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Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED

395 replies

AnnMumsnet · 24/05/2016 13:46

Calling all dog owners, or previous dog owners - please share your key reasons for getting a dog in the first place. What prompted you to get a four legged friend? Was it for you, for the kids or the family as a whole? How has having a dog improved your life? Does having one make you go out more? Has it taught your children to be more responsible? And are dogs something your family have always had or were you new to dog ownership when you got one?

The team at Pedigree would love to know all about why having a dog is brilliant! Pedigree® and the Waltham® Centre for Pet Nutrition have clear information on how to care for your dog – from information on diet and dental care to tips and tricks for training- over here:

Whatever your advice, please add your comment below and you'll be entered into a prize draw, where one MNer will win a £300 voucher for the store of their choice.


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Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
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WowOoo · 25/05/2016 17:36

The unconditional love, the fresh air and exercise.

I still want to get another dog. Settling for taking my neighbours for walks and being able to hand it back at the moment.

origamiwarrior · 25/05/2016 17:41

Company during the day when I work, teaching DS responsibility for another living creature, exercise

georgedawes · 25/05/2016 17:48

I've wanted a dog for a long time (had dogs as a child but never as an adult until recently). We got our girl last year and can honestly say she has changed my life. I wanted to get a dog for numerous reasons, the companionship, walks, company for my daughter amongst others. However, our circumstances have meant we've never been in a position to get one until now.

She has taught me so much patience and gives us all such unconditional love. My dd is an only child and it has been amazing to see the bond between them grow. The dog adores her and follows her everywhere. After a long period of illness, walking the dog has helped me get so much fitter and getting out in all weathers for a walk is simply good for the soul.

Our dog was a rescue who had quite a few fears (mainly of noises) and we've worked so hard to help her get over these. We're not fully there yet but she's made amazing progress and is so, so loving. I've never been welcomed so much on getting good home ever! Having g a dog is amazing.

FlouncyMcFlounceFace · 25/05/2016 17:50

When we got our dog DS1 was undergoing his Autism diagnosis and DH was severely often criplingly anxious about his health amongst other things. I hoped she'd be a family companion and support us all.

I'd previously had dogs as an adult and hoped that bringing a dog into our lives would be good for us as a family.

We got her as a rescue from a breeder who'd been hospitalised so could no longer keep her.

She has been fantastic as shes dragged DH out of bed each morning into the fresh air and the fresh air helps convert the mutant grump that DH wakes up as back into the loving family man he can be.

Shes persistant at getting her own way, breaking down angry barriers that the DC put up and loves everyone unconditionally.

Shes a companion for me who never answers back when I'm at my wits end with the DC. Shes company in the day and an explanation for every rogue noise in the house when alone at night.

Shes great for getting us out on family strolls and has an amazing power over the DC when their worlds have become complicated. Ten minutes stroking the dog solves many of their problems or at least enables them to get a sense of proportion over them.

Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
cavalo · 25/05/2016 18:18

I grew up with dogs and one of the things I really enjoy is how each dog has a lovely relationship with each member of the family- whatever age we are, whatever our circumstances, there's always a lovely bond between the dog and each family member, and each dog brings the family together too.

Busybrie · 25/05/2016 18:19

I have mental health problems. My reasons for getting a dog? A friend and a companion, a reason for routine and to take exercise and someone to love. I have been given all this and more and I am a better person.

NaraDeer · 25/05/2016 18:28

We got a dog to love and to be part of the family.
She's only a puppy and can be a little pain in the bum at times but she brings so much love and laughter. I adore the walks with her and DD and seeing them cuddle up together melts my heart.

Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
insan1tyscartching · 25/05/2016 18:32

We got Eric because dd desperately wanted a dog. She is also the youngest of five by a fair amount and we envisaged that she would take the older ones leaving home quite badly and would be lonely. She has ASD and predicted that she might find secondary school much more difficult and wanted her to have a friend to talk to when times got tough.
It was a gamble because ds who has autism doesn't like dogs but we were prepared to work at it.
Eric has been a fantastic addition to our family, he loves us all unconditionally, he is a friend,a confidante, a reason to get out of the house, he makes us laugh every day, dd adores him and ds who doesn't like dogs talks and fusses Eric before he acknowledges any of the rest of us. He instinctively knows what is needed at any time.
So dd might come home stressed and Eric will know whether she will want him cuddled up at the side of her or whether he needs to give her space or whether he should be doing his little dance to make her laugh.He knows that ds has to make the first move to fuss him and waits patiently until he does.
I was never wild about dogs, couldn't really see why people liked them so much, as far as I was concerned they were dogs and I could take or leave them but watching Eric being absolutely devoted to "his" family has softened me enormously and I am one of his biggest fans Blush

Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
SaltySeaBird · 25/05/2016 18:48

Definitely for getting out and walking! I'm not a huge dog lover despite growing up with them (have been attacked twice - not by family dogs) but I still enjoy taking my Mum's dog out for a walk when I visit!

Burnshersmurfs · 25/05/2016 18:49

I got our dogs for the kids- they are old enough now to appreciate and enjoy them; not to think of them as toys. They are my first dogs and have brought so much joy and fun to the house-always loving, foolish and happy. They walks have reconnected us with the lovely countryside around our house. They payback a thousand times everything you do for them.

IpanemaChica · 25/05/2016 19:09

Walks in the fresh air, and drizzle!
Our dog is a rescue so knowing that we have given her a loving home is a good feeling.
Endless cuddles and some company for me now I work from home.
Our dog greets the children each day after school as if she hasn't seen them for a month.
Meeting other dog owners, if you have a dog lots of people stop and chat.
Love having our dog, wouldn't be without her.

weaselwords · 25/05/2016 19:20

Life is just better with a dog by your side

Sadieatthebridge · 25/05/2016 19:22

Gosh, there are so many reasons...

Nothing beats that doggy smile when you return to the house after 5 seconds
Because it doesn't feel right without a pet in the house.
It is important to teach the DC about respect for animals and responsibility for a living thing.
Everyone talks to you when you're walking your hound.
When it's one of those days, nothing beats a dog-shaped hug.
There are so many lovely dogs that need a home.
Rehoming a rescue dog just warms the heart like nothing else - when they learn that the world is not such a cruel place, when they learn to wag their tail, when they don't flinch anymore when you raised your arms; when they learn how to play.

We lost our greyhound about 6 weeks ago and I don't suppose it'll be much longer until we get another. I miss her Sad

coffeecup16 · 25/05/2016 20:38

the thing is about dogs is that they are completely non- judgmental . They don't care what we look like, they don't care how we dress, the colour of our skin or if we are pretty or not. They offer unconditional love. They depend on us for the same . I would never give up my dog !

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 25/05/2016 21:03

Dh had dogs whilst he was growing up, and always wanted to have at least one, so when we moved to Scotland, to somewhere with plenty of places to run a dog, we got ddog1.

It was only then I realised that there had been a dog-shaped hole in my life.

They are great company, loving and fun.

We decided we wanted a second dog, and went to the Dogs Trust - there are so many dogs in rescues, needing homes, that it was the right thing to do.

Amammi · 25/05/2016 21:32

key reasons for getting a dog in the first place.
Kids were aged 4 & 6 so it was a good stage in life to spend time as a family going for walks with the dog and enjoying her company. Having a pet was important when I was young myself - great companionship and fun plus minded the house when we were out/at night when we are in bed. We have had all this and more - youngest one often sits down and rubs and talks to the dog if she has had a bad /tough day. total relaxation for them both! We had a string of black labs when I was young and that's what we went for too.

Wolfiefan · 25/05/2016 21:33

We are desperately awaiting the arrival of our first dog. We have been borrowing my mother's Border Terrorist (not a typo!) and volunteering for the Cinnamon Trust in the meantime.
We want a companion. A friend. An excuse to walk twice a day. Every day. (Yes even when it's raining so hard you have to come home and change your pants!!!)
I want my children to grow up knowing the joy and responsibility of caring for a pet that relies on you completely.
Oh and someone to blame stinky farts on. It's always the dog right?!

RandomMess · 25/05/2016 21:45

Key reason for getting a dog is because I adore them, the fact that they live in the moment and are always to see their "family"

DDog was for me but is a family pet. She has improved our life because she is always happy to spend time with us, a true antidote to a bad day.

We do go out more because of her and although my parents dog sat for friends I have waited many many, years to have a dog of my own.

CinnamonTwist · 25/05/2016 21:46

Because he is always so happy, happy to see you, happy to go for a walk, happy to lie in the sun, happy to play. It shows you what really matters in life and helps you to keep your chin up no matter what life throws at you. When I get back from a bad day and he is super pleased to see me it always makes me smile and warms my heart! I also wanted a dog before we had kids as they are good for them- help to build a healthy immune system and teach about respect, responsibilities and friendship.

minsmum · 25/05/2016 21:48

Got my dog because a house doesn't feel like a home without a dog in it

ParanoidGynodroid · 25/05/2016 21:51

I had never had or wanted a dog before we got ours. Our daughter had been suffering with mental health problems and wanted one, so we took the plunge for her sake.
Our beautiful dog has transformed all of our lives, we are totally converted. He is a gentle and constant friend, a calming influence, a playmate... and as DD is in college during the day I now have a long walk in the hills each day and am fitter and thinner as a result.
Think I'll always have a dog now.

Eastpoint · 25/05/2016 22:22

Someone for my teenager to love without it being embarrassing.
Enjoy the companionship.
Someone in my house is always happy to see me - in fact 2, both my dogs.


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Defiant · 25/05/2016 22:24

I grew up with dogs and so I have always loved them. My childhood dog was the biggest, fluffiest, most handsome mongrel. He was so kind, loyal and gentle but also a fierce guardian. Most of my happiest childhood memories feature him! 15 years after his death & I still think of him often.

I was dog-less for 2 years. Sad times! When I got my current dog I was suffering with severe postnatal depression and anxiety. I was afraid to even leave the house. My dog helped me to recover and heal. It's been four years since I got him and he's the best companion anyone could ask for. He's given me the confidence to go out alone and talk to people, to have a hobby. These days he and I walk for miles and miles in all sorts of places and it's wonderful.

I also love watching my son and my dog interact! I hope he remembers his childhood dog as fondly as I remember mine.

bestimeever · 25/05/2016 22:33

We always had dogs growing up and have only ever managed about a year as an adult without one (now in my 50s). So many diverse reasons for having one;

  • They are an extra playmate for children of all ages
  • A confidant for teenagers
  • A constant, they are always there for a cuddle, even when parents aren't
  • A wonderful excuse for a walk in all weathers
  • A way to meet people when new to an area
  • Company for people who live alone
  • Provide unconditional love
  • A way for those who have difficulty expressing emotions to do so....
  • Giving a neglected/unwanted dog a good home
    They generally enrich and reward, teach unconditional love. xx
BeeMyBaby · 25/05/2016 22:47

I got a dog as I wanted something to love when I was a teenager, my parents chose the breed as they knew that they may end up looking after it, which was true as I later met my DH who is not a dog lover.

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