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I don't think I'm smart enough for my interview (pic)

116 replies

Pikachuwithyourmouthclosed · 26/07/2017 00:58

I don't have any alternative.

The skirt / heels are not great but they'll do. The vest / cardi is AWFUL but i genuinely don't have anything better.

I don't think I'm smart enough for my interview (pic)
OP posts:
QuestionableMouse · 26/07/2017 04:31

Congratulations!!! I'm really pleased for you!!

2017SoFarSoGood · 26/07/2017 06:00

Big congrats! I knew you looked fine 😜

When do we plan the work wardrobe?

AnonymousTomato · 26/07/2017 06:50

Congratulations!! For teaching that's fine though!

NashvilleQueen · 26/07/2017 06:55

I thought you looked fine and if they call you in at short notice then they have to understand you've not had time to go shopping. Well done on getting the job - I'm so pleased for you. Also like the look of your house if the pic is anything to go by!

Devilishpyjamas · 26/07/2017 06:58

I thought you looked fine & very teachery - congratulations!

Summerlightening80 · 26/07/2017 07:13

Funny but as soon as I clicked on this thread and saw the picture I just knew the job would be teacher!

That outfit would look out of place in my very corporate workplace, but when I was at school all my teachers dressed in your kind of style.

Congrats on the job.

If you want tips for a new work wardrobe I would say:

  • buy less patterned stuff, i.e. Buy Plain skirt & tights so it's easier to mix and match

  • brown footwear can be tricky...I think brown boots can look lovely eg with blue jeans, but I don't like the brown shoes with a black outfit. I would consider investing in black shoes if you'll need to look smart as it's easier to get it right than brown shoes.

  • lots of different length layers can look scruffy

  • get a coat that is longer than all your skirts. When wearing a skirt or dress, your coat should be the longest item for a smarter look
Ginger782 · 26/07/2017 07:19

Which country are you in OP? Perhaps someone in the same country will be able to suggest some quick, cheap things that can build a base for your work wardrobe?


Summerlightening80 · 26/07/2017 07:22

Also - I tend to always wear dresses (rather than skirts and tops) as it's less to think about and you don't need to worry about whether stuff goes together / matches.

I just have a wardrobe full of dresses and a couple of neutral coloured pairs of shoes (black, grey) that go with everything. I don't need to think about getting dressed!

ElfrideSwancourt · 26/07/2017 07:24

When I first looked at your picture I thought- well it's fine if you're a teacher! Well done on getting the job Smile

Rioja123 · 26/07/2017 07:31

Well done, now for shopping!

LadyWithLapdog · 26/07/2017 07:40

Congratulations! I second the plain colours suggestion above. Though plain doesn't have to mean boring, just nothing too patterned.

burnishedsilver · 26/07/2017 07:43

I'm assuming it's winter where you are. That's definitely not a summer outfit.

TeachesOfPeaches · 26/07/2017 07:45

You look like an art or English teacher. Congratulations!

StormFrontage · 26/07/2017 07:45

New Zealand maybe.

Anyway, congratulations!

LaSourciere · 26/07/2017 07:50

Honestly for a teaching job it is fine. For an office job in the City, no. You will be fine!

Unexpectedbaby · 26/07/2017 07:51

Congratulations! Work wardrobe wise, like PP have said, plain things that you can mix and match and maybe 2 pairs of black shoes, one flat one heels.

The outfit that you had on was fine and obviously had no affect on you getting the job anyway. All I maybe would have done would have been lost the scarf and tucked the top in loosely for a bit of shape.

Well done again!!

MorvaanReed · 26/07/2017 07:52

Ha, the Head at the school I work for is a devotee of the corduroy trouser and has a hair cut and moustache trim once a year.

The deputy head at DD's High School turned up to a presentation to parents about GCSE options wearing a canary yellow sun dress (crumpled, like a forgotten tissue at bottom of your handbag), with black tights, white heels and a green jacket (I may have remembered the colours wrong, but it was that level of lairy).

They both seem good at their jobs.

Veronicat · 26/07/2017 07:53

Congratulations on the job. BTW, that skirt is beautiful. Is it Joe Brown?

sparklefarts · 26/07/2017 07:53

Lose the scarf! Definitely lose the scarf!

And the cardigan and then your fab Smile

Good luck x

sparklefarts · 26/07/2017 07:54

Ooops sorry, just seen I'm too late. Congratulations xx

Pikachuwithyourmouthclosed · 26/07/2017 07:55

So, the shopping list looks like this:
Black shoes (thinking loafers? I don't really do heels)
2 dresses in plain colours (what style?)
Nude tights
Trousers and a shirt perhaps?

I have lots of long cardigans (green, brown, pink, turquoise, navy, cream) so it would be silly not to use them - and you lot seem to agree that cardis are okay for teaching.

The reason I don't have any clothes is because I just moved from a hot country to a cold one, and I also dropped 2 sizes. I've just lived in jeans and oversized stuff since I got here.

OP posts:
GinIsIn · 26/07/2017 07:56

I thought librarian from the photo. Ok, plain fabrics are your friend - lots of textures and patterns make it hard to be coordinated. Also, dresses are better as you only have to match shoes and not worry about tops etc. Have a look for plain jersey wrap or skater dresses and you can jazz them up with scarves etc.


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Pikachuwithyourmouthclosed · 26/07/2017 07:57

A few of you love the skirt. I do too!!! It's lovely thick fabric, but it was pretty cheap. Bought it in some funny back-street shop. I don't wear much black which is why I struggled today.

I think we're a scruffy bunch, we teachers. But I still can't wear jeans, docs and a sherpa hoodie 2 sizs too big.

OP posts:
YogiYoni · 26/07/2017 08:07

This is the wrong thread for me.

I'm a teacher. An English teacher no less (Peaches I am giving you my best teacher glare). Cardigans are not a feature of my wardrobe.

If you're determined to wear them though op, maybe go for fitted black trousers and tops, and get a few long necklaces. Then you can swap your cardigans over that more fitted 'uniform'.

YogiYoni · 26/07/2017 08:09

I think we're a scruffy bunch, we teachers

Sigh. I'm not!!! I know some wonderfully dressed teachers.

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