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what?? you don't buy your kids character clothing? not ever??

123 replies

nappyaddict · 18/07/2008 18:59

but they love it!!

i can understand not wanting them dressed head to toe in the stuff but do you not even buy small items like wellies, slippers, trainers, dressing gowns, swimwear, socks, pants, vests etc with them on??


OP posts:
OverMyDeadBody · 18/07/2008 19:19

I don't think it's bizarre not to. I personally don't want my DS to be a walking billboard for some company.

DS has a spiderman hat and superman pjs. Other than that, nothing.

And he's never owned a pair of slippers or a dressing gown in his life.

brimfull · 18/07/2008 19:20

ds loves character stuff

i drew the line at a spiderman coat though.

Similar to an adult buying designer gear imo..they like to look cool

speaking as someone without any designer gear btw

OverMyDeadBody · 18/07/2008 19:21

beansmum, DS always comes shopping with me for his clothes, and has never requested any character stuff, apart from the spiderman hat. He has good taste

MsDemeanor · 18/07/2008 19:21

I'm quite tempted by teh Mr Men stuff. But that's different. They are literary characters, not common as much TV ones

MsDemeanor · 18/07/2008 19:22

Common as muck [rolls eyes at self]

brimfull · 18/07/2008 19:23

this is our car..ds loves it!

DoubleBluff · 18/07/2008 19:23

DS 1 has Dr who pjs
DS2 has a Ben 10 t shirt, he and his freinds are Ben 10 mad. Which is strange as he doesn't actullay wathch it!!

cocolepew · 18/07/2008 19:24

There's a nice retro looking Peanuts one in Next. For ladies. I want it.

Maenad · 18/07/2008 19:25

I'm wary of character clothing as I can't bear advertising that targets kids. I worry about setting them up for a lifetime of consumerism and brand awareness.

myredcardigan · 18/07/2008 19:26

I try to avoid them at all costs but DS does have Postman Pat and Fireman Sam pants which he loves.

Apart from the fact that I find them tacky, they are always made of cheap nylon tat, yuck! Still,they do like them.

cocolepew · 18/07/2008 19:27

It's only pictures from the telly

Califrau · 18/07/2008 19:29

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pgwithnumber3 · 18/07/2008 19:29

DD1 wears her bratz high heeled boots and fur lined coat whilst walking down the road with her Greggs Sausage Roll, Cream Slice and Fruit Shoot.

nappyaddict · 18/07/2008 19:29

can't see the car.

OP posts:
myredcardigan · 18/07/2008 19:31

I know, I just don't like it. I won't let them wear t-shirts with gap written across the front either.

I think adults look even sillier in them. Likewise adults wearing jumpers with Ralph Lauren written across the front or Armani sewn across the arse or their jeans.
But, hey, each to their own!

expatinscotland · 18/07/2008 19:33

they don't have character clothes but dress up costumes - like a bride costume, fairy dresses, etc.

but nothing to dress up as, say, Barbie or that.

or worse, clothes like that.

omg, i find it like those adults who wear fleeces with wolves or dogs or eagles on them or that.

missblythe · 18/07/2008 19:34

DD has quite a few Hello Kitty T-shirts from H&M. I really like the graphic nature of HK, but I guess others find her tacky too.

expatinscotland · 18/07/2008 19:35

they have dressings gowns and slippers - it's cold here in this house.

when they want to lounge in their pj's they usually put their dressing gowns on over, as i do.

nappyaddict · 18/07/2008 19:35

myredcardigan - so do you not buy them anything with characters on at all? not even pants which quite a few people seem to allow?

no adults in character clothing is WRONG!! i do have a strawberry shortcake, sesame street and superman tshirt though from when i was about 14/15.

OP posts:
cocolepew · 18/07/2008 19:35

My was at maenads, 'lifetime consumerism and brand wareness.' Deep, man,deep.

nappyaddict · 18/07/2008 19:36

expat - ah i see so say they might have a princess costume but not a disney princess costume, or a postman outfit but not a postman pat one?

OP posts:
cocolepew · 18/07/2008 19:37

The Hello Kitty from H&M is lovely. The used to do Sarah Kay/ holly Hobby ones as well.


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expatinscotland · 18/07/2008 19:38

yeah, like that, nappy.

they've never really asked for anything specific - they're 5 and 2.5.

they like to play dress up with my stuff more than anything else.

missblythe · 18/07/2008 19:39

I know, coco, lovely isn't it! DD's grown out of the Holly Hobby one now, so it's in little frame on her wall-so cute!

myredcardigan · 18/07/2008 19:39

Yes, as I said, he has PP and FS pants.

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