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The best shampoo and conditioner money can buy

47 replies

CottonSock · 11/09/2018 18:00

I was buying ojon but it seems discontinued.

What can I use on my frizzy, heat styled bob to tame it?

OP posts:
CherryPie18 · 11/09/2018 18:00

The Kerastase range is excellent!

bingohandjob · 11/09/2018 18:26

STEMM by Deciem but it's now really bloody hard to find.

SinglePringle · 11/09/2018 18:42

Shu Uemura is amazing. Eye wateringly expensive. Like £50 a bottle but incredible. Ditto Oribe. Gorgeous stuff.

Nanasueathome · 11/09/2018 18:44

Davines is pretty good too

CottonSock · 12/09/2018 08:03

Thanks not heard of most of them so will look up. Are they generally salon only?

OP posts:
Chanelprincess · 12/09/2018 09:13

Another vote for Kerastase. Usually discounted from Look Fantastic.

TheDowagerCuntess · 12/09/2018 09:27

Kerastase. Nothing else has ever helped my thick, coarse, frizzy hair.

It's my biggest beauty extravagance, but worth every last penny.

MorrisZapp · 12/09/2018 09:30

Oh god not Kerastase. Smells like Joan Collins's lingerie drawer.

The oleo relax serum is good though, and only mildly over perfumed.

I like Redken and L'Oréal vitamino colour, but they're probably full of chemicals that Ojon etc don't have.

MorrisZapp · 12/09/2018 09:31

I've also tried Aveda and Keihls shampoo, both matted my hair like a birds nest.

Olivecake · 12/09/2018 09:34

I love Pureology and Aveda, usually available at decent prices from Feel Unique or HQ Hair websites.

Also Faith in Nature from Holland and Barret is a lovely lower budget option, the argan oil range is great for making my hair soft and frizz free.

neffall · 12/09/2018 09:39

I've gone through Redken. Kerastase, Davines and other salon brands but the best thing I've found is Moroccan Argan oil shampoo & conditioner.

My hair is smoother and doesn't get so greasy/dirty so quickly.

Moominfan · 12/09/2018 09:41

I have curly hair and swear by cantu

RedDwarves · 12/09/2018 09:41

I've been impressed by everything I've tried from Bumble & Bumble.

BookMeOnTheSudExpress · 12/09/2018 09:42

Macadamia shampoo, conditioner, masque and oil from Allbeauty. Ginormous sizes, so lasts for months. It has worked wonders on my frizzy dull wavy hedgehead.

SecretWitch · 12/09/2018 09:43

Second Bumble and Bumble. I use many of their shampoos, conditioners and hair styling products.

BeverlyGoldberg · 12/09/2018 09:50

Not sure if it's the best money can buy but I use Wella Brilliance which you can buy in 1000ml bottles on Amazon for relatively cheap. It's done wonders for my hair and smells lovely.

NicoAndTheNiners · 12/09/2018 09:54

I’ve just using Maui hydrating shampoo and hair masks and am very impressed.

NicoAndTheNiners · 12/09/2018 09:55

Oh and Aveda straightening lotion stuff is good for frizz.

Strawberrylaceaddict · 12/09/2018 11:21

Philip Kingsley, although not hugely expensive it’s still mid range hair care I would say. I have very dry, frizzy and course hair and the elasticisor and scalp toners are amazing.

Peraltiago · 12/09/2018 11:21

DHC (of cleansing oil fame) also do shampoos, etc and they are magnificent! And come in enormous bottles. They are discontinuing my favourite CoQ10 one, but I'm hoping the others will be as good...

CottonSock · 14/09/2018 07:29

Getting kerastase in bulk from eBay. I can cope with the smell if it helps.
Thanks everyone

OP posts:
Greenteandchives · 14/09/2018 07:31

Kerastase was my biggest waste of money. So disappointed. I keep coming back to Aussie.


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Nat6999 · 14/09/2018 07:35

Milkshake hair range is amazing, usually only on sale in salons but I bought mine on eBay, leaves your hair feeling really smooth & more manageable.

ItsalmostSummer · 14/09/2018 07:38

I try a cheap one, the basic tea tree shampoo with no extra crap in it. I mostly just use shampoo (maybe a conditioner once a month?) and my hair went from a frizzy hormonal mess to beautiful again. I think I needed a break from hair products - just using everyday shampoo and conditioners. Now it’s basic shampoo. That’s all.

waterlego6064 · 14/09/2018 08:10

I have coarse frizzy hair and I use the Liz Earle shampoo and conditioner which is brilliant. It’s quite pricey but I only have to wash my hair once or twice a week.

Also love Philip Kingsley Elasticizer.

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