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Recognise your fellow Mumsnetters by nominating your favourite Mumsnet user to win Silent Pool gin

569 replies

AbbiCMumsnet · 12/07/2019 11:12

To tie in with their new #FortheSpirited campaign, Silent Pool Gin is on a quest to unearth the UK’s most spirited characters – and the search starts right here. For two months, the award-winning distillers will be celebrating the spirit of Mumsnet by getting you to nominate the users who you think show the most – well – spirit. They'll be giving one bottle of gin per week to a winning Mumsnet user. In addition, if your nominee wins, you'll also receive a shopping voucher worth £30..

Here’s what Silent Pool Gin have to say:
“For the spirited. Three small words that capture the essence of Silent Pool Gin. It represents our independent mindset and our uncompromising commitment to producing a gin with a refreshingly individual character.

For the spirited is about following your own path. Embracing life and living for the best things it has to offer. It’s about doing something kind, inspiring, creative, different. Could be finally handing in your notice, booking that round-the-world trip, starting that new Japanese course or even just deciding to make your very first post on AIBU.

Whatever your version of ‘spirited' is, we applaud you. However, applause only gets you so far, so to officially recognise the wonderful achievements of the Mumsnet community, we are launching the Silent Pool Gin For the Spirited award. Each week, one lucky Mumsnet member will be recognised as a kindred spirit and will win one bottle of Silent Pool Gin.

Also we’d love to hear your spirited stories so please tag us in at #forthespirited @silentpoolgin

There's no such thing as a best Mumsnet user but you probably have your favourite(s). Is there someone: Whose posts you always read? Who brightens your days and whose views keep you glued to the screen? Who has given you priceless advice, yet you wouldn't know from Adam in real life?

Every week for two months, Silent Pool will be giving the #FortheSpirited award to one lucky Mumsnet user – with the prize of a bottle of gin. Simply nominate your favourite Mumsnet user on the discussion thread and they'll be in with a chance of winning. In turn, if your nominee wins, you'll also receive a £30 voucher. Win, win (gin) Gin.

Thanks and good luck!



Terms and conditions of prize draw:
Activity specific T&Cs: Mumsnet will run a random prize draw once per week. The nominees within the winning entries will be contacted via email or PM to inform them of the win, and to ask if they would like to receive the prize. A non-alcoholic prize will also be available if desired. To receive an alcoholic prize, nominees will need to provide a copy of photographic ID to Mumsnet (eg a photograph of a passport or driving licence), as well as a physical name and address for the prize to be dispatched to. The name and address will be shared with Silent Pool Gin, with the user's permission. Mumsnet will dispose of this information within one week of users' receipt of the prize. Posters of the winning entries will be emailed by Mumsnet to inform them of the win, and to give them the opportunity to choose the voucher they would like. Their name and email address, with the user's permission, will be shared with Mumsnet's voucher fulfilment company for the purposes of ordering the voucher. Voucher winner's details will be retained for audit purposes. Winner's details will be used for the purpose of the prize draw and prize delivery only, and not for any other marketing purpose. Standard Mumsnet T&Cs can be found here.

[POST EDITED BY MNHQ to remove language around 'courage' and 'bravery']

Recognise your fellow Mumsnetters by nominating your favourite Mumsnet user to win Silent Pool gin
OP posts:
BigGreenOlives · 13/07/2019 07:15

@Datun or @R0wantrees for their sterling work

MauisHouseOnMaui · 13/07/2019 07:16

I agree with 0010001 too, why are these threads not acceptable when users start them on the main boards but okay when MNHQ start them in exchange for a wodge of cash from a gin company?

lovemyflipflops · 13/07/2019 07:17

I nominate @blackleggingsandtshirt

AuntieStella · 13/07/2019 07:24

I agree wth previous posters - MNHQ are now clearly endorsing the previously deleted concept of 'favourite MNetters' threads. You can hardly have a subject more 'in the spirit' than a thread started in MN Towers

00100001 · 13/07/2019 07:28

Maybe this means we can start our own favourite MNer threads with impunity?

RageAgainstTheVendingMachine · 13/07/2019 07:29

It's in the spirit when that spirit is Gin Confused Grin

So is MN going to put all the names in a tombola or can we vote? Wink

AuntieStella · 13/07/2019 07:30

Logically it must.

There can be no stronger way of saying 'this is OK now' than having MNHQ do it and sticky it.

MauisHouseOnMaui · 13/07/2019 07:32

Will the next sponsored thread invite users to post their unpopular opinions, best one wins a signed copy of Katie Hopkins book?

AuntieStella · 13/07/2019 07:32

And of course they are dong it for two whole months.

So it's going to be throughly engrained as an OK thing to do by the end of it.

We've seen quite a few changes of MN policy of late, haven't we?

OhYouBadBadKitten · 13/07/2019 07:44

MN has gone through a series of rapid changes I agree. Has there been a wholesale change of personnel or a new marketing team appointed? All ethics seem to have been thrown out of the window.

Given the angst and upset that 'favourite mners' threads have frequently caused, it seems odd for mn themselves to literally hold a popularity contest. There are so many people for whom this will sting.

(I regret nominating some last night, though not the who I nominated. I blame wine Wink )

peanutbutterismydownfall · 13/07/2019 08:02

It's so odd seeing one of these "whose your favourite" threads again. I never liked them and was glad when they were banned.
What other banned things are going to be re-introduced? Are we going to have SecretSanta again this year and all of the flouncing and drama associated with that.
Oh, and what about a bit of sock puppetry or whatever it's called as I go through a series of name changes and nominate myself umpteen times.

RageAgainstTheVendingMachine · 13/07/2019 08:05

There's no such thing as a best Mumsnet user, remember?! Wink
I think it's quite funny. My 3 nominations were done sober and all can have a Star.
I personally think Gin should go to the poster who has done the most number of posts in their lifetime but let's face it, then a midnight troll would probably win.
Meh. It's no different to any other comp unless they actually count the noms - in that case, Datun might win it by a nose looking at the nominations so far.
They contribute a lot in the feminism threads so fair enough. Same as Piglet John with his free plumbing advice or the Woolly Hug ladies or Twitterqueen. Can't be Envy of any of them to be honest, they should all get a bottle of Gin for services rendered. Hugs all round. Or Halos Halo - credit where credit's due. I hate you so much right now unpopularity thread, that's where the fun really starts

dawnofthedred · 13/07/2019 08:52

MN has gone through a series of rapid changes I agree. Has there been a wholesale change of personnel or a new marketing team appointed? All ethics seem to have been thrown out of the window

Agree with this wholeheartedly. And also, tbh, the only people being nominated are non-namechangers who are now in the tiniest of minorities on here. Everyone else changes name a lot for security and privacy reasons - as encouraged by hq. The nominations also include a lot of people who have gone (Maryz, MrsDevere, Fabby, Beertricks) - with the net result it looks a bit sad!

ILoveJigsaws · 13/07/2019 09:20

It should go to the people who have had the fewest deletions, particularly for being goady fuckers.

People who are able post without sneering and judging.

VallarMorghulis · 13/07/2019 09:28

It has to be @anyfucker

0blio · 13/07/2019 09:30

This is weird.
We don't know anyone's relationship with alcohol.

Exactly. As the close relative of someone with a serious alcohol problem I wouldn't be happy with them being nominated to be given a bloody bottle of spirits!

However TwitterQueen and both KnottyandPistey deserve a mention for their wonderfulness.

TheFatberg · 13/07/2019 09:32

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BoreOfWhabylon · 13/07/2019 09:40

I agree that this whole thing is... odd and, like @OhYouBadBadKitten, I sort of regret joining in by nominating her, iyswim.

I've asked MNQ to comment on the thread, although it will probably fall to some poor weekend person, who may not know anything about how and why decisions are made by the Promotions team.

Some very worthy nominees on here though.

dontdoxmeeither · 13/07/2019 09:47

I've nominated already but who's the poster who does the Playmobile stories? That poster would be my very close second Smile

ANightwatcher · 13/07/2019 10:06

The NW team who do a thankless job


joanofbarc · 13/07/2019 10:10

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WorraLiberty · 13/07/2019 10:13

The NW team who do a thankless job

That's a shame to read. I would've thought given how much money you're all saving MNHQ as they don't have to use paid staff, they'd be very thankful indeed!

Have a Gin from me.

Actually forget that, have a strong Brew if you've been up all night Grin


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ILoveJigsaws · 13/07/2019 10:18

Joan what? other sites surely aren't relevant to here anyway? Confused

If people are goady fuckers here and are frequently deleted for that then I don't think they should win anything. That's just my opinion.

SoupDragon · 13/07/2019 10:21

MNHQ are actually running a popularity competition???

SoupDragon · 13/07/2019 10:24

There's no doubt that KnottyandPistey deserve gin though. And probably need it after the mammoth Chernobyl effort.

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