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Help me look like this woman I saw in the street!

264 replies

HeyNonnyMaybe · 28/01/2016 12:33

Trudging along in the rain the other day in flat boots, jeans, and sensible knee length waterproof school run type coat.

Then this woman hoved into view looking fabulous with her bob in a beany hat, egg shaped woolen coat, midi length flared skirt poking out of the bottom of it, woollen tights and ankle boots. She looked like she should be in focus at the front of a slow motion shot whilst the background blurred out and a Jacques Brel soundtrack played. Angry

She looked fab, everything was coordinated in terms of colour, she looked really cosy but actually fucking stylish, rather than me galumphing along.

So, I've decided enough with the jeans. I want to look feminine, chic, perhaps a little boho. Not like I've just raided the rails of White Stuff or Fat Face. I used to be so much braver with clothes but now I'm mid 40s, short and a bit fat, so this could be a challenge. I'm aware an egg coat would make me look like an actual egg. And I don't want to be the sort of middle aged woman who puts in pink highlights and wears zebra print DMs because they're "fun".

Any suggestions of where to get the type of clothes I'm on about? I don't mean necessarily copies of hers, it's more about being more original and somehow, oh I don't know, lovely.

OP posts:
TeaPleaseLouise · 28/01/2016 19:57

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Ohtobeskiing · 28/01/2016 19:58

yes, yes, yes to a good coat. It has taken me 48 years to work that one out...! I bought this and it has transformed the way I feel when I go out.

Charitygirl1 · 28/01/2016 19:58

Egg/cocoon coats are really best on apples, as they make pears look blocky. They're so ubiquitous that I've caved but it's clearly not as flattering as a coat with a waist and squared shoulders is on me. But apples should stock up.

HeyNonnyMaybe · 28/01/2016 20:05

Ooh goodness, this thread has chubby legs!

Yes Dick, that's exactly the one. Grin

Chish, I like what you're doing there. You're right, I should give the charity shops a go, but people who are a bit fat are very much a modern invention, so I'm not convinced I'd find anything that fitted. You're definitely onto something though, I love that Alexa Chung 'just threw it on' vibe but I have no confidence that I'd choose something that didn't make me look like someone with too many cats.

Yes, that burgundy coat is fab isn't it. Yes, I am busty, but I'm what the websites call rectangular. I think that means that you used to have a waist but the years and children and pies have filled out the middle.

Will try that John Lewis thing, ta.

Bless you Jingle, I'm glad my anguish is entertaining you. Grin

Vagabond have loads of lovely things. I was thinking of flat Chelsea boots but I'm going to veto them on the grounds of them being Too Balding.

OP posts:
HeyNonnyMaybe · 28/01/2016 20:08

Ooh, that coat is nice skiing. Very early Middleton.

You're right, a good coat counts for so much. I keep putting off buying one because I'm convinced I'll lose weight. Or get younger.

OP posts:
Ohtobeskiing · 28/01/2016 20:16

I was kinda forced into the coat as we were going to a smart wedding in December and the only coats I had were a ski jacket or a cagoule - DH practically frog marched me to Hobbs.

When you work out how to get younger will you let me know Grin ?

Jmangel · 28/01/2016 20:16

I had my own style nemesis on school run yesterday - she was all opaque tights in an above the knee cocoon coat, high block heeled boots and long tendril hair - wanted to run her over!!!

Pupsiecola · 28/01/2016 20:22

I saw my then local House of Colour consultant. She was excellent. For my 40th we went shopping Grin.

AppleSnapple · 28/01/2016 21:01

What about Sam Edelman petty boots ? Lovely, sooo comfortable and low enough to show off a beautifully turned ankle!

AppleSnapple · 28/01/2016 21:03

Sorry, a link would've been good

HeyNonnyMaybe · 28/01/2016 21:12

I like those Apple. What about these?

OP posts:
AppleSnapple · 28/01/2016 21:37

They're fab, Nonny, v similar!

Itscurtainsforyou · 28/01/2016 22:58

Pup - I'm also a casual/natural which is why I look scruffy whatever I wear

Where do you shop?

HeyNonnyMaybe · 29/01/2016 07:23

Pup, how does the HoC style thing work? I can see that with colours you can just do the scarf thing as it's clear what suits. Surely with clothes there's the issue of not only what flatters your body shape but also your own taste? Do they have vast quantities of clothes for you to try on?

OP posts:
bakeoffcake · 29/01/2016 14:23

What a great thread, I'm just 50, short and have always been slim, this year however I've put on a stone, mostly around my middleHmm which I can't be arsed doing anything about

I live in skinny trousers and nice jumpers which cover my bulges

This winter I have started wearing wedged ankle boots and they have made a big difference to how I feel- more "dressed". But I'd love to wear more dresses.

I had a look at the Joy website- there's some really nice dresses, does anyone know what the sizing is like?

puggle1407 · 29/01/2016 14:55

I had the same problem but recently added a few items to my wardrobe and they made all the difference!

If you like grey, navy and black you've already got a great colour palette to start with! I think these items would give you that instant 'put together' look you're after...

  • Smart woollen Navy 'car' winter coat (look at Jack Wills Alsop coat for inspiration) I'm short too and they still look great if they've got a good cut and quality material.

  • Cashmere/wool blend checked scarf in black, green & navy OR black, tan and cream colour mix

  • Tan leather boots with a small heel - they look amazing with Navy and Grey (check out Dune Steven Madden SM Nitro boot in tan)

  • Slouchy leather tote bag in a Forrest Green or Deep Plum for colour. May be not practical but love a Cambridge satchel in port colour.

  • Suede boots in Khaki - also look good with navy, black, blue jeans and grey. Check out 'Isidora' boots at Aldo in Khaki

-If you like Grey then invest in a beautiful M&S cashmere 2 ply jumper - you can get a discount code - they last forever and instantly add a touch of class

puggle1407 · 29/01/2016 15:00

I've just realised you wanted to a look a little bit boho...which my coat suggestion is not. Oops!

JapanNextYear · 29/01/2016 15:06

Just ordered the Kaliko coat linked to above. As I too am firmly of the conviction that a good coat hides a multitude of sins.

Unfortunately I live in one of the wettest counties in the UK - so its hard to wear them.

notagiraffe · 29/01/2016 15:15

That coat is gorgeous. I'm short and fat and bought a similar coat last year. It makes me feel skinny, even though it's size 14, and gets loads of compliments.

I'm not convinced by ankle boots with ham legs though. They hide the ankle and reveal the ham. I prefer knee length boots with a mid height heel which give more balance.

I think that coat with a massive soft cashmere scarf or similar, floaty skirt and long boots would be a good take on 70s style that is in at the moment, but not boho enough to look like a cat rescue lady.

EthelMercaptan · 29/01/2016 15:16

I have slowly drifted into a "uniform" of joggers, t shirts, hoodies and trainers after decades of being covered in all the assorted yuk and goo associated with six small children and the slobber, hair and muddy footprints that are the inevitable outcome of owning large dogs. I think it's too late for me to change. I scrub up ok for occasions, which are few and far between, but I couldn't keep it up consistently. I am a lost cause.

notagiraffe · 29/01/2016 15:17

puggle do you have a link for discount code on M&S cashmere please?

SchnitzelVonKrumm · 29/01/2016 15:20

Uniqlo cashmere is excellent - I've got black, grey and navy jumpers that I live in in winter


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HeyNonnyMaybe · 29/01/2016 15:27

Ooh, thanks for the suggestions! My reservations about knee boots is that I can never find ones that I like which also fit my calves. I also never really know how to style them, knee boots with jeans are all a bit Jilly Cooper and with skirts I feel a bit Cossacky and weird. What am I doing wrong?

OP posts:
arielmanto · 29/01/2016 15:30

I have that zara coat. it's not a coat, it's really a cardigan, and if i wore it as a coat it would be bloody freezing. not to mention not waterproof.

chanelfreak · 29/01/2016 15:32

HeyNonny I'm snorting at your Cossack-y comment Grin

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