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Love Geri Halliwell's wedding dress!

156 replies

LeoandBoosmum · 15/05/2015 17:15

Didn't expect her to look so classy Blush

The lace is gorgeous close-up.

OP posts:
Notabeararaccoon · 15/05/2015 17:52

Sorry people but he was shagging geri before he left the girlfriend. Geri went after him all guns blazing, and I imagine his parents disapprove of his behaviour as a result. Geri is not classy, no matter what dress you put her in...

Bombinate · 15/05/2015 17:52

It's just a copy of the royal wedding dress.

RightSideOfWrong · 15/05/2015 17:52

Yeah, his parents didn't attend because he left his wife 6 months after she'd given birth to their latest child. There were rumours that they were going to "compromise" by having a later wedding, but obviously they didn't, and his parents stuck to their guns and didn't attend.

I do feel sorry for his ex-wife.

StupidBloodyKindle · 15/05/2015 17:54

Isn't it the same designer who did Kate's?

RiskManagement · 15/05/2015 17:57

She does look lovely, she's one who has definitely improved with age. she looked good in the engagement pics too.

I have some admiration for his parents' stance, but would hope I'd be able to find a way to be in the lives of my GC and my son, should one of them behave so badly. Unconditional love and all that.

StupidBloodyKindle · 15/05/2015 17:57

So what do you make of the black dresses worn by Holden Bunton and co?

I do feel sorry for the ex yes. Whilst we do.not choose who we fall in love with or why or when, we can decide whether to act on it or not. If my other half had done a runner months post-partum I would have been incensed. They are therefore on The List .

mateysmum · 15/05/2015 17:59

It's lovely. Definitely channelling the Duchess of Cambridge rather than the Kardashian school of wedding garb thank goodness.

StupidBloodyKindle · 15/05/2015 18:00

Maybe they will reunite if Geri has a sibling for Bluebell. Unless she's hoping the one year old dad will fill that role (to be honest, the nine year old won't be that enamoured of any new baby once she hits puberty!).

StupidBloodyKindle · 15/05/2015 18:01

Dsd not dad, obviously. That would be weird.

JoanHickson · 15/05/2015 18:04

Cat Cambridge had every right to wear white, she didn't break up a family. Some people have no shame.

noddyholder · 15/05/2015 18:06

cat cambridge? Do you know her?

JoanHickson · 15/05/2015 18:08

I know she married a Man who had no children.

noddyholder · 15/05/2015 18:12
RiskManagement · 15/05/2015 18:13

There were an awful lot of celebrities more than happy to support the union.

noddyholder · 15/05/2015 18:13

You shouldn't call her cat she's a princess you know what with you being proper n all

whitershadeofpale · 15/05/2015 18:13

I think the dress is beautiful. I'm not a big fan of the hair and makeup though. Her daughter looks lovely and the guests that I've seen are all pretty awful.

Jackieharris · 15/05/2015 18:16

I hate 99% of wedding dresses but I really like that one.

It's quite like my mums!

MrsCampbellBlack · 15/05/2015 18:19

She looks lovely but honestly, in the circumstances I would have opted for something a little more low key.

However I don't think empathy was ever Geri's strong point.

noddyholder · 15/05/2015 18:20

WHat are the circumstances?

Mintyy · 15/05/2015 18:22

I hold a very unpopular opinion which has ruffled lots of feathers on Mumsnet before now - but I think she is too old for the whole white frock and veil caper.

MrsCampbellBlack · 15/05/2015 18:26

I agree Mintyy.

Noddy - I guess the affair with a man who has a girlfriend is the circumstances. Obviously I wasn't in their bedroom but it has been widely reported in the DM etc so must be true Wink

StupidBloodyKindle · 15/05/2015 18:26

She was the OW allegedly, Noddy and he left his ex wife when she had had their first child together only six months previously. Scarlet wedding dresses tend to be December though Wink


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StupidBloodyKindle · 15/05/2015 18:28

A fourteen year long marriage isn't a 'girlfriend'.

MrsCampbellBlack · 15/05/2015 18:28

I didn't realise he was actually married before - must keep up with my DM reading.

RiskManagement · 15/05/2015 18:28

They weren't married Stuplid

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