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Love Geri Halliwell's wedding dress!

156 replies

LeoandBoosmum · 15/05/2015 17:15

Didn't expect her to look so classy Blush

The lace is gorgeous close-up.

OP posts:
polyhymnia · 15/05/2015 21:21

Lovely classy dress and restrained makeup. I saw that black and white outfit that Dawn French wore in Marina Rinaldi and thought it was one to give a miss to. Looks like I was right!

FatAli · 15/05/2015 21:30

In the same way I would think at 44 I am too old for some clothes, like dungarees or hot pants, I think that a woman that's over about 35 just looks slightly wrong in the whole big white wedding dress with virginal veil scenario.

The dress itself is gorgeous, but at her age, I think she would have suited something a bit edgy that let her personality shine through.

HermioneWeasley · 15/05/2015 21:36

You are quite right. 42 is not nearly 50. But she's not 42. When the spice girls started she was about 10 years older than me (and I reckon she'd knocked a few years off even then) I turn 40 soon.

MamaMary · 15/05/2015 21:40

I don't like the dress- far too much material and veils everywhere - it drowns her.

She is pretty with a lovely figure and I think a simpler, less fussy dress would have been more flattering.

But then I didn't like Kate's wedding dress much either

Mintyy · 15/05/2015 21:42

I actually dislike big white weddings anyway. There is this whole dreadfully old fashioned symbolism of purity and virginity being given away, which just doesn't apply in 99.9% of weddings these days. Sorry to any who are offended by that.

But Geri's veil (modesty anyone) and everything when she is easily old enough to be a grandmother? No, the whole lot is naff.

Mintyy · 15/05/2015 21:44

I thought she was 26/27 when The Spice Girls started and the rest of them were all about 20/21? She was a host on a game show in Portugal. Don't know where I dredged that up from. I know they were at the height of their fame in 1996.

I always knew she was younger than me but I'm not sure I believe it is 11 years younger!

GoneGirlGone · 15/05/2015 21:48

Totally agree with Goblin's assessment. She looks lovely but the whole affair was sordid. What kind of man can he be? And white is deeply inappropriate.

Tizwailor · 15/05/2015 21:49

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HermioneWeasley · 15/05/2015 21:50

mintyy (completely agree with your first comment above BTW). I have just googled some photos of her in her early ginger spice days over invested and if she was 26 at the time, she had a bloody hard paper round in her youth. Must have been early 30s nearly 20 years ago

PrimalLass · 15/05/2015 21:58

I noticed Geri wasn't at David Beckham's 40th and Vicki wasn't at the wedding - are they not mates any more then?

Geri was at the 40th.

Mintyy · 15/05/2015 22:01

It's not about "deserving" anything afaic. I am all for people not being virgins when they get married - anything else is madness!

I'm very cynical about the whole wedding business tbh. And marriage is often a tough old grind, something to be celebrated but not romanticised.

LeoandBoosmum · 15/05/2015 22:03

Oh, didn't know the bloke was a loser! And Geri's behaviour sounds less than savoury.
Still love the dress and don't think she looks too old for it...looks really flattering on her and is totally age appropriate. She has a great figure.
Don't think Geri looks 42 anyhow, looks a lot younger (not that 42 is old!), at least in these pics. I too love the ethereal veil...and the lack of an ugly headpiece/ tiara!

OP posts:
whitershadeofpale · 15/05/2015 22:04

I'm sure her autobiography said she was born in 1967. Plus she talked a lot about being quite a bit older than all the others, now she's only a year older than Victoria.

noddyholder · 15/05/2015 22:09

Blimey I wear what I like and I'm 49! I only hear this stuff on MN.

Mintyy · 15/05/2015 22:12

I reckon she's 45.

PrimalLass · 15/05/2015 22:15

Wikipedia says 1972.

WindMeUpAndLetMeGo · 15/05/2015 22:16

Veils have nothing to do with virginity - do your research!

A lot of you need a saucer of milk and put your claws away. She looks lovely and no matter what the circumstances she can wear what she likes.

SisterNancySinatra · 15/05/2015 22:20

Windmeup. How ironic that you use a bitchy comment directed toward mumsnet users. Now that's not very feminist is it .

Tizwailor · 15/05/2015 22:23

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noddyholder · 15/05/2015 22:25

Agree wind

BitOutOfPractice · 15/05/2015 22:25

The dress is really gorgeous and her veil and make up are lovely too

But the shoes!! Shock

WindMeUpAndLetMeGo · 15/05/2015 22:27

SisterNancy what are you on about?


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Mintyy · 15/05/2015 22:28

Of course she can wear what she likes! Doesn't mean other people have to like it.

noddyholder · 15/05/2015 22:33

I didn't see the shoes

Tizwailor · 15/05/2015 22:40

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