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XFactor MoTown & Abba week! We are to be treated to 2 songs from each of them!

665 replies

MsElleTow · 24/11/2012 19:55

Can't wait!

OP posts:
LineRunner · 24/11/2012 20:12

Do you mean 32gb, Sue?

SuePurblybiltbyElves · 24/11/2012 20:12

<a class="break-all" href=",r:3,s:0,i:105" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">uncanny

cardibach · 24/11/2012 20:12

I was listening from the kitchen as making toast for tea. SOunded bloody awful - tuning off, phrasing off, tone off - vintage Rylan :)

WhatTheFookIsGangnamStyle · 24/11/2012 20:12

Has Ryland had lip filler? Top lip.

SuePurblybiltbyElves · 24/11/2012 20:13

No,no Line, 30 it says. They all say 30. The one I have is 30
Old stylee, 5th gen. Though I spose 32 would be fine. We like the old click wheel ones.

I think NanFucker will do Motown.

we3kingsoforientRaahh · 24/11/2012 20:13

It's down to the loons voting for him, that ella has gone,really. And any other acts that can actually sing.

Bit silly making fun of Gary him with a career closest Rylan will get to an OBE is a pair of GHD's.

prettypurpledaisy · 24/11/2012 20:14

I love Rylan and I am not a loon :)

LadyBeagle · 24/11/2012 20:14

I like Tulisa Blush
Sorry, can't help it, I just do.
Will you ban me from this thread?
Fuck, they're all being so nice to Rylan. I sense a plot this week to get rid of Nanfucker, split the vote eh Wink.
Anyone taking bets that Rylan will be either in the Jungle or Sleb Big Brother this time next year?

we3kingsoforientRaahh · 24/11/2012 20:15

pmsl- that Robbie Rotten pic just crashed my laptopGrin

SuePurblybiltbyElves · 24/11/2012 20:15

Oh but Ella was awful really. All that dirge-like emoting and shit.
yes, yes, only sixteen. But honestly. not a nice noise.

helenovhull · 24/11/2012 20:15

Its down to not enough people wanting to vote for Ella, that's it. She was awful the week she did firework.

LineRunner · 24/11/2012 20:16

I'm lost, Sue, in more ways than one I fear.

SuePurblybiltbyElves · 24/11/2012 20:16

GOD yes, less a firework than the dampest of squibs.
People all over the country opening veins.

MsElleTow · 24/11/2012 20:16

Could you imagine Rylan in the jungle LadyBeagle? You'd hear the screams from here when he was faced with the challenges!

OP posts:
threepiecesuite · 24/11/2012 20:16

Rylan will get work off the back of this. I wanted to not like him but he seems a decent sort. He's quick witted and amusing on tv, he'll get some presenting work, I'm sure.

SuePurblybiltbyElves · 24/11/2012 20:17

Whassup, Line? Who lost you?

nancy75 · 24/11/2012 20:17

Ella lost support by being pictured in the papers flirting with 2 of the babyshits.

BOFingSanta · 24/11/2012 20:17

They'll love him at GAY.

MissMogwi · 24/11/2012 20:17

Rylan will be 'manning the hub' on This Morning before long. Mark my words.

DontmindifIdo · 24/11/2012 20:17

Oh Rylan will be ok - I can see him getting a lot of TV work.

Lorelilee · 24/11/2012 20:18

Appar Mingehead thinks that James is the only 'international' star left and is genuinely shitting himself in case Nanfucker wins, hence the positive press for James this week.

ThePlatypusAlwaysTriumphs · 24/11/2012 20:18

agree Ella was pretty dull last week- still think they should have let her BE 16, and sing and behave like a 16yo, instead of someone's auntie.

cant work out who is voting for nanfucker- keep thinking of those old ladies who knit shreddies. And who must watch Xfactor and vote with their knitting needles


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MsElleTow · 24/11/2012 20:18

Ella couldn't perform at a nightclub in the week, because she was due to go on at 12.30am, but as she is 16 she can't perform after midnight. They said they forgot she was 16! I suppose it was an easy mistake to make, I mean they never mentioned it, did they?

OP posts:
SuePurblybiltbyElves · 24/11/2012 20:19

Babyshits do Abba. What is the most sexually non-threatening song, with a key change and opportunities for air clutching?
Or will they take advantage of BubleShit being gay and just go with the full campfest?

we3kingsoforientRaahh · 24/11/2012 20:19

Ella was only16??

Fuck me!


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