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Recognise your fellow Mumsnetters by nominating your favourite Mumsnet user to win Silent Pool gin

569 replies

AbbiCMumsnet · 12/07/2019 11:12

To tie in with their new #FortheSpirited campaign, Silent Pool Gin is on a quest to unearth the UK’s most spirited characters – and the search starts right here. For two months, the award-winning distillers will be celebrating the spirit of Mumsnet by getting you to nominate the users who you think show the most – well – spirit. They'll be giving one bottle of gin per week to a winning Mumsnet user. In addition, if your nominee wins, you'll also receive a shopping voucher worth £30..

Here’s what Silent Pool Gin have to say:
“For the spirited. Three small words that capture the essence of Silent Pool Gin. It represents our independent mindset and our uncompromising commitment to producing a gin with a refreshingly individual character.

For the spirited is about following your own path. Embracing life and living for the best things it has to offer. It’s about doing something kind, inspiring, creative, different. Could be finally handing in your notice, booking that round-the-world trip, starting that new Japanese course or even just deciding to make your very first post on AIBU.

Whatever your version of ‘spirited' is, we applaud you. However, applause only gets you so far, so to officially recognise the wonderful achievements of the Mumsnet community, we are launching the Silent Pool Gin For the Spirited award. Each week, one lucky Mumsnet member will be recognised as a kindred spirit and will win one bottle of Silent Pool Gin.

Also we’d love to hear your spirited stories so please tag us in at #forthespirited @silentpoolgin

There's no such thing as a best Mumsnet user but you probably have your favourite(s). Is there someone: Whose posts you always read? Who brightens your days and whose views keep you glued to the screen? Who has given you priceless advice, yet you wouldn't know from Adam in real life?

Every week for two months, Silent Pool will be giving the #FortheSpirited award to one lucky Mumsnet user – with the prize of a bottle of gin. Simply nominate your favourite Mumsnet user on the discussion thread and they'll be in with a chance of winning. In turn, if your nominee wins, you'll also receive a £30 voucher. Win, win (gin) Gin.

Thanks and good luck!



Terms and conditions of prize draw:
Activity specific T&Cs: Mumsnet will run a random prize draw once per week. The nominees within the winning entries will be contacted via email or PM to inform them of the win, and to ask if they would like to receive the prize. A non-alcoholic prize will also be available if desired. To receive an alcoholic prize, nominees will need to provide a copy of photographic ID to Mumsnet (eg a photograph of a passport or driving licence), as well as a physical name and address for the prize to be dispatched to. The name and address will be shared with Silent Pool Gin, with the user's permission. Mumsnet will dispose of this information within one week of users' receipt of the prize. Posters of the winning entries will be emailed by Mumsnet to inform them of the win, and to give them the opportunity to choose the voucher they would like. Their name and email address, with the user's permission, will be shared with Mumsnet's voucher fulfilment company for the purposes of ordering the voucher. Voucher winner's details will be retained for audit purposes. Winner's details will be used for the purpose of the prize draw and prize delivery only, and not for any other marketing purpose. Standard Mumsnet T&Cs can be found here.

[POST EDITED BY MNHQ to remove language around 'courage' and 'bravery']

Recognise your fellow Mumsnetters by nominating your favourite Mumsnet user to win Silent Pool gin
OP posts:
kateandme · 12/07/2019 21:39

Iovestruck you wonderful bugger youBlushGrin that's got to be the loveliest thing ever. I feel pathetically emotional thank you so much

kateandme · 12/07/2019 21:42

I have so many. That's a really bad cop out but I do.i have so many that I think: that's hilarious, that's them. Or oh that's so sweet, I know it'll be them. Or often think I wish so and so would come along because they will say the right thing and put it straight. but I can't for the life of me think of them right now! But looking at the other posters I think they've been mentioned. So sorry if it's you but you're wonderful anyway if that helps.Confused

MrsFrTedCrilly · 12/07/2019 21:50

I’d like to nominate DadDadDad from the Archers thread and the very lovely BertrandRussell as well.
Pity it’s not scruff gin GinGrin

damnson · 12/07/2019 22:30

@biwi for me. Lifechanging

WorraLiberty · 12/07/2019 22:32

I want to be greedy and nominate 3 Blush

LyingWitchInTheWardrobe, Paxillin and Bluntness100

All sensible posters who often inject a bit of sanity into threads that have gone off on a Mumsnet pearl clutching tangent.

Plus, the 3 of them look like they could do with a good drink of gin Grin Gin

DrDentyst · 12/07/2019 22:55

Well hayleyfromaui was my favourite but I believe she was a troll......

Notablecharacter · 12/07/2019 23:33

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WaterOffaDucksCrack · 12/07/2019 23:58

@TheFormidableMrsC for sharing her story and unknowingly giving me strength.

WorraLiberty · 12/07/2019 23:59

Horses for courses Notable

Have you nominated anyone?

Notablecharacter · 13/07/2019 00:05

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CharityDingle · 13/07/2019 00:06

AnyFucker. Posts are always straightforward and to the point. Voice of reason, IMO.

WorraLiberty · 13/07/2019 00:10

Ahh the 'hard of thinking' are probably just as confused as I was.

"What happened to beertrixpotter, I always liked her."

That's not exactly a nomination is it? Wink

Notablecharacter · 13/07/2019 00:13

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Toorahtoorahaye · 13/07/2019 00:14

MrsDevere or Fabbychic

WorraLiberty · 13/07/2019 00:30

Oh ok < totally lost > Grin

JaimeBronde · 13/07/2019 00:50

Also @Frownette because she makes me laugh & as she's not having the best time of it, I think the gin would help cheer her up.
And I also second @RedToothbrush as she understood how it felt when a family member was caught up in an act of terrorism. (Said family member is ok)

Iambuffy & Frownette & RedToothbrush deserve to win.

MrsTerryPratchett · 13/07/2019 01:12

Can I shove in StatisticallyChallenged and Mrs Presley?

First because she is incredible during elections. Actually allowed me to go to bed because she called it early Second because her sharing of her twin's story means many parents stick with reins when they wouldn't. Her dreadful loss means some children are probably alive today.

Nannamia · 13/07/2019 03:20


NiteWotcha · 13/07/2019 05:57

My fellow NightWatchers Smile


Bignicetree · 13/07/2019 06:24

This is weird.
We don't know anyone's relationship with alcohol.

00100001 · 13/07/2019 06:47

Tbh I'm a bit confused as to why MNHQ is running a "who's your favourite MNer" thread. When previously MNHQ have deleted threads like that, as it's not in 'the spirit' Confused

00100001 · 13/07/2019 06:48

I also nominate @0010001, she's great


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RageAgainstTheVendingMachine · 13/07/2019 07:07

Ha! This is excellent. Tis the ultimate Mumsnet Royalty Thread Crown
at some point I will wander off to MN trolls and nontrolls to see what they make of it all
It is weird I agree big, we could be nominating alcoholics for all I know (am not about to cross reference in the dry thread, power to you all though, sorry that sounded crass not meant to be)
So...drum roll, I would like to nominate three posters who may or may not drink Gin, I have no blinking idea.

@BitOfFun because I know she is having a challenging time health wise and I would like to cheer her up also I think she has been on here for years (way to make you feel old Bof) under the same name so is one of the last of the names I remember from when I first joined way back when. Whilst I don't know her personally I see some names I 'know' and think of them fondly. I hope Bof won't mind me saying that cancer is a bitch and if a gift of Gin takes the edge off, you go for it lady. x

Secondly I would like to nominate @Stilllivinginazoo for setting up the living with/caring for children with anxiety threads. She's a good 'un who could also use a pick me up and I am grateful that posters like her exist on MN. Same goes for all the unsung heroes who help and give advice on the special needs threads x

Thirdly having seen she is coming to the end of part 48 last night I will nominate @CazzieCatsRock for her services to Music Word Association Games. 48 000 song titles to idle away the time takes some doing...I admire both the commitment and the fact she has always made new people welcome so it doesn't feel like a quiche. (I haven't played in ages but that's beside the point, I could play now if I wanted to and know she'd still welcome me). So Gin for a 50th anniversary wag thread coming to a mumsnet near you soon seems appropriate x

Crown Hats crowns off to you all !

30under · 13/07/2019 07:08

stealthpolarbear I look at her posts and wonder if I wrote that - somehow she always says what I'm thinking. If I lurk more than post on MN it's because stealth has said it already!

Honorable mentions to AnyFucker and solidgoldbrass though

30under · 13/07/2019 07:10

But 00100001 does have a point MN!

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