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I am craving purple Dr Martens. Should I just consider it a hormonal episode and ride it out or embrace the need for clumpiness?

103 replies

CreviceImp · 27/10/2015 15:53

I am 40. I want patent spectra ones or cherry reds.

Do I need to have a word with myself?

OP posts:
Elemental · 30/10/2015 21:19

Those purple ones are fabulous. Like WidowWadman (love the name!) I've got the Vondas and am in love with them. No wearing in needed either somehow. The embroidered roses are just beautiful.
Here, but I got them for about half that price on Amazon.

Sundaysmumisfullofwine · 31/10/2015 07:03

Slammer I have those in silver and grey and wore them on my wedding day.
Currently trying to break in some vintage multi coloured crush velvet boots. Had a pair as a teen and wore them to death, managed to get a pair off eBay so I can relive my teens

Allofaflumble · 18/12/2015 10:24

I have a pair of black lace up DM's. They are 38 years old. Bit tatty on the top but the soles are still in good condition. Very comfy.

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