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Am I wearing frumpy shoes?

117 replies

Sallystyle · 22/07/2016 16:45

My teen boys think so Grin

They are very comfortable and cool and I'm more than happy to wear them, but are they alone with their opinion?

OP posts:
absolutelynotfabulous · 23/07/2016 11:23

mum2 that's what I wear mine with.

I'm liking pacific's too, now....

MumOfTwoMasterOfNone · 23/07/2016 10:27

I was expecting a lot worse from the comments. I think with the right casual outfit they would be fine! My Mum has been buying the same frumpy shoes in black and navy for 30 bleedin years. Sometimes she used to get them mixed up to look batshit crazy on top of frumpy when I was a kid, your kids should count themselves lucky Grin

RowenaDahl · 23/07/2016 10:05

They're interesting!

I personally wouldn't take style advice from teenage boys though. Wear what you want.

FuminFecker · 23/07/2016 10:04

I'm 23 and have a pair just like that. I think they're stylish, practical and comfy!

mum2Bomg · 23/07/2016 09:49

It depends on what you wear them with and your personal style. With cut off jeans and a cool shirt I think they could look ace X

2nds · 23/07/2016 09:45

Oh Pacific I wear mine every day I leave the door and just slip them on and just want to dance my way out the door like Michelle pfeifer does in Grease 2.

PacificDogwod · 23/07/2016 09:36

2nds, my 12 and 13 yo DSs were appalled when I got my first pair of Go Walks this year Grin - they were SO outraged that it kind of added to the whole experience: v comfy feet AND comically dicusted (sic) t(w)eens: win-win!

Cordelia1234 · 23/07/2016 09:32

Ooo my ugly trainers are sketchers

Cordelia1234 · 23/07/2016 09:31

Yes..but I'm also wearing blue crocs...and sometimes ugly black trainers...ugly shoes are so comfortable!!!

WhereMyMilk · 23/07/2016 09:30

Fugly...nothing else to say

TondelayaDellaVentamiglia · 23/07/2016 09:28

oh so SO bad! Dearie me, no!

2nds · 23/07/2016 09:25

Someone up thread said their skechers were frumpy? I'd like to see these 'frumpy' skechers!
I'm a skechers convert. I used to wear any cheap crap on my feet but since I slipped on a pair of skechers go walk a while back I have not looked back!!

ThatsMyStapler · 23/07/2016 09:21

Apparently they won't go out with me wearing them

I wouldn't go out with me wearing them

PacificDogwod · 23/07/2016 09:21

I may or may not have these in my shopping basked now…

U2, you enabler, you!!


ScarlettDarling · 23/07/2016 09:18

Dear lord, they're nasty. But I bet you rock em! Grin

user1468602338 · 23/07/2016 09:17

Oh I'm not a fan..but if you like them and are comfy then who cares

absolutelynotfabulous · 23/07/2016 09:14

Well I think they're fab. So there. They sell them in an "edgy" shop in my city alongside the DMs. So there.

Wear your shoes with pride, OP.

Dodooodoo · 23/07/2016 07:52

I just went on to the Shuropody website to find my shoes but found these babies instead. 😆...the "cooler" younger sister of frumpy shoes.

Am I wearing frumpy shoes?
2nds · 23/07/2016 01:20

PacificDogwood before I clicked ops link I envisioned something similar to the shoes on your link.

whitehandledkitchenknife · 22/07/2016 23:35

'They're pretty awful, it's like a clog mated with an Easter basket.'

You are a good sport U2HTE Flowers

mzS1990 · 22/07/2016 23:03


Iamthegreatest1 · 22/07/2016 23:00

ooh! i love a shoe thread, the last was about a lonesome frumpy shoe too, wonder wether it made it into classics Hmm.


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readyforno2 · 22/07/2016 23:00

Please stop wearing them. Truly awful.

Sorry op Blush

dudsville · 22/07/2016 22:54

That is some shoe. You are winner of Most Random Shoe find.

maz210 · 22/07/2016 22:52

I didn't have my glasses on and initially thought they were slippers Grin

They're pretty awful, it's like a clog mated with an Easter basket.

I'm with your sons on these. I'm 36 and have no style whatsoever and would also want to walk 10 yards behind you if you wore these out.

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