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Am I wearing frumpy shoes?

117 replies

Sallystyle · 22/07/2016 16:45

My teen boys think so Grin

They are very comfortable and cool and I'm more than happy to wear them, but are they alone with their opinion?

OP posts:
LizzieMacQueen · 22/07/2016 17:49

Better off wearing trainers IMO

MajesticSeaFlapFlap · 22/07/2016 17:50

They are like home craft pintrest shoes
Bored of weaving baskets or making fluttered bottles? Try shoes

However I admit I'm no fashion queen, I wear sandals with socks out in public and my teen will flat out refuse to walk beside me.

MajesticSeaFlapFlap · 22/07/2016 17:51

Glittered not fluttered

AnyFucker · 22/07/2016 17:54

I actually did just choke on my rose wine @ Timmy Mallet 's girlfriend Grin

Pipkinhartley · 22/07/2016 17:59

Some things you wish you'd never clicked can't unsee stuff you've looked at on the Internet!

But each to their own OP😸

Talisin · 22/07/2016 18:01

I'd refuse to be seen out with my mum too if she wore those.

CointreauVersial · 22/07/2016 18:04

YY to 1970s sunlounger!

whitehandledkitchenknife · 22/07/2016 18:08

Oh no. I like a fugly shoe as much as the next fugly shoe lover person, but these are not the right side of fugly. They are just ugly.
FWIW - a very old ex boyfriend was wearing a pair last time I saw him. I honestly thought he'd developed some serious foot problem.

Floisme · 22/07/2016 18:10

Never, ever take style advice from teenage boys.
I think if you wear them with cool clothes they'll look fine.
Now where are these coach trips of which you speak?,

Sendmylove · 22/07/2016 18:12

I LOL'ed when I clicked on that link.

ILoveAGoodBrusselSprout · 22/07/2016 18:12

Oh dear god. Got a little sick in my mouth there Wink

DM (in her 70s) has a pair not dissimilar, but nowhere near as bad.

bloomburger · 22/07/2016 18:13

My 78 year old mother in law has a pair. She v sprightly for 78 though!

WizardOfToss · 22/07/2016 18:14

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

PragmaticWench · 22/07/2016 18:18

They are actually quite trendy (in London).

They are also really ugly.

'Tis often the way with edgy shoes and clothing.

Sendmylove · 22/07/2016 18:18

I'm still laughing at the second pair in the hideous colours.

PacificDogwod · 22/07/2016 18:20

U2 is simply sartorially waaaaay ahead of the curve and you staid lot Grin

But yes, why is that that the übercool stuff often is so ridiculously ugly?!

EnriqueTheRingBearingLizard · 22/07/2016 18:26

I think they're fine if you go out wearing lycra shorts and a vest top with a baseball cap Smile smart linens or a floaty sundress not so much.

LadyB49 · 22/07/2016 18:27

I can see them with nice tanned leg.....funky
Good with ankle grazers etc.
Think I like them.

FrazzleM · 22/07/2016 18:30

Oh OP, you are getting a tough time over these.

I must admit to having more than a chuckle at some of these comments!

If they're comfy and you like them, then that's all that matters.

Sallystyle · 22/07/2016 18:43

I'm waiting to go into the theatre and laughing really hard at some of these comments Grin

I'm not wearing the shoes tonight although I was tempted.

OP posts:
Beautifullymixed · 22/07/2016 19:04

This is a funny thread OP Smile

Enjoy the theatre.

AnyFucker · 22/07/2016 19:10

You are a good sport, U2


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Willsee · 22/07/2016 19:51

Wonderful! I am getting some right away if it means getting out without teens. Trying to decide which colour would be better at keeping teens awayGrin

JohnCheese · 22/07/2016 20:06

Oh FrazzleM no no NO!! These shoes are one of the few pairs of shoes in the world where the comfort factor is entirely irrelevant. They are truly beyond 'if they're comfortable...' No no no
Sorry OP

LizzieMacQueen · 22/07/2016 20:11

So you have already bought them?

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