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Am I wearing frumpy shoes?

117 replies

Sallystyle · 22/07/2016 16:45

My teen boys think so Grin

They are very comfortable and cool and I'm more than happy to wear them, but are they alone with their opinion?

OP posts:
Motherwithflaws · 22/07/2016 17:18


lordStrange · 22/07/2016 17:18

I think they are being polite Smile

Beautifullymixed · 22/07/2016 17:19

My mouth is still wide open at the fugliness OP Shock

Can't believe you would pay good money for those!

Queenbean · 22/07/2016 17:20

I thought "they can't be that bad..."

Then clicked on the link and almost gagged. They are truly hideous OP.

possum18 · 22/07/2016 17:21

My mother told me if I didn't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. Mums the word..

RamsayBoltonsConscience · 22/07/2016 17:21

They....aren't great OP. Blush

AuldYow · 22/07/2016 17:22

I've never seen shoes like them before Wink

Paulat2112 · 22/07/2016 17:22

Wow!! They are special!

Choceeclair123 · 22/07/2016 17:23

I'll be having nightmares tonight Shock

WaitrosePigeon · 22/07/2016 17:24

Apparently they won't go out with me wearing them.

Really laughed at this

Beautifullymixed · 22/07/2016 17:24

I've seen your good advice on several threads OP.
I will always 'see' the shoes now, when I read your posts.

DameXanaduBramble · 22/07/2016 17:26

Fuck me.

Did you make those out of shopping bags?

absolutelynotfabulous · 22/07/2016 17:26

I've got 2 pairs-a black pair and a pink pair (even pinker Tha yours).

I thought they were...edgy and cool. Seems I'm mistaken.

hollyisalovelyname · 22/07/2016 17:30

I think they are funky not frumpy.
I wouldn't be seen dead in them though Smile

PicnicPie · 22/07/2016 17:31

Yep I'd file those under frumplicious

Nettletheelf · 22/07/2016 17:34

My eyes MY EYES!!!

They are heinous, OP. Sorry. Your kids are applying tough love for your own good.

GinAndOnIt · 22/07/2016 17:35

I keep clicking back on the link because I can't quite believe they exist. The other colour look like an 8 year old has made them with the elastic bands they've collected on their scooter neck.

squoosh · 22/07/2016 17:36

They look like shoes that you'd buy in some hippy shop. The kind that would come with a label saying 'handwoven by female prisoners in Belize'.

ShatnersBassoon · 22/07/2016 17:38

I think my nan had a 1970s sun lounger made from the same stuff. Chafed every time you had to get your bare skin off it.

PacificDogwod · 22/07/2016 17:39

U2, don't listen to the haterz Grin

Vixxfacee · 22/07/2016 17:41

Some of the worst shoes I've ever seen.

TheWindInThePillows · 22/07/2016 17:42

They don't look comfortable to me, but I think they are fine- if you do a quick scan of summer feet, most people are rather untrendy sandals, it's actually hard to get a stylish cool pair.

I think it depends what you wear them with. I don't get the hatred, and I have seen way worse clumpy awful going trekking for a month type affairs, these could look ok with good jeans with a little turn up...


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polyhymnia · 22/07/2016 17:44

I'm all for comfort but I think they're grim. But maybe they could be argued to be funky/ so ugly they're cool, I suppose ...

squoosh · 22/07/2016 17:47

I bet Timmy Mallet's girlfriend wears shoes like that.

squoosh · 22/07/2016 17:47

And I'd say Su Pollard has a pair for when she's chillaxing around the house.

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