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Do you have a question about children’s health? Ask Dr. Pixie McKenna here and you could win a £150 Love2Shop voucher! ANSWERS NOW BACK

223 replies

AnnMumsnet · 26/01/2016 12:21

Dr. Pixie McKenna is here to answer any questions you may have on children's health, specifically cold and flu, fever, teething and earache. As a mum of one to daughter Darcey, Pixie is more than a medical expert – she's a parent who's had first-hand experience looking after her own child and is here to share her top tips and advice.

Here’s a little bit more about Dr. Pixie:

Dr. Pixie has strong family background of medicine (she is the third generation of doctors in her family!) and has a lifetime of knowledge with over 13 years medical experience since qualifying. She's currently a practising GP at London’s Harley Street.

Post your questions to Dr. Pixie by the 1 February 2016 and we will pick 20 for her to respond to. Everyone who posts a question will be entered into a prize draw where one lucky Mumsnetter will win a £150 Love2Shop voucher. A link to her responses will be posted by 29th February 2016.

Please note, Dr. Pixie is here to give advice but cannot mention, discuss or endorse any brands or products.

This Q&A is sponsored by Nurofen for Children.



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Do you have a question about children’s health? Ask Dr. Pixie McKenna here and you could win a £150 Love2Shop voucher! ANSWERS NOW BACK
OP posts:
slebmum1 · 29/01/2016 11:38

Hi Dr McKenna

can you provide any advice on recurrent spasmodic croup. My 4 year old twins suffer badly, multiple A&E trips for dexamethasone, GP won't prescribe a dose for us to keep at home.

Last episode involved drooling which worried me as it was the first time and can indicate the epiglottis is involved too and I'm worried that each episode is getting worse.

31 weekers, one ventilated for 24 hours, one just on cpap for 24 hours. I had steroids in time.

I think they may have asthma as well but GP dismisses it despite prescribing them both salbutamol for use during recurrent chest infections.

They also both had severe reflux, medicated up until 15 months, and I have read that this can have an impact on croup.

Any ideas / advice gratefully received.

Ethan260908 · 29/01/2016 12:06

Hi de hi Dr McKenna,

A full time stay at home extremely proud dad here who has suffered from depression/anxiety/COPD issues for almost 10 years now as a result of having an odious father and aswell as learnt values wrt taking work far too seriously.

I no longer work which helps me stay on an even keel, instead focusing on my raising my 7.5 year old handsome son the best to my revised abilities.

I only found out after my fall from grace at work that my mum has also suffered badly from depression through out her life sadly, as a direct result of suppressing her emotions following the death of her dad at the tender age of 6. Those stoic abilities are inherent in me too.

Whilst there appears to be no proven mental health DNA gene or hereditary link (apart from perhaps the highlighted learnt behaviour indicated above), I am rather paranoid to say the least about my sons emotional intelligence/wellbeing/resilience as a direct result of my lack of consistency associated with COPD.

As a result of my issues, I am now divorced although my ex wife lives very close by and sees her son daily, so I hope that things brings some balance. I know that to define what a "normal" child's behaviour/values and personality is a pension fund for psychologists.

Furthermore I am also aware of Philip Larkin philosophy that parents without any depression/anxiety issues can have just an effect on their child's up bring without any of the constant naval gazing and rumination associated with mental health in/stability.

The above discussion isn't focused on the need for tea and sympathy - I have tablets to control the chemicals for that, more over I am looking for specific areas for me to read/learn/address and change, to avoid my son treading the same path as me.

Regards, Ethan's dad.

jonmarsden · 29/01/2016 12:11

how to prevent my daughter from getting nits?

andywedge · 29/01/2016 12:37

How can I stop my son chewing his nails? We've tried him with the stuff you paint on them but he totally refuses to have it on his nails

strawberrisc · 29/01/2016 12:46

If your child has a persistant cough - over months or years - and all the health officials you speak to say it is nothing, do you ignore it or keep asking questions?

rhinosuze · 29/01/2016 12:53

Hi Dr Pixie, I am often worried about giving my child too much medicine when she has a pain or a temperature as I'm worried at some point it will become ineffective. At what point in temperature when she is suffering from cold like symptoms do you think I should start the medicine? Or is she best to get through it without?

KIRANKAUR1985 · 29/01/2016 12:53

What can I give for teething, sometimes my daughter is really screaming, really heartbreaking.

happysouls · 29/01/2016 12:59

I'm quite curious about a mental health issue. Do you ever come across children who are completely unmotivated and bored all the time and seem incapable of being happy no matter what assortment of encouragement is provided?

JoJoY · 29/01/2016 13:07

Is slap cheek contagious? And if so for how long? Thanks

bridge16 · 29/01/2016 13:16

Dear Dr Pixie

My 3 year old has been experiencing nightmares around the same time every night which is approx. 45 minutes after he goes to bed. Is there anything we can do to prevent the nightmare from occuring? He doesnt wake up but horrible to hear him calling out in his sleep?

Many thanks

glennamy · 29/01/2016 13:18

Apart from medication is there anything to help prevent/treat earache?

maryandbuzz1 · 29/01/2016 13:20

My son suffers very badly from appy rash. We have tried numerous products but it still seems no better. What can you recommend?

grumpymummy3 · 29/01/2016 13:20

Hi. My child still quite often wets the bed at night, he is 6 years old. what advise can you give me to help prevent this?

mave · 29/01/2016 13:27

How long should children take vitamin D for?

booksrock · 29/01/2016 13:41

what age to teeth fall out. My DT are nearly 7 and neither have a wobbly tooth - dentist says they have healthy teeth but they are firmly put.

One DT is small for his age (size 4/5 clothes) and has always been small, he had a tough start to life and has grown a lot in the last couple of years but not caught up. His class mates have started to notice he is small - at what point do I start to worry about it?

BellaWella86 · 29/01/2016 14:03

I have just recently switched my son from powdered formula 'Follow On' milk to regular cow's milk. He is quite a fussy eater and often picks at his breakfasts and lunches but always eats well at dinner. Do I need to consider a multivitamin to ensure he's getting all the nutrients he needs?

barbsbarbs · 29/01/2016 14:11

whats the most effective way of getting a temperature down?

Ikea1234 · 29/01/2016 15:09

If a child (under 10) has a pain, which is better, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol? and which is better for a temperature / fever? It's very confusing!

outgoing · 29/01/2016 15:23

Hi Dr Pixie my 6 year old daughter gets really grouchy and upset if I don't let her have a nap after school.How can I get my Daughter out if this habit?.My daughter is otherwise fit and healthy.thanks

myusername12345 · 29/01/2016 15:40

Do you have any advice about bringing up a child as a vegetarian?

ImmortalBeloved72 · 29/01/2016 15:55

Dr Pixie, a few years ago my son (aged 6 at the time) got his tonsils and adenoids out and grommets in his ears. He is now 9 and I feel his hearing has become impaired, waiting on an appointment but its taking ages, what happens to grommets, can they fail? Thank you

lindseystuart85 · 29/01/2016 15:58

Dear Dr McKenna

My son Matthew is 10 years old and suffers terribly from dry skin especially on his knees and elbows, sometimes it gets worse after swimming and can break out
We were given diprobase cream from our local GP however this only seems to stop the itch and doesn't clear the skin any.
Advice would be fantastic


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madwomanacrosstheroad · 29/01/2016 16:23

Hello Dr Pixie, my daughter is nearly 6 and an extremely picky eater. She refuses all fruit (in all forms, whole, cut up, smoothies etc). She also refuses vegetables, soup, rice and most meat. I keep trying and we have normal family meals every day. She will simply refuse to eat or only eat pasta with no sauce. The only things she likes eating are cereal, baked potatoe, potatoes with gravy, irish stew and bizarrely tortellini with spinach/ricotta filling. She is very thin but is thriving, tall for her age and healthy. At what point should I get really concerned. She has always been picky.

feefeegabor · 29/01/2016 16:36

My daughter gets really bad motion sickness. We are going to Germany for our summer holidays - can you recommend anything we could take for her please?

pixelwife · 29/01/2016 16:52

Is there anything I can do, other than a good all round diet, to help my children minimise the colds they seem to bring home on a weekly basis?

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