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Help me look like this woman I saw in the street!

264 replies

HeyNonnyMaybe · 28/01/2016 12:33

Trudging along in the rain the other day in flat boots, jeans, and sensible knee length waterproof school run type coat.

Then this woman hoved into view looking fabulous with her bob in a beany hat, egg shaped woolen coat, midi length flared skirt poking out of the bottom of it, woollen tights and ankle boots. She looked like she should be in focus at the front of a slow motion shot whilst the background blurred out and a Jacques Brel soundtrack played. Angry

She looked fab, everything was coordinated in terms of colour, she looked really cosy but actually fucking stylish, rather than me galumphing along.

So, I've decided enough with the jeans. I want to look feminine, chic, perhaps a little boho. Not like I've just raided the rails of White Stuff or Fat Face. I used to be so much braver with clothes but now I'm mid 40s, short and a bit fat, so this could be a challenge. I'm aware an egg coat would make me look like an actual egg. And I don't want to be the sort of middle aged woman who puts in pink highlights and wears zebra print DMs because they're "fun".

Any suggestions of where to get the type of clothes I'm on about? I don't mean necessarily copies of hers, it's more about being more original and somehow, oh I don't know, lovely.

OP posts:
hardboiled · 29/01/2016 15:37


I like this collection...

Rkep · 29/01/2016 15:41

I'm a House Of Colour Consultant - this is what we specialise in - a personal style that suits your body and your personality - love seeing the results. We teach you how to become your own personal stylist. It's so liberating! They should teach to kids in school...Smile

50sgirl1987 · 29/01/2016 15:43

Re. Keeping warm when wearing skirts or dresses in winter.

Thick wool or cotton tights with ankle boots or closed top shoes (brogues etc).

Ballerinas are no good as your feet will get wet!

Wear a slip under the dress or a longline thermal vest

HeyNonnyMaybe · 29/01/2016 15:47

I love brogues but the combo of small feet and ham legs makes me look like I have little trotters. Maybe I just need to embrace it. I love the Red Or Dead brogues.

OP posts:
Pupsiecola · 29/01/2016 15:49

Hey, you fill out a questionnaire first off. She also takes your body shape into account, so hourglass, pear shape or whatever. I think you also look at pictures and say what you like. Then she measures your body and your legs to see how in proportion you are so that she can focus on say lengthening the legs for example. Also takes fabrics into account. So for example because I'm an hourglass, bulky, shape-giving fabrics make me look huge and frumpy. So she advised me to try to stick to fabrics that hug/accentuate the curves (even when I was 2st heavier than I am now). Because my legs and body are in proportion I can get away with wearing multiple colours and will often wear 3 different ones, whereas some people suit one or two. It was a really useful thing to do, for me. And cos I don't much enjoy shopping the whole thing is far more efficient and pleasant. I came away with a booklet with pictures of, for example, the types of waistband that work best, and skirt styles, trousers etc. It is a little bit Trinny & Susannah but actually it's not rocket science. It has just give me more laser focus when looking for things.

I know some of these style consultancy first come in for a lot of flack but it very much depends on the individual consultant, I think.

I tried that John Lewis personal style edit last night and didn't like it at all! It suggested a load of stuff I would never choose :-( Could be a very handy app if they could get it right.

Pupsiecola · 29/01/2016 15:50

*style consultancy firms.

Oh and re shoes, I have big feet and quite thin ankles so I can easily look like a golf club!

50sgirl1987 · 29/01/2016 15:59

Matching the colour of your shoes to the colour of your tights also creates the illusion of longer legs

LardLizard · 29/01/2016 16:01

Some people just exude style

JayElleGee · 29/01/2016 16:14

i also love TK Maxx for more original and limited edition styling. Nothing quite like rocking an M&S ensemble and bumping into your MIL with almost the same outfit on. Does nothing for your confidence. Also, don't be afraid to try more 'younger' shops for some cheap and cheerful essentials. Personally I swear by New Look jeans and, at less than £25 a pair, who cares if they only last a year... Just don't go into such shops on a Saturday - the hormones and teen 'tude can be quite intimidating.

HeyNonnyMaybe · 29/01/2016 16:19

Just done the John Lewis thing and it was awful! It suggested loads of lace overlay things that were all a bit Lady Captain's Day at the golf club.

OP posts:
clairemgill · 29/01/2016 16:20

Try booking in with s personal shopper in any store that has one. They're free and they often have you trying on things that you wouldn't normally pick up. It really helped me widen my outlook for clothes. Plus she brought me tea (wine) while I shopped!

JANESWAINE · 29/01/2016 16:23

Love this thread...same boat. Personal shopper (free) at house of fraser. Got lovely phase eight reduced dress I wouldn't have tried and saw loads of lovely other things. Still need daily help thoug

Pupsiecola · 29/01/2016 16:27

Me too Hey! I don't much fancy lace. And am easily irritated skin wise. It just doesn't look comfortable to me, and too 'busy'.

And in such dull colours. I'm a warm Autumn and love the oranges and reds and greens etc. It could be so good couldn't it, if it worked better!

HeyNonnyMaybe · 29/01/2016 16:27

Maybe I should try HoF.

Oddly enough I find smart clothes relatively easy, I have a few stretchy dresses with a bit of flattering ruching that look good with cool shoes and decent accessories. It's the daily office/weekend stuff where I fall into the trap of jeans and trainers.

OP posts:
Pupsiecola · 29/01/2016 16:30

Nowt wrong with jeans and trainers :-) I feel like me, in mine. With a decent top. I didn't wear jeans for 4 years because I felt too uncomfy in them (weight gain). I bloody love wearing jeans now :-)

Roussette · 29/01/2016 16:33

Great thread! Like you Nonny I can do smart, I can do dressed up, it's effortlessly casual I have a great problem with!

Love some of the coats on here but I could not buy them, add some boots and I would look like part of the Russian elite during the Cold War!

I've never really mastered 'casual' so watching on here for inspiration.

bigbadbarry · 29/01/2016 16:33

John Lewis thinks I should wear fluorescent bodycon dresses. I must have filled a box in wrong somewhere.

SlatternIsTrying · 29/01/2016 16:34

Fab thread!

Stil Grin at "Janice Battersby" and "trotters".

Since last autumn I had been wearing my dog walking Decathlon waterproof coat to work (professional job) in the mistaken belief that as I was taking it off as soon as I got in, it didn't really matter. How wrong I was! I got a very smart 'work' coat at Christmas and it has made a world of difference. I look smarter and I feel smarter. Added to it now is a matching scarf and hat and I look much more put together in the morning even though I am anything but.

HeyNonnyMaybe · 29/01/2016 16:44

I love jeans and trainers on other people, but my legs are too short and chunky, plus I have a sizeable baby overhang and small feet.
I'm ravishing, really.Grin

OP posts:
HeyNonnyMaybe · 29/01/2016 16:56

Do you know, it's just occurred to me, someone needs to open a shop for women who are older and therefore likely to be aesthetically challenged and maybe a bit fat, but who want to dress in good stylish interesting clothes.

OP posts:
theDuchessInTheDodgeCharger · 29/01/2016 17:31

I second the person who mentioned Zara here.
I have experienced the same as the OP here, I always seem to be in jeans/converse/cycling jacket. I'm early 40s and a bit stumpy and driven to despair when seeing myself in a shop window... then I get a couple of nice bits from Zara and feel fabulous again. They seem to get it right, for me anyway. Try lots of things, it's not always what you think which works with your shape!

LyingWitchInTheWardrobe2726 · 29/01/2016 17:42

Hey... I have no fashion or style advice for you, sorry, and I'm sure you look great in your own style, but I just wanted to say that you're a very funny lady, your posts have made me laugh... a lot. GrinGrin


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NorbertDentressangle · 29/01/2016 17:44

Some people just have the knack of looking stylish and chic without looking too try-hard don't they?

There's a school mum like that that DP and I nicknamed "Effortlessly chic" (to coin a Daily Fail phrase). She could wear the most simple clothes but look so perfect, elegant with a twist of boho.

RoomForASmallOne · 29/01/2016 17:45


I would come to your shop Smile
I am so hard to dress (age, weight, shape, proportions)
I have lost that ability to look good with hardly any effort.

cissyfuss · 29/01/2016 18:20

As soon as I read this I was chomping at the bit to help out.... (being a 40 something shape-changer myself!) I've been thinking about setting up a business as a personal stylist/consultant/shopper but have fallen into the classic "... but I have no training, someone will tap me on the shoulder and tell me I'm a fraud..." way of thinking! Despite having shopped with family and friends and have everyone say "you MUST do this cissyfuss!!" Anyhow I will need some willing volunteers to boost my confidence get me started.... I'm new to MN so not sure about rules on location/private messaging etc. Anyway if it transpires I'm nearby Nonny then I'm more than happy to shop with you....!

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