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What to wear to knock former love of my life and his wife dead?

140 replies

mrsshackleton · 27/05/2009 14:19

OK, so coming up is a friend's 4oth at which an ex of mine whom I was madly in love with and to some extent never got over, even though I dumped him.

This was 16 years ago but I still have dreams about him - probably because we never had proper "closure" to be American. Am v happily married and know if I'd married this guy it would have been a disaster but it was the big emotional watershed of my twenties and they say you never completely recover from your first heartbreak. p

I will see him and his wife for the first time in years at the party and obviously want to look incredible without looking like a desperate WAG iykwim. Sad, I know. But human. I'm 5'7, size 10,fair and in need of a new party frock anyway for all the other 40ths coming up. Any suggestions gratefully received .

OP posts:
GossipMonger · 29/05/2009 17:40

oh yes to the that I agree with will end up with a fleece and trainers on nipping to Tesco and catch sight of yourself in the mirror.....
tis a slippery slope........

tho the navy leggings and dress looked nice.

Maybe skinny navy jeans and the dress would look better.

Maybe I am just jealous that I couldnt get away with the leggings look!!

DarrellRivers · 29/05/2009 18:00

I want that playsuit
It's out of stock now [sulks]

Calamansi · 29/05/2009 18:38

Haven't ready whole thread so apologies if I'm repearting others but have you checked out All Saints - gorgeous sexy edgy stuff here

Calamansi · 29/05/2009 18:40

like this over skinny jeans and killer shoes with somelarge bangles - goregous easy chic...

Calamansi · 29/05/2009 18:41

or this here

noddyholder · 29/05/2009 18:45

Very sheer footless tights in deep colours look great with dresses leggings a bit student

Starbear · 29/05/2009 19:10

My only suggestion is that you watch Madmen the women look so fab you must gets some tips from that. You must must start grooming now!

browntrout · 29/05/2009 19:57

Oh bugger. I'm going to a party tomorrow night and was going to wear leggings and a tunic top. Now I'm dithering as there is so much anti-leggings sentiment on this thread! It's a fairly informal house party and I was going to wear my leggings with gorgeous LK Bennett silk heels and full on glam but am now wondering if people will snigger behind my back. I'm pregnant as well so it isn't as though I can run out for something else tomorrow as I've exhausted all maternity options in the shops at the mo. Are they really a complete no no??

mrsshackleton · 29/05/2009 20:30

Oh bugger too

I've just spent £402 at Anusha

It had better be good!

But I don't think the jumpsuit will be despatched in time - have to try it on anyway, though

I'm still a bit dubious that jumpsuits on over 39s are OK but leggings are a no. Why are footless tights acceptable and leggings not. And do I take it skinny jeans are allowed as well? How about cropped skinnies [head whirling emoticon]

Surely for pg, leggings are OK and poor browntrout is off the hook?

I'd only just got into leggings and like her I'm now worried everyone's been clutching their sides and whispering "student!" as I pass

Anyway, one week to go so grooming starts here. Will keep you all posted [smile}

OP posts:
Clure · 29/05/2009 21:01

ooh I'm loving both those all saints tops. Would look lovely with my skinnies!!

browntrout · 29/05/2009 21:12

thank you for your support mrsshackleton. I do think that the playsuit is fabulous. Am sure it will look lovely.

Ah well, I'm just going to go with the leggings and pretend it's a hormonal thing if anything dares to question why a plump 36 year old woman has turned up dressed like a teenager. My legs are quite good though

mrsshackleton · 29/05/2009 22:17

The all saints stuff is gorgeous, there;s a branch near me so may pay a personal visit

What credit crunch?

OP posts:
Promdress · 29/05/2009 22:35

Leggings and great heels and a tunic top are FINE!

HOWEVER not all leggings are equal!!!

What you need are LONGER leggings ie ones that go down to just above your ankle, NOT the ones that end just below your knee.

The longer ones look more glam, they make you legs look thinner because they stop at the thinnest place and they make your ankles look tiny. They look great with heels and manager to look summery without baring all. In other words they are to summer what opaque tights are to winter!

Must have ultra glam nails/hair/makeup and nice accessories ie NOT like a student

Promdress · 29/05/2009 22:35

Sorry for the CAPITALS, got a BIT carried AWAY there!!!

GossipMonger · 31/05/2009 17:40

any news MrsS??

FlorenceAndtheWashingMachine · 31/05/2009 18:16

£402, MrsShackleton! Shall I demand a cut from Anusha?

Ooh, I hope hope hope hope the playsuit gets to you on time.

DarrellRivers · 31/05/2009 18:36

I also ordered a playsuit.
Out of stock until mid June, but am prepared to wait
Am drreaming of myself at summer parties with big shoes and necklace
Thanks Florence, that site is gorgeous
Good luck with your week long boot camp Mrs S

FlorenceAndtheWashingMachine · 31/05/2009 18:51

Lord I wish I had the height (not to mention the figure...) Never mind, I will just have to live through you two.

I am praying that MrsS's ex is not married to DarrellRivers - Anusha playsuits at dawn!

DarrellRivers · 31/05/2009 19:45

Haha, am laughing at that
No need for a secret handshake, knowing glances across a crowded party to the other woman in the playsuit
(secretly Flo, I suspect that when the playsuit arrives and I try it on, it will look nothing like the rather winsome Emilia Fox look-a-like wearing it in the advert and I will have to send it back)

mrsshackleton · 31/05/2009 20:30

No news, the party is on Sat so I doubt the playsuit will arrive in time and I am still doubtful too that I'll look all red-headed and slinky in it but more like I've come to fix your boiler

Let us know when yours arrives Darrel and we can compare notes.

Party is on Sat

OP posts:
pigswithfludontfly · 31/05/2009 23:03

I bet he'll have lost all his hair and have developed a big tummy and you'll come away thinking NO!

skramble · 31/05/2009 23:07

Big smile and a bit of a smug look

My exH's Gf was blond and young and slim, hair was always up in immacualte fancy bun type arrangments, now a year on she is big and looks 10 years older and has a terrible tacky two tone bob which doesn't flatter her chubby face.

So get a good haircut and flattering clothes and hold your head up high.


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skramble · 31/05/2009 23:09

Oh and I saw pics from my BIL's party and she was wearing a austrian blind type top in beige that looked fecking awful, shame eh!! Wished I had gone and looked fantastic.

OutOfThinHair · 01/06/2009 00:59

playsuit? You have to be kidding. It's not a fancy dress party is it? It's hideous.

I say slinky dress (fitted and low enough of body or high enough of leg to be sophisticatedly sexy, but not sluty) or jeans, heels and a funky top.

lowenergylightbulb · 01/06/2009 13:18

The playsuit is gorgeous IMHO.

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