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Recognise your fellow Mumsnetters by nominating your favourite Mumsnet user to win Silent Pool gin

569 replies

AbbiCMumsnet · 12/07/2019 11:12

To tie in with their new #FortheSpirited campaign, Silent Pool Gin is on a quest to unearth the UK’s most spirited characters – and the search starts right here. For two months, the award-winning distillers will be celebrating the spirit of Mumsnet by getting you to nominate the users who you think show the most – well – spirit. They'll be giving one bottle of gin per week to a winning Mumsnet user. In addition, if your nominee wins, you'll also receive a shopping voucher worth £30..

Here’s what Silent Pool Gin have to say:
“For the spirited. Three small words that capture the essence of Silent Pool Gin. It represents our independent mindset and our uncompromising commitment to producing a gin with a refreshingly individual character.

For the spirited is about following your own path. Embracing life and living for the best things it has to offer. It’s about doing something kind, inspiring, creative, different. Could be finally handing in your notice, booking that round-the-world trip, starting that new Japanese course or even just deciding to make your very first post on AIBU.

Whatever your version of ‘spirited' is, we applaud you. However, applause only gets you so far, so to officially recognise the wonderful achievements of the Mumsnet community, we are launching the Silent Pool Gin For the Spirited award. Each week, one lucky Mumsnet member will be recognised as a kindred spirit and will win one bottle of Silent Pool Gin.

Also we’d love to hear your spirited stories so please tag us in at #forthespirited @silentpoolgin

There's no such thing as a best Mumsnet user but you probably have your favourite(s). Is there someone: Whose posts you always read? Who brightens your days and whose views keep you glued to the screen? Who has given you priceless advice, yet you wouldn't know from Adam in real life?

Every week for two months, Silent Pool will be giving the #FortheSpirited award to one lucky Mumsnet user – with the prize of a bottle of gin. Simply nominate your favourite Mumsnet user on the discussion thread and they'll be in with a chance of winning. In turn, if your nominee wins, you'll also receive a £30 voucher. Win, win (gin) Gin.

Thanks and good luck!



Terms and conditions of prize draw:
Activity specific T&Cs: Mumsnet will run a random prize draw once per week. The nominees within the winning entries will be contacted via email or PM to inform them of the win, and to ask if they would like to receive the prize. A non-alcoholic prize will also be available if desired. To receive an alcoholic prize, nominees will need to provide a copy of photographic ID to Mumsnet (eg a photograph of a passport or driving licence), as well as a physical name and address for the prize to be dispatched to. The name and address will be shared with Silent Pool Gin, with the user's permission. Mumsnet will dispose of this information within one week of users' receipt of the prize. Posters of the winning entries will be emailed by Mumsnet to inform them of the win, and to give them the opportunity to choose the voucher they would like. Their name and email address, with the user's permission, will be shared with Mumsnet's voucher fulfilment company for the purposes of ordering the voucher. Voucher winner's details will be retained for audit purposes. Winner's details will be used for the purpose of the prize draw and prize delivery only, and not for any other marketing purpose. Standard Mumsnet T&Cs can be found here.

[POST EDITED BY MNHQ to remove language around 'courage' and 'bravery']

Recognise your fellow Mumsnetters by nominating your favourite Mumsnet user to win Silent Pool gin
OP posts:
Iwasboadicea · 13/07/2019 10:49

I nominate Datun for calm and wisdom and always thinking of the lurkers

DoloresTunbridge · 13/07/2019 10:49

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lasttimeround · 13/07/2019 10:53


lunar1 · 13/07/2019 11:05

Did we all go back to senior school? Is the captain of the netball team going to be everyone's favouritest ever mumsnetter?

Someone remind me who the popular people are so I can vote for them and try be part of the in crowd.


00100001 · 13/07/2019 11:13

"MNHQ are actually running a popularity competition???"


Odd choice...but there we go.

'Who's your favourite MNer' threads are now approved by @MNHQ it seems....

AnneKipanki · 13/07/2019 12:14

Just looking to see if I "know " anyone .
I do .
All of these posters are fabulous.

No one knows their relationship with alcohol.

HappyLoneParentDay · 13/07/2019 12:19

Has to be Treacherouspissflaps for her iPhone fixing thread!!!!!

Isatis · 13/07/2019 12:20

This competition is daft. It automatically disqualifies everyone who, for entirely valid reasons, name changes. And yes, it does have an aura of an elderly girl's school book called "The most popular girl in St Cake's" . I'm fully expecting dastardly tactics on the hockey field to nobble the front runners.

RageAgainstTheVendingMachine · 13/07/2019 12:24

I'm fully expecting dastardly tactics on the hockey field to nobble the front runners.

Psst! Datun has a penis. Any Fucker has a sex dungeon. Piglet John isn't really a plumber...
Is that the kind of thing you mean?! Grin Wink

Chovihano · 13/07/2019 13:08

MNHQ are actually running a popularity competition???

No they are looking to swop specialisms.
Any Fucker has to give DIY? Maintenance advice and PigletJohn is required for relationship advice.

Tom92 · 13/07/2019 13:22

I nominate @BristolMum96

RageAgainstTheVendingMachine · 13/07/2019 13:23

Jobswap Grin

AF as PJ: One word: Stopcocklodger ?

PJ as AF: Relationship top tip: Don't faucet!

getting my coat Wink

LoseLooseLucy · 13/07/2019 13:33


I laughed Grin

Whereismyfigleaf · 13/07/2019 13:39

Tinselangel, have read her threads, she does an amazing job in strong headwinds.

Yolofish for being straightforward and keeping the elderly parents threads honest and interesting.

BitOfFun · 13/07/2019 13:40

Me too Grin

Whereismyfigleaf · 13/07/2019 13:48

And yes it is not 'nice' to be naming best of...

But on the other hand there are some people who should be recognized for their efforts.

But lightheartedly, what about us foreigners, namechangers etc.

Perhaps all the trying to be dry posters could name each other in a moment of weakness?

How about a chocolate giving thread (not for weight watchers), or having more sponsors to give recipients a choice?

But still we can always moan about something, can't we 😀.

CruellaFeinberg · 13/07/2019 14:08

so any of us serial name changers are out then? Hmm

snowstorm2012 · 13/07/2019 14:18


RandomNameChange415 · 13/07/2019 14:35

Well yes Cruella - we knew that the downside of privacy was that people would never get to “know” us, and that means we don’t get a tiny chance of a bottle of gin. But nominations get a chance to win too.

Also any of the nominees who are known for their work on specific topics might be regular name changers for private issues. RedToothbrush may well have many different alternative names for non-politics stuff: potty training/MILs/Strictly Come Dancing/what I said to that cow who dissed me at soft play. So it is very possible to build up a friendship group or even a “following” whilst still preserving your privacy.

SparklyMagpie · 13/07/2019 14:55

Well then can we also have a competition for the ones who's usernames will never be remembered (including myself Grin) ?

We don't stand a chance 😭

FenellaMaxwell · 13/07/2019 15:05

I’m nominating myself - I just took my toddler to the farm shop and it DID NOT GO WELL so I really bloody need some gin.

ZaZathecat · 13/07/2019 15:08

This is weird!


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TheClitterati · 13/07/2019 15:10




TheClitterati · 13/07/2019 15:12

@SparklyMagpie the nominators get gin as well as the winning nominees Grin

PenguinsRabbits · 13/07/2019 15:14

I will nominate DobbinsVeil as she's always kind and helps others despite having 4 kids, several with SN. Not sure if she drinks but I would if I had 4 kids.

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