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What to wear to knock former love of my life and his wife dead?

140 replies

mrsshackleton · 27/05/2009 14:19

OK, so coming up is a friend's 4oth at which an ex of mine whom I was madly in love with and to some extent never got over, even though I dumped him.

This was 16 years ago but I still have dreams about him - probably because we never had proper "closure" to be American. Am v happily married and know if I'd married this guy it would have been a disaster but it was the big emotional watershed of my twenties and they say you never completely recover from your first heartbreak. p

I will see him and his wife for the first time in years at the party and obviously want to look incredible without looking like a desperate WAG iykwim. Sad, I know. But human. I'm 5'7, size 10,fair and in need of a new party frock anyway for all the other 40ths coming up. Any suggestions gratefully received .

OP posts:
Podrick · 27/05/2009 18:27

I vote for the Anusha playsuit

FlorenceAndtheWashingMachine · 27/05/2009 18:34

It is very, very lovely that playsuit. It ticks all the right boxes as far as meeting ex and looking extrenely sexy but not at all slutty!

FlorenceAndtheWashingMachine · 27/05/2009 18:36

PS: Most things looks better on tiny models, but as you are tall (in my world) and slim you should look pretty bloody fabulous in it too.

Podrick · 27/05/2009 18:48

grace kelly style guidance here

Podrick · 27/05/2009 18:54

I like this as a not trying too hard jeans look

Clure · 27/05/2009 19:19

how about this? Its got sleeves

mrsshackleton · 28/05/2009 10:28

Thanks everyone I'm looking at all your suggestions with great interest Think the jeans top combo is probably best. Or maybe leggings? I am going to order the playsuit but I don't think it'll arrive in time and I need back up in case I do just look like a middle-aged woman in a babygro.

CjCregg - thanks, I think my OP nd title made this out to be something bigger than it is, I don't even want to talk to my ex let alone run off with him but it would be a strange woman imo who didn't want to look her best on such an occasion .

OP posts:
notyummy · 28/05/2009 10:49

I agree mrsshackleton. I have an ex-dh and ex-fiancee and if I knew I was seeing either of them (highly unlikely!) I would want to look my best. There is no baggage, and it was my decision to finish both relationships....but I would still want to look shit hot.

Weird, isn't it?

Must just be vanity I suppose...

GossipMonger · 28/05/2009 10:57

please dont go for leggings!

I loathe leggings. Even if you are tall and slim.

go for sexy top and jeans and high shoes if you have to but the playsuit gets my vote.

And do try and book a spray tan. There are people who will do it in your own home and will make you feel fab!

mrsshackleton · 28/05/2009 11:21

Not even leggings under a long top/short dress

Am wearing such combo today

OP posts:
giantkatestacks · 28/05/2009 12:38

All the times I have had a spray tan I have come out orange with streaky bits...

giantkatestacks · 28/05/2009 12:39

I mean streaky arms/hands/feet there obviously not streaky bits ahem

Clure · 28/05/2009 13:14

yes jeans and gorgeous top def more sexy/glam/sophisticated etc than leggings

whatevermaycome · 28/05/2009 13:40

Nothing wrong with wanting to look your best - it is personal pride not man stealing/ unresolved issues - hope you look fabulous ! x

GossipMonger · 28/05/2009 17:15

Not for a special do.

Tis ok for an every day look but for an occasion when you want everyone your
ex to say 'WOW! Hasnt Mrs S worn well over the years!!' leggings are not on.


FlorenceAndtheWashingMachine · 28/05/2009 19:56

Leggings are bad (apart from on three-year-old girls when they are cute and practical).

Facials are a good idea leading up to the party as a less obvious way to feel your best.

I have to say that I am relieved that my DH and I have no 40th parties coming up. I would have to sign my body over to a very strict Austrian spa at great expense just in case you are his ex and that playsuit comes into stock.

FlorenceAndtheWashingMachine · 28/05/2009 19:57

Sorry I meant that facials are less obvious than spray tan.

mrsshackleton · 29/05/2009 09:24

OK I'll order the playsuit today and report back when it arrives - tempted even to post a pic on mn so you can all judge

Or maybe not

I managed to gash an enormous hole in my leg yesterday when shaving so I think playsuit/jeans are compulsory now as bare legs no longer an option

Florence, are leggings never allowable? Or only at parties? I've only just got into them having got over the fact I remember them well in the eighties

for example was rather taken with this - not for party but for other occasions. But as my newly appointed style guru you have the final say

OP posts:
puffylovett · 29/05/2009 09:32

ooh mrsshackleton - this is nothing to do with clothes - and haven't read the whole thread - (but just to say I'm so glad I'm not alone in having dreams about the ex love of my life - big love of my twenties !! Have been thinking I'm really weird to still have thoughts, even though it's been 5 years and I'm happy with my family

you've made me feel normal )

notyummy · 29/05/2009 10:11

mrsshackleton - that dress is very pretty- would look great over fitted/skinny jeans. I may have to buy something from that site.....

bleh · 29/05/2009 12:08

I agree with whoever said about the sexy underwear and shoes.

At the moment over on they have some of the Elle MacPherson Intimates range on sale. I daren't venture over there again, but there's some good stuff last time I checked.

bleh · 29/05/2009 12:09

But if you are going for super-knockout super-tall sexy shoes, practice walking around in them first and limit alcohol intake. Wouldn't want you literally knocking them out by falling over.


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Beetroot · 29/05/2009 13:36

I have many awful memories of my first big relationship but when I knew I was going to see him I made sure I looked fabulous.

He did a double take - and then couldn't keep his eyes of me - oh it felt good!!! (after 4 kids and 15 years)

FlorenceAndtheWashingMachine · 29/05/2009 15:46

It does give you a warm glow, Beetroot!

MrsShackleton, I stand by my anti-leggings stance. Also, if you own a pair you will soon find yourself wearing them with a black Tesco fleece and that way madness lies.

Beetroot · 29/05/2009 15:54

I agree Florence tothe leggings bit!

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