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what?? you don't buy your kids character clothing? not ever??

123 replies

nappyaddict · 18/07/2008 18:59

but they love it!!

i can understand not wanting them dressed head to toe in the stuff but do you not even buy small items like wellies, slippers, trainers, dressing gowns, swimwear, socks, pants, vests etc with them on??


OP posts:
GodzillasBumcheek · 18/07/2008 23:04

DTD2 used to love her spiderman pjs. She wore them long after she'd grown out of them. In fact, she even paid for them herself, with birthday money...[sigh]

I wish i had spiderman pyjamas.

Desiderata · 18/07/2008 23:06

I wish I had spiderman

PussinJimmyChoos · 18/07/2008 23:07
MamaG · 18/07/2008 23:12

DS has some Thomas pants, some THomas PJs, a Thomas dressing gown and some Thomas socks

He doesn't like Thomas

but my Mother does

She also bought him a Bob jumper - its truly horrible, I'm embarrassed to even put it in the charity bag

Desiderata · 18/07/2008 23:42
nappyaddict · 19/07/2008 12:53

quattro - so you don't allow anything at all? even pants or socks? i suppose at least the charity shop is making something from them.

OP posts:
twinsetandpearls · 19/07/2008 16:29

she has some high school musical boxer shorts.

Charactar clothing tends to be of poor quality,

Hecate · 19/07/2008 16:32

Yes, my boys have a few bits. Mainly pjs. But my inner snob can clearly be heard wailing "But it's sooooooo common..."

ThatBigGermanPrison · 19/07/2008 16:46

It's Thomas, Bob, Spiderman and Power Rangers a gogo here, my children are human beings, not catalogue models. They don't have to look tasteful all the time.

I get it all from charity shops too and it's usually pristine - thanks ladies, I like the smell of your washing powder BTW!

ThatBigGermanPrison · 19/07/2008 16:46

It is common, small boys are naturally quite common, left to their own devices.

Hecate · 19/07/2008 16:47

They are indeed

ThatBigGermanPrison · 19/07/2008 16:51

we have power rangers t shirts, pants, trainers (actually the trainers were the only ones that fitted), and a dress up costume from a charidee shop (£4.50), a Spiderman dress up costume, various Spiderman t shirts, Fireman Sam pants, Thomas socks, Thomas pjs ... the list goes on. It's all much adored.

the look of glee on Ds2's face as he touched his socks ("Domass! On toe toes!") or ds1 declaring that new Power Ranger trainers help him run superfast...

EachPeachPearMum · 19/07/2008 19:44

I do not buy anything with characters on- not clothes, accessories, or other stuff (toys, cutlery etc). It is just marketing. My dd (2.5) does not watch television, and hasn't seen any films yet so she is not bothered about missing out on these things, and I think branding/marketing for children is vile.

She does know who Bob the Builder, Ariel the Little Mermaid and Teletubbies are from other people's houses or nursery though

PeppermintPatty · 19/07/2008 20:09

My DD has been obsessed with In the Night Garden since she was about 9 months old.

I bought her some In The Night Garden PJs as a present on her first day at nursery and she loves it so much she wears the top as a t-shirt in the day.

She loves it and points at the picture on it and says "Igga" (her word for Igglepiggle, shes 13 months old).

If I open the drawer with her clothes in, she ALWAYS looks for this top, and if she finds it she tries to pull it over her head

ThatBigGermanPrison · 19/07/2008 20:48

at 2.5 I'm not surprised, but you may find when she goes to school, EPPM, everything changes quite quickly.

reethi96 · 19/07/2008 20:57

Yes, I am really not fussy with childrens clothes at all.

Expat, it really isn't as bad as adults wearing those fleeces with wolves on etc . The other day I saw a woman wearing one with kittens on and I had to restrain myself from going up to her, tapping her on the shoulder and asking "Why?"

BroccoliSpears · 19/07/2008 20:59

We were having major issues getting dd ready for bed, so CLEVER me thought "I know! I'll buy some hideous Upsy Daisy pyjamas and some vile Noddy pyjamas and then she'll want to get into pjs and go to bed."

It worked.

Does anyone have a strategy to use on a child who refuses to take her pyjamas off and get dressed in the morning?

ThatBigGermanPrison · 19/07/2008 22:32

Why do you think ds1 has Power Rangers t shirts?

olyoly · 20/07/2008 00:28

Broccoli, there are days when my dd will not remove her disney princess nightgown. It is a battle of wills!

I only buy sailor clothing for my dc. Little white linen sailor suits and knee socks and gowns with antique lace collars and such. And they HATE it. Others buy them character clothing and things that I would snobbishly call cheap and tacky, and it is all dc want to wear. DC only wear my outfits for photos and now I only buy shoes.

Don't worry, I've already starting saving for therapy when they are older and realize that they were beaten up due to my outfit choices.

Shitemum · 20/07/2008 00:36

No feckin' way.
I hate clothes with WORDS on.
No clothes with brand names on in this house.

I once bought a plain Benetton top for DD1 with united blabla written across the front in very small letters, went out and bought a ribbon the same colour as the top and sewed it over the writing, right across from seam to seam.

She has tons of home made or 2nd hand dressing up stuff including a disney Cinderella dress that someone gave us but she plays at being other characters in it...

nappyaddict · 21/07/2008 06:33

so expat - are you completely character clothing free in your house? not even pants or socks? i bought ds some roary trainers and socks yesterday. they are hideous but he wouldn't put them down in the shop and his face lit up when i bought them.

on a different note - what about flashing footwear? trainers, wellies, shoes, sandals, slippers etc. think you can get pretty much all of it flashing if you wanted to.

OP posts:
arfishy · 21/07/2008 07:23

Nope, nothing, not ever. EVER. It is hideous, over-priced and poor quality.

Thankfully DD doesn't really care about clothes so I haven't actually had to say no to the big-pleading-eye begging and holding the polyester monstrosity emblazoned with Dora in a loving embrace type situation.


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nappyaddict · 21/07/2008 07:29

awww arfishy - buy her some bloody dora socks socks don't need to be good quality!!

OP posts:
arfishy · 21/07/2008 07:47

I just asked DD if she would ever wear Dora socks and she just gave me a withering look . I'm certain this isn't down to polyester content though and more to do with Dora being for pre-schoolers.

Have just tried again with Disney Princess Socks and her little face lit up. Shit!

I'm going to blame you for eternity if she persuades me to buy some [menacing look].

swiftyknickers · 21/07/2008 07:52

always on undies-spiderman pants rock!!!

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