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what?? you don't buy your kids character clothing? not ever??

123 replies

nappyaddict · 18/07/2008 18:59

but they love it!!

i can understand not wanting them dressed head to toe in the stuff but do you not even buy small items like wellies, slippers, trainers, dressing gowns, swimwear, socks, pants, vests etc with them on??


OP posts:
cocolepew · 18/07/2008 19:39

I had a Holly Hobby bag, with a mini Holly Hobby in it.

IHadABetterNameButYouStoleIt · 18/07/2008 19:40

dd has on dora jeans and shirt today. she used to have the coat, shoes, singlasses and hat too but she has lost them/they dont fit anymore!

unless its something really ugly or innapropriate she generally chooses her own clothes. she is very determined and knows what she likes and doesnt like. when she was two there was a lovely pair of trousers in tesco i wanted to buy her but she hated them and everytime i put them in the basket she threw them back out with a stern look!

its easier to let her choose what she likes than to have to fight with her/punish her over which trousers we are buying. [price is taken into consideration of course but she will back off if she is told something is too much and will choose something cheaper.

pgwithnumber3 · 18/07/2008 19:40

I really really wanted a Roland Rat T-shirt when I was young but they didn't do them.

myredcardigan · 18/07/2008 19:41

I won't let him have the Noddy Yoghurts he keeps asking for either!

Aefondkiss · 18/07/2008 20:32

Mr Bump t-shirt from h&m for ds... I think it is lovely, but I am not a huge fan of character stuff, but people buy my dc character clothes and I will let them wear them if they choose to.

myredcardigan · 18/07/2008 20:36

Aefondkiss, every time I see you post it makes me sad and nostalgic as it reminds me of my granny singing the poem at my grandads funeral. He had sang it to her the year before at their 50th wedding anniversary.

Booboobedoo · 18/07/2008 20:39

I have a spiderman t-shirt. The kids at work love it (which is why I wear it. Honest).

wulfstan · 18/07/2008 20:44

I'm far too much of a snob to let the DSs wear character clothing. Sometimes they're given it by well-meaning friends, and we use it as emergency clothing or running-around-in-the-garden stuff.

bozza · 18/07/2008 20:52

Not proper clothes but pants (usually supplied by Father Christmas anyway), pjs, wellies and slippers. Don't really do vests much as they are hot bods. Not keen on the socks.

OrmIrian · 18/07/2008 20:54

Only thing I've ever bought are spider man trainers - and lots of Scooby Doo stuff for DS#2 because he likes SD. I don't mind it nearly as much as nasty nylon sports.

gemmiegoatlegs · 18/07/2008 20:55

PJs and undies, yes, proper clothes, NO

meglet · 18/07/2008 20:58

DS 20 months has a cute Snoopy t-shirt and almost to be born DD already has some Hello Kitty. All from H&M.

I'm not keen on TV characters, although I may give in when they are older.

biscuitsmustbedunkedintea · 18/07/2008 20:59

Oh crikey no, I never buy that stuff!

Thats what Grandma's are for
I believe I may be able to dress DD head to toe in The Night Garden stuff. Think Grandma has a little crush on Iggle Piggle myself...

Quattrocento · 18/07/2008 21:01

Never. Anything with characters on (particularly Disney characters) are automatically not bought. If given, they go straight into the charity bag. Sorry.

MaloryTowersUrbaniteLady · 18/07/2008 21:10

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MaloryTowersUrbaniteLady · 18/07/2008 21:10

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IdrisTheDragon · 18/07/2008 21:14

DS and DD have character pants and socks. Also wellies. And pyjamas. DD has a Peppa pig T Shirt I think.

kama · 18/07/2008 21:16

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spugs · 18/07/2008 22:38

we have an upsy daisy denim dress and peppa pig wellys.

Califrau · 18/07/2008 22:47

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Desiderata · 18/07/2008 22:49

ds has dr Who socks and undies. I'd not be keen on the full ensemble though. There's something very fecking creepy about a 3ft tall dalek.

Aefondkiss · 18/07/2008 22:53

myredcardigan, that is sad but lovely.


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Desiderata · 18/07/2008 22:55

Straight into the charity bag for Quattro's kids then! Why does that not surprise me.

PussinJimmyChoos · 18/07/2008 22:57

Err...I'm the same with Disney stuff myself...not that I have a problem with Disney itself, but it is a look favoured by chavs soo...I distance myself...

Desiderata · 18/07/2008 22:59

I don't think ds has ever watched any Disney, apart from Snow White, which we have on dvd.

Yep! I don't mind small stuff that they're obsessive about .. socks, pants, etc. If someone bought ds a themed top, I'd let him wear it if he wanted to. I wouldn't buy one myself, I don't think, but I wouldn't chuck it out.

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