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Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED

395 replies

AnnMumsnet · 24/05/2016 13:46

Calling all dog owners, or previous dog owners - please share your key reasons for getting a dog in the first place. What prompted you to get a four legged friend? Was it for you, for the kids or the family as a whole? How has having a dog improved your life? Does having one make you go out more? Has it taught your children to be more responsible? And are dogs something your family have always had or were you new to dog ownership when you got one?

The team at Pedigree would love to know all about why having a dog is brilliant! Pedigree® and the Waltham® Centre for Pet Nutrition have clear information on how to care for your dog – from information on diet and dental care to tips and tricks for training- over here:

Whatever your advice, please add your comment below and you'll be entered into a prize draw, where one MNer will win a £300 voucher for the store of their choice.


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Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
KittiesInsane · 27/05/2016 16:30

Yes to all the people saying a dog's welcome is uplifting! Even our grumpy teens lurch through the door, grunt at us and then fling themselves at the puppy yelling 'Hello pup face! I've missed you too! Yes I have!'

It gives me hope for their humanity.

charmingtownrisingsun · 27/05/2016 16:32

Dogs can become a child's best friend and protector
They will always be there in times of need:
Whether you a need a cuddle when you feel blue
Keep you company and warm at the same time
To help you feel better when you are ill
Gives children a sense of responsibility and independence.
Loyal and trusting companion
They can become a childs supportive confidant.
Children can grow up with them they can learn together and get into mischief and go exploring.
At night when its bed time they can have sleepovers
Dogs help you to become more active and healthy as you will constantly be outdoors playing fetch and throwing a ball or frisbee its fun.
Dogs become a wonderful addition to the family with their own unique personality.
To kids they feel like a brother or sister and to adults they feel like your children.
They can give you wonderful memories that will always be cherished.

chanice · 27/05/2016 18:46

Foot warmer

Choccybadger · 27/05/2016 19:17

My husband got me my first dog not long after I had had major spinal surgery. I had to be in bed for quite a long time and was getting really down.
My beautiful pug became an instant best friend. All he wanted was cuddles and food (a bit like me) and has never changed, 6 years later. He is still like a big chubby, furry Velcro baby.
He started a bit of an addiction in our family. We now have 5......

Raahh · 27/05/2016 20:28

We thought about getting a dog, but it never seemed the right time. Then dh was made redundant, and we decided to use some of his payout to get one (he had another job by then). I have suffered from depression/social anxiety most of my life, and my youngest was due to start reception later in the year. Over the previous year, I had become even more introverted, and other than the school run barely left the house.

Like pp have said, I now have no choice but to trek out in all weathers (although ddog isnt keen on rain), and I even have to talk to people on occasion, when they chat about ddog. A bonus is the weight loss, not huge, but certainly I'm getting more exercise than ever. We also benefit from lots of days out, dog in tow. He was the best decision I've made in ages. Sounds a cliche, but hes changed my life, the stinky animal. :-)

OrlandaFuriosa · 27/05/2016 20:58

Ds is a lonely only and always wanted one but we said we couldn't until we retired as it wasn't fair. Then DH was signed off from work, we went to look at him, and they both fell in love.

He has brought so much love to the family. He lay on my mother's bed when she was dying to comfort her. He is the reason my husband and son get up in the morning with a smile on their faces. We all hug each other much more, are verbally more affectionate to each other, because we are to him too. He hates arguments so we rarely have them. If you are upset he comes to sit on you, and pats you to reassure you.

He takes us for walks so we are fitter. And we know more people in the neighbourhood through dog walking. We keep in touch with the farm he came from and he goes there for his holidays when we go away.

Our world has broadened and deepened, we are happier, because we have given our hearts to a dog to share.

mynellie · 27/05/2016 22:46

We got a dog for me really as I am Disabled and don't get out much at all and she is a great companion for me
The whole family adore her but if I am stuck in my bed for days at a time she lies with me and then does really silly things that make me chuckle and elevate my mood and she is a great living hot water bottle who loves nothing more than snip uglier down with me and giving lots of kisses, She also goes out on the paper round with my son and she gets lots of treats for Christmas as everyone falls in love with her once they meet her she really is a pretty cheeky dog and has also taught children discipline that she relies on us for food, exercise and love

mynellie · 27/05/2016 22:47

I meant snuggling down lol

Elianna · 27/05/2016 22:53

We first got a dog, as we were told a pet could be beneficial for children with autism, which my son has. As soon as we got our dog, I really noticed a change in my son's behaviour. He previously found it hard to talk to people and often felt alone as many of his peers were very different to him. But, having dog has helped with his confidence and changed our family for the better and we're also fitter due to daily walks.

StarTastic · 27/05/2016 23:38

I worked at kennels aged 15ish and my boss had 5 springer spaniels who I loved, but had never had a dog.

My dp had mentioned getting a dog but I said no as our house isn't big enough. 3 beds and open plan downstairs, also Dd 4 was a little afraid of dogs.

My friend has a cocker spaniel who had puppies with a springer father, so they had 7 sprockers. When they told me about them I really wanted one and we made the decision to have one.

Went to have a look and fell in love with a back and white sprocker pup, kids were so excited.

We brought her home and although it was a huge challenge and such hard work we all loved her. Her first walk I turned around and noticed DD was surrounded by 5 dogs and wasn't scared at all. our pup had cured her fear of dogs and given us a reason to go out as a family.

Getting our dog has been the best thing we ever did, kids are aware of the responsibility of looking after a dog, they are respectful of the dogs Space, unafraid of dogs in general and she has given us a fantastic reason to explore the outdoors.

We spend more time as a family and get more exercise as we have to walk her every day.

Getting our dog was the best thing we ever did, she's brought our family together in a way I never imagined.

Lovelydiscusfish · 28/05/2016 00:06

Unconditional love, cuddles, the sheer joy of brushing a dog (is that just me?) and the incentive to get out and about, and do fantastic walks! Dogs are a great incentive to exercise every day.

girlinacoma · 28/05/2016 00:33

We have 3 dogs and they are all definitely a part of our family.

Our children are all teenagers now but love them to bits and take an active role in their care.

They are great company for me when I'm on my own at home and give me a feeling of security.

We get out into the fields with them for an hours walk every single day and for me and my husband it's a time for us to catch up and chat.

We get to meet lots of other dog owners too, it's very social Smile

janney3 · 28/05/2016 06:49

We love having our dog, he has brought the family together again.

Oldest gets off his phone to take him for a walk and we still all go on long walks together at the weekend.

Learning to care for an animal is a great skill for the children, they enjoy grooming, feeding and keeping him fit. His love is unconditional and we all enjoy his companionship.

pinkspideruk · 28/05/2016 11:06

We have always had a dog.

Key reasons for getting a dog:

  • it teaches you responsibility - like having a child the dog will require your care for its lifespan - its not to be taken on lightly - our previous dog lived to the ripe old age of 21! So its a commitment for the life span of the dog

  • it provides you with a reason to get up and get out - it doesnt matter how you feel the dog needs its walkies!

  • unconditional love - if you treat your dog right it will love you no matter what - it wont care if you are fat, ugly, suddenly develop acne

  • they make great companions for kids - a friend at all times
TeaandCake8 · 28/05/2016 11:32

A doggy can share your life for a period of time but to them you are their whole world
I love my furry friend he has been there for me through some utterly horrid times, a dog is a great soother and a very good reason to get out & enjoy the fresh air...oh and never a crumb left when my baby flings his food on the floor!

bambooleaves · 28/05/2016 11:33

It's another member of the family and great for teaching the kids some responsibility!

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 28/05/2016 12:38

Another good reason to get a dog - particularly a labrador - is that you never have to pick up dropped food! Grin

monty79 · 28/05/2016 12:50

We got a dog for the family but my two daughters had been wanting a dog for a long time before we got our Jack Russell, Sasha. We have had her for nearly 9 years now and she is such a lovely dog. She is just like another family member and we love her so much.
Since getting a dog we have gone out more for walks as a family. I think having a dog has made my daughters more responsible and they take good care of our dog.

Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
CelinePB · 28/05/2016 15:38

Why did I get a dog? So many reasons! ...

As a working companion, my Labrador was my shooting companion and my bouvier des flandres is my guard dog and sheep helper :) I'm a firm believer in trying to get them using their natural instincts if you have the chance to; or honing them into other avenues like flyball/agility/obedience work. I now do agility with my Labrador as I no longer am in a shooting area and she has made the switch to a new job brilliantly. Dogs are so versatile.

But more than that, I have a dog for;
Life lessons for my children
And FUN :)

BreconBeBuggered · 28/05/2016 15:54

Somebody in the family has to be the photogenic one. In ours, it's always the dog.

Larnipoo · 28/05/2016 18:00

It was recommended to get a pet go help our autistic son. We got Ruby from Lord Whiskey animal sanctuary. She'd be used for pups and abandon. She is the most loving dog (King Charles Spaniel) and adores our son. Not only has she brought joy to our son (there inseparable) but she's enriched me and hubbys life too.

Haffdonga · 28/05/2016 18:06

I'd grown up with dogs and as an only child treated them as my siblings .

I wanted my dcs to grow up in a happy shambolic busy messy type of life and a dog adds to all of that. Our lovely dog has given every family member joy and love in different ways. She is playmate, protector, exerciser and object of affection and confidante. She is the only one a stroppy teenager can still love when they are angry with the world. She has made all out lives better and our family more of a family.


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EveryoneElsie · 28/05/2016 18:12

The house seems empty without a dog in it, and I now have to motivate myself to exercise. With our old dog we'd be out in all weathers.
People used to stop and chat, now I'm just another face in the crowd.

SuzCG · 29/05/2016 12:47

I grew up with a dog and knew what a great friend and companion he was and wanted that for my own children. It's good for them to grow up with the responsibility of caring for something. They do become such an integral part of family life. For me, now the kids are busy at school she is a reason to get out everyday - company in themselves but also, other people talk to you when you are out walking with a dog. Life would definitely be a lot more lonely without our lovely labrador, Tilly!

Katie0705 · 29/05/2016 21:18

Always good company
Loyal companion
Unconditional love - two way!
My walking buddy
Always cheers me up and by my side when feeling poorly
My dogs have always been at the centre of my world, providing great pleasure, entertainment and love ❤️

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