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Do you have a question about children’s health? Ask Dr. Pixie McKenna here and you could win a £150 Love2Shop voucher! ANSWERS NOW BACK

223 replies

AnnMumsnet · 26/01/2016 12:21

Dr. Pixie McKenna is here to answer any questions you may have on children's health, specifically cold and flu, fever, teething and earache. As a mum of one to daughter Darcey, Pixie is more than a medical expert – she's a parent who's had first-hand experience looking after her own child and is here to share her top tips and advice.

Here’s a little bit more about Dr. Pixie:

Dr. Pixie has strong family background of medicine (she is the third generation of doctors in her family!) and has a lifetime of knowledge with over 13 years medical experience since qualifying. She's currently a practising GP at London’s Harley Street.

Post your questions to Dr. Pixie by the 1 February 2016 and we will pick 20 for her to respond to. Everyone who posts a question will be entered into a prize draw where one lucky Mumsnetter will win a £150 Love2Shop voucher. A link to her responses will be posted by 29th February 2016.

Please note, Dr. Pixie is here to give advice but cannot mention, discuss or endorse any brands or products.

This Q&A is sponsored by Nurofen for Children.



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Do you have a question about children’s health? Ask Dr. Pixie McKenna here and you could win a £150 Love2Shop voucher! ANSWERS NOW BACK
OP posts:
user1465258888 · 02/08/2016 14:46

Hi Dr McKenna,

My daughter is very prone to rather severe colds, requiring time off school. Is there anything I can do to prepare for the cold season to stop her from catching anything this winter? I make sure she eats a healthy diet full of fruit and veg and to wash her hands regularly, but she always seems to catch really bad colds.

AnnMumsnet · 23/03/2016 21:33

ANSWERS IN here Smile

OP posts:
AnnMumsnet · 01/03/2016 10:52

Sorry for the delay in the answers to the selected Qs - we are working on this and look forward to sharing Dr Pixie’s responses with you very soon.

OP posts:
funkyfish586 · 04/02/2016 19:51

Can you advise if the use of hand gel is really necessary as long as the child washes their hands? I have become a bit of a hand gel lunatic & I wonder if its worth the worry?

AnnMumsnet · 03/02/2016 13:45

Thanks for all the Qs to Dr Pixie: what a great response for her!
We have sent across a selection of Qs to be answered and will update this thread with a link to the responses as soon as they are ready.

The winner of the £150 Love2Shop voucher is slebmum1

OP posts:
SouthWestmom · 02/02/2016 00:17

Hi Dr Pixie,

At what point does (if ever) does not sleeping tip over into worth a chat with the GP? For a child with no dx but who cannot self settle, is hyper, doesn't respond to attempts at routine but is exhausted in the morning?

Thank you!

tishist · 01/02/2016 23:59

How is it best to deal with potential school avoidance tactics? How can you really tell the difference with real and 'dramatic' symptoms?

VickyRsuperstar · 01/02/2016 22:54

Hi Dr Pixie
I wanted to ask a few questions about Chicken pox and about the private Chicken pox vaccines. All my children apart from one have had Chicken pox. Some were very miserable and poorly with it and some had very little reaction. My eldest daughter who caught it very mildly as a fully breastfed baby (she had only 9 spots), later had shingles at 5 years old. Out of my youngest 3 children, 2 caught it in 2014 and had it extremely mildly and 1 has been born since. I wanted to know whether it would be worth vaccinating all 3 children or whether it wouldn't be advisable for the 2 that had it extremely mildly. I am just not sure that they are fully protected by the very low response they had to it and it leaves me wondering if they may get it again or get Shingles later on like my eldest daughter did.

buckley1983 · 01/02/2016 22:15

Hi Dr Pixie,
My son has recently had cold after cold after cold! Almost every other night we are up as he can't sleep due to blocked/stuffy nose & coughing. He's generally great during the day, bags of energy - perpetually runny nose, but otherwise fit & well. I've taken him to the docs a couple of times just to check all is normal & it seems it is - but friends & family comment on his cough & runny nose (despite me wiping it every 10 seconds!). His dad has loads of allergies so I thought maybe our LO had an allergy of some kind. He has been given Cetirizine by GP before, which certainly helps him sleep, but doesn't seem to reduce the snottiness or coughing.
Is this all normal 3 year old stuff? Reassurance or direction very much appreciated :) Thank you! x

eve394 · 01/02/2016 22:06

My four year old has always had very thick waxy ears, so much so we were convinced that his hearing was impaired. After texting it was confirmed he has glue ear and was given grommits in November last year. My youngest son Is just 7 months but also has very thick ear wax. Does glue ear run in families and if so can the thick ear wax be a pre curser to it? Thanks

gp12 · 01/02/2016 20:43

Do children really suffer with growing pains?

Kangakate · 01/02/2016 19:57


My DC chocked on a piece of food whilst we were trying wean and now both he and I are a bit scarred of the whole process, do you have any suggestions as to what to try to make the transition easiest for both of us?

stewaris · 01/02/2016 19:06

What is the best way to treat dry skin on my baby's face caused by teething?

Jocelynne123 · 01/02/2016 18:23

My daughter has a problem with very sensitive skin. It's not rashes she gets but just red, dry skin. Is there anything I can do to help stop this happening? Is there a vitamin that can help instead of just treating it when it happens

Ferryfairy · 01/02/2016 18:14

My grand daughter (age13) is suffering really badly with period pains and otc pain killers hardly touch it. I had the same problem, but I had a sympathetic GP, she doesn't seem to! I was prescribed diuretics and muscle relaxants which really helped. Is that drug combo still recommended?

steveyh · 01/02/2016 18:02

Is it possible to take actions to prevent allergies from forming in kids?

Nuttynelnew · 01/02/2016 17:20

Hi Dr Pixie.

I have a little girl who is age 6, She has terrible warts that are spreading. We have been to the doctors and have tried many different things, an acid you put on and then file down the wart and another one which was a spray that freezes the wart. They still keep on spreading. They have now spread to her lips and she has two there now. The doctor is not at all worried but I am . Children are not wanting to play with her and its becoming a problem. The last time I took her the doctor just said they would go eventually and to leave them. Do you think I should ask for a second opinion or can you recommend anything. ?

danikagrace · 01/02/2016 16:38

How should we best stave off colds in winter months? Do you recommend using things like echinacea or not?

Lisacraig1981 · 01/02/2016 13:47

Is it ok that my child wont eat any diary foods? Can I buy something to replace as he doesn't like them

keshimonster · 01/02/2016 13:37

do you feel it is beneficial for children to have antibiotics for an ear infection or should they just have paracetamol? apparently on the continent they do not prescribe antiobiotics for ear infections

mo3733 · 01/02/2016 13:35

dr pixie my child seems to suffer constantly with sore throats. is there any vitamins i should be giving her to combat this ?

snare · 01/02/2016 12:46

when do I keep my child off school?


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Gill81uk · 01/02/2016 12:44

At what age does teething generally finish? My daughter is 3 now, should she have all her teeth?

rocketriffs · 01/02/2016 12:22

Hi Dr Pixie. My question is about the medicine Calpol. The label mentions the term, "Infant Suspension". What does that actually mean?

mancmummy40 · 01/02/2016 12:22

Hi, my daughter has irritation on her eyelids and directly under her lower lashes. The skin is flaky and itchy and our GP has prescribed daktacort along with a moisturiser. The daktacort is not having much effect but the GP says there is nothing else, surely there is an alternative. My daughter is 12 and also has Psoriasis on her scalp which we are also struggling to keep at bay, she currently uses betacap but her scalp still has open sores and flaky patches. Any advice would be appreciated.

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