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Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED

395 replies

AnnMumsnet · 24/05/2016 13:46

Calling all dog owners, or previous dog owners - please share your key reasons for getting a dog in the first place. What prompted you to get a four legged friend? Was it for you, for the kids or the family as a whole? How has having a dog improved your life? Does having one make you go out more? Has it taught your children to be more responsible? And are dogs something your family have always had or were you new to dog ownership when you got one?

The team at Pedigree would love to know all about why having a dog is brilliant! Pedigree® and the Waltham® Centre for Pet Nutrition have clear information on how to care for your dog – from information on diet and dental care to tips and tricks for training- over here:

Whatever your advice, please add your comment below and you'll be entered into a prize draw, where one MNer will win a £300 voucher for the store of their choice.


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Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
poopoopoo · 07/06/2016 11:17

I got my dogs from a rescue centre, mainly because I wanted to help them and felt I would like the company and feel ok to walk with them after work in the park in the early morning. As they got old and I had two children, it did become difficult to give them any attention. I would suggest anyone think very carefully about future plans before taking on the responsibility.

jandoc · 07/06/2016 13:09

it was for fun as a family and to teach the DC that they have to show love to animals

gamerwidow · 07/06/2016 13:47

The best reason to get a dog is because you know you can be a responsible owner and give an unwanted pet a home. Always get rescue dogs rather than puppies.

BL0SS0M · 07/06/2016 14:08

The are so much fun, great company and they create great bonds with the kids and cats from pooping in the garden!

Mumtotwo22 · 07/06/2016 14:59

We got our dog For companionship. We thought having a dog would be a good thing for our daughter growing up, that it would create wonderful memories for us all. It also teaches children responsibility and value of life as one day (sadly) he will pass away and that's also a valuable life lesson for a child. The house would feel strange without a dog. We both had dogs growing up and I want our children to remember a happy childhood full of silly moments and wonderful memories of that stupid crazy dog running around playing with them. :-)

hannonle · 07/06/2016 18:05

I want a dog so badly for companionship and to have fun teaching it and walking it. Interacting with other dog owners and generally getting out and about a bit more and increasing my confidence.

The reason I haven't got one yet is that not everyone in my house wants a dog and so it's not fair to get one unless everyone is on board.

EasyToEatTiger · 07/06/2016 18:16

Dogs offer unconditional love, company, opportunities to get out and talk to people. Training is an upward spiral. The dog does the right thing, you're pleased, they're pleased that you're pleased, you're pleased that they're pleased and on and on. Hairy love can be particularly important to people who come from the wrong side of the tracks.

badgermum · 07/06/2016 19:52

Once all the children had started school we thought it was the perfect time to get a dog, We've found it's taught children responsibility and compassion and our Kids have learnt about taking care of someone other than themselves. It has also given us a joint activity like walks and training and my boys will play for ages with the dog together but usually ended up rowing with each other before. Overall our household feels happier since getting our pooch

LeeR1985 · 07/06/2016 21:21

I have a cat but it's only because I work full time and live alone so I wouldn't be able to offer a dog the attention it needs. I love dogs though. They are so loving and friendly. I would love to have a dog

Mozarmstrong · 07/06/2016 21:42

Owning a dog is comforting energizing and well worth the time you have to put in.You get back a solid affection its amazing .

TheCricketWidow · 07/06/2016 22:02

Our dog has completed our family, she brought with her something we didnt know was missing. Simple as that!

AliKirkwood · 07/06/2016 22:18

Our Charlie is a companion great at cuddles a reason for us to get out together helping our teens to take repsonsibility Increasing my fitness and helping me to lose weight Youngest son's best buddy fab at cheering us up Halo helping us to find new places great at hoovering the floor after meals Cake Wink introducing us to new people *great at distracting the teens from their phones Star

Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
princesssmitheee · 07/06/2016 23:02

comfort and cuddles!!

RosieSW · 08/06/2016 00:32

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RosieSW · 08/06/2016 01:13

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sootyo · 08/06/2016 13:31

Company, and walking

SiencynArsecandle · 08/06/2016 13:53

I grew up always having a dog so as soon as we could, we bought a Welsh border collie. Beautiful dog, so loyal but unfortunately he developed a brain tumour at age 10, which caused his temper to change dramatically with no warning. He was PTS and it broke all of our hearts but it did unfortunately leave 2 younger DC with a total fear of all dogs. 2 years without one was too much though so we went to the the Doodle Trust and told them of our worries and concerns. Wonderful people there found the most amazing, fun and gentle soul, a 2 1/2 year old labradoodle who carefully won the DC round. She knew when she could play 'rough' and when cuddles were needed. 5 years on and DC have such a renewed love of dogs that we went back to the Doodle Trust where we were fortunate enough to be entrusted with a labradoodle puppy. All the nibbling, needle teeth, and 'little accidents'havent put any of us off and our 2 doodles now make our life complete.

sarahbrokenshire · 08/06/2016 16:48

We got our lovely dog Puddin as at the time me and my partner suffered a miscarraige and although a dog obviously doesn't replace such a loss - It was exactly what we needed after going through the terrible emotions - Pudding brought us love, comfort and company which we needed xxx

yatota74 · 09/06/2016 10:15

We only just recently (about 6 months) ago a dog and I can't imagine not having him now. We got him because go for lots of walks as a family anyway and I work from home, so with the girls beeing a bit older now I just felt ready to take on the responsibility of looking after a dog. We get so much out of him and the kids adore him as he does them.

glmcall123 · 09/06/2016 12:43

We got our dog for our children, he really is part of the family. It can be hard work but it's very rewarding.

boo2410 · 09/06/2016 16:31

I was coming back from lunch one day and our Gypsy Liaison Officer was in the main reception of the Civic office with a gingerish terrier on a bit of rope. I asked her what she doing and she said there was talk going round the site that the dog was going to be dumped on the M25 so she was taking him to the RSPCA inn Chobham.

By now the dog had rolled over so I was stroking his tummy and chatting when I heard me say I would take him home. I lived on my own but we'd always had a dog at home so I knew all about looking after them. I cleared it for an afternoon off then me and Albie (real,name Albany Jack, named after my Great Grandad and my Grandad) went on to buy all things dog!

We got home and Albie got himself acquainted with his new home I took him to the vets for his jabs and after a tooth inspection the vet said he was about 6 months old and was a Fox Terrier cross.

We had 15 years of fun when sadly his legs gave way so after a final packet of Cadbury animal chocolate biscuits (his favourite) and many strokes, cuddles and tears he made his way to Rainbow Bridge.

Our son came home from school and was naturally very upset, particularly as it was his birthday. But I said that although it was very upsetting we would celebrate his birthday and Albies life.

So to anybody who is thinking of getting a dog I say go for it. Yes they will sometimes drive you bonkers but you will get so much fun and enjoyment you won't regret it.

MaltyCocoa · 09/06/2016 16:46

I am trying to persuade my husband that we need a dog in our lives right now Grin

My winning argument was that it would be someone for him to cuddle in bed when I banish him to the spare room for snoring too loudly!


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Lulabellx1 · 09/06/2016 16:59

Keep you fit
Give you and your family loyalty and love
Create a sense of responsibility in the children
A friend for life
Nutures kids caring nature
Keeps my feet warm in bed!

Now... if you re-home a dog from an animal shelter... you'll get even more joy out of it! :)

SERENITYNOW123 · 09/06/2016 19:08

Our dog has been a wonderful companion for us all, especially our daughter, who was 4 whenever we got him. He gets us out and about, is always delighted to see us and is completely tuned into our moods. The house is a lot hairier, muddier and funnier! We love him to bits!

ICanSeeYourPixelss · 09/06/2016 20:44

We got a dog to encourage us to walk more as a family and to teach my little one more responsibility Smile

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