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Am I wearing frumpy shoes?

117 replies

Sallystyle · 22/07/2016 16:45

My teen boys think so Grin

They are very comfortable and cool and I'm more than happy to wear them, but are they alone with their opinion?

OP posts:
AnyFucker · 22/07/2016 21:28

She has been wearing these monstrosities !

Oblomov16 · 22/07/2016 21:32

Timmy mallets girlfriend. Now that is fuck funny.

WizardOfToss · 22/07/2016 22:02

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burnishedsilver · 22/07/2016 22:09

Good Lord. They're bad.

BadToTheBone · 22/07/2016 22:12

I'm 49 and they're too grumpy for me.

2nds · 22/07/2016 22:13

What show did you see op? I'd have worn them to the theatre :-)

BadToTheBone · 22/07/2016 22:13

Not grumpy, lmao frumpy

Doyouthinktheysaurus · 22/07/2016 22:14

Holy fuck, they are frumpy!

I am the queen of frumpy footwear but you just stole my crownGrin

I have some Skechers that are nearly as bad but they have a kitsch quality that just pushes them back from frumpy as fuck to slightly quirky. I bought them while slightly inebriated after following a link on MNBlush

Scarydinosaurs · 22/07/2016 22:15

To think, I was worried my Clarks flat sandals were frumpy...this is another level.

I'm glad they're comfy!

TheFairyCaravan · 22/07/2016 22:20

I can see why they're in the sale. They must have hundreds of pairs to get rid of-.

LynetteScavo · 22/07/2016 22:20

Those shoes are special.

I can see them catching on,but not with me.

PacificDogwod · 22/07/2016 22:30

These shoes are 'frumpy'

I must have a different definition of frumpiness.
Still like the OP's shoes

TheBiscuitStrikesBack · 22/07/2016 22:32

At least they were only £22.

IHaveBrilloHair · 22/07/2016 22:33

Ah ha, I get it now, they are not so much shoes as teen repellers.

Ellieboolou27 · 22/07/2016 22:43

I love them but...purely for the comments about them that have had me in stitches.

Dodooodoo · 22/07/2016 22:49

Well I have exactly the same in grey from Shuropody. My dh bought them for me last year. I was a bit 😁😁😁😁😁 when I saw them, but then I tried them on. The inner foam feels like I'm walking on air. I haven't worn them out yet, but keeping them for my upcoming night shifts. Note: night shifts where fewer people will notice my feet 😂.

Sallystyle · 22/07/2016 22:51

I watched Mary Poppins, it was great. Unlike my shoes it seems.

I was going for quirky but ended up with ugly Grin still keeps the teens away!

OP posts:
maz210 · 22/07/2016 22:52

I didn't have my glasses on and initially thought they were slippers Grin

They're pretty awful, it's like a clog mated with an Easter basket.

I'm with your sons on these. I'm 36 and have no style whatsoever and would also want to walk 10 yards behind you if you wore these out.

dudsville · 22/07/2016 22:54

That is some shoe. You are winner of Most Random Shoe find.

readyforno2 · 22/07/2016 23:00

Please stop wearing them. Truly awful.

Sorry op Blush

Iamthegreatest1 · 22/07/2016 23:00

ooh! i love a shoe thread, the last was about a lonesome frumpy shoe too, wonder wether it made it into classics Hmm.

mzS1990 · 22/07/2016 23:03



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whitehandledkitchenknife · 22/07/2016 23:35

'They're pretty awful, it's like a clog mated with an Easter basket.'

You are a good sport U2HTE Flowers

2nds · 23/07/2016 01:20

PacificDogwood before I clicked ops link I envisioned something similar to the shoes on your link.

Dodooodoo · 23/07/2016 07:52

I just went on to the Shuropody website to find my shoes but found these babies instead. 😆...the "cooler" younger sister of frumpy shoes.

Am I wearing frumpy shoes?
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