.

TwllBach · 19/06/2013 17:48

I'm just watching the eclipse episode now. Mason is making me throw up in my mouth.

TwllBach · 19/06/2013 17:54

And the next episode... Why is it edited so badly? And why is mason suddenly acting like a small puppy?

ShipwreckedAndComatose · 19/06/2013 18:05

Wish I had a tardis house Envy

Katz · 19/06/2013 19:25

Just caught up, 3 episodes.

So they're implying that Brad and Terese had an affair then!

CotherMuckingFunt · 19/06/2013 19:30

I'm behind on neighbours atm because I keep forgetting to watch it since I decided to start watching it from episode 1 a couple of weeks ago. I'm ashamed to say I'm up to 156. I'm a sad fucker.

TwllBach · 19/06/2013 20:10

What did happen between brad and Lauren then? I think I was maybe less than five years old when it was originally on screen... Grin

decaffwithcream · 19/06/2013 20:27

He cheated on her with Beth and landed up marrying Beth fairly sharpish after that IIRC.

TwllBach · 19/06/2013 21:36

Oh I seeeeeee Grin so I'm way of the mark in thinking that pretty soon it's going to come out that mason is brads son?

I'm also wondering if they were trying to sow the seeds for Matt being an abusive husband.

ShipwreckedAndComatose · 19/06/2013 21:53

Yeah, I thought they were over playing the abusive hubby bit...especially with Matt's plank acting; it's hard to pick up aggressive, hot headed vibes from mr placid..

decaffwithcream · 19/06/2013 22:00

Actually I Wiki'ed it and it was Lauren he cheated with while he was with Beth. They had sex on the beach and eventually Beth found out on her wedding day, jilted Brad at the alter and he started going out openly with Lauren.

The article then says "however Lauren's horse became jealous of Brad and he began gambling" Grin

They were on a break, reconciled, broke up and he married Beth.

If my husband was as wooden as Matt, I would be relieved to see any old boyfriend come into view. Even if my horse was jealous.

Katz · 20/06/2013 08:12

Decaf - the reason that it all came out was Lauren's period was late and she took a pregnancy test which was negative (hence the understanding mum but when Amber needed a test) and was found to have an STD which Brad then had to tell Beth about!


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enialenagem · 20/06/2013 08:35

Cother, where are you watching neighbours from episode 1? I would love to watch it from the beginning

decaffwithcream · 20/06/2013 13:40

Lauren did make a comment about having a similar scare herself - they are really aiming for flashbacks to the past these days arent they? Do you reckon they have a new writer/showrunner who watched Neighbours as a teenager in the Lucy/Brad/Lauren era?

Youtube has a lot of neighbours episodes eni

CotherMuckingFunt · 20/06/2013 18:37

I'm watching it on YouTube. There are some gaps and I've had to skip bits in order to stay awake while cooking (the acting is SHIT!) but it hilarious. I'm totally fascinated by the hair styles.

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