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Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED

395 replies

AnnMumsnet · 24/05/2016 13:46

Calling all dog owners, or previous dog owners - please share your key reasons for getting a dog in the first place. What prompted you to get a four legged friend? Was it for you, for the kids or the family as a whole? How has having a dog improved your life? Does having one make you go out more? Has it taught your children to be more responsible? And are dogs something your family have always had or were you new to dog ownership when you got one?

The team at Pedigree would love to know all about why having a dog is brilliant! Pedigree® and the Waltham® Centre for Pet Nutrition have clear information on how to care for your dog – from information on diet and dental care to tips and tricks for training- over here:

Whatever your advice, please add your comment below and you'll be entered into a prize draw, where one MNer will win a £300 voucher for the store of their choice.


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Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
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VocationalGoat · 25/05/2016 13:31

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sharond101 · 25/05/2016 13:36

They give you the best welcome when you get home and always forgive and forget.

EasterRobin · 25/05/2016 13:36

I think the best thing about having a dog, other than the immense cuteness, is the company they provide. It's hard to be lonely when you have a pet that loves you unconditionally and always enjoys your attention.

Worcswoman · 25/05/2016 13:39

To annoy my vile neighbours. An Irish wolfhound in a kennel made from a Ford cortina in the front yard but I keep him in the house in the day so he barks incessantly to go out.

Sorry haven't got a dog, just wishful thinking.

Twitterqueen · 25/05/2016 13:49

My DH was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and was not expected live more than 1-2 years. I got the dog to:

  • Be a distraction / external focus for the DCs
  • Enable me to get out of the house
  • Provide comfort, company and unconditional love for everyone, including DH
  • Motivate DH to get out of the house and walk the dog while I was at work
  • keep me company when working at home

Plus - I've always wanted one! She's been fantastic on all counts. The DCs absolutely love her. DH is now ex and very much alive. He never did take to her though.
keepinrunning · 25/05/2016 13:53

To have another loving member in the family. To force us to get out in the fresh air for walks (which we usually enjoy even when it's raining and we don't think we will!) To teach the children about taking care of others

unadulterateddad · 25/05/2016 14:03

To be company for my DS as he's always loved having animals, the bond between them is amazing.

Plus i'm a sucker for a rescue centre sob story....

Huge benefits for going out walking with the dogs and also the stress relieving unconditional affection you get from a sighthound - "i luff you so much I show you my teef" Grin

babster · 25/05/2016 14:21

Our dog is the one thing everyone in our family can agree on. He is wonderful - always glad to see us, uncomplicated, cuddly and honest. Having him teaches the children responsibility as they have to consider his needs. He makes us take more exercise, which is proving to be a great stress-reducer for dd who is doing exams. A walk after revising gives her and the dog a better night's sleep!

LilCamper · 25/05/2016 14:40

Because a dog is the only being that will ever love you more than he loves himself.

GinBunny · 25/05/2016 14:46

My 2 dogs are rescue. We'd not intended to get one but when I saw the advert for our first and read the awful story about his life before I just wanted to make him safe. He's now the happiest most pampered dog, just like he deserves. My second has only been with us for a few weeks. She is also a rescue and was virtually feral when she came to us. She is dirty and smelly but we can't bath her yet. She's starting to trust us slowly. Having a scared dog start to believe you will be kind is the most amazing feeling in the world, that you have done something to better their lives forever.

KittiesInsane · 25/05/2016 14:49

Well, it wasn't the reason we got her, but by god she's helped to slim down the overweight cat.

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 25/05/2016 15:24

Encourages you to exercise.

user1464128627 · 25/05/2016 15:26

Our golden retriever has recently died Flowers. We got her our four children. What a difference she made to our lives, she made our house a home and became part of the family.
I underestimated what a huge part she played in my every day. Bless her.
We will get another dog but this time I realise it won't be just for the children Halo

MummyBtothree · 25/05/2016 15:37

We've always had dogs in our family, they are a big part of our family and bring us so much joy. We all love cuddles with our Border Collie on the sofa, taking him for long walks etc. He is such a good lad and so good with our children, there's a huge bond between them. Unfortunately with all that comes the heartache when they pass but I guess that's how life is and children have to learn. As they say 'its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'. It also gives my children some responsibility, changing his water, feeding and exercising him etc. Dogs for us enhance our lives hugely.

Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED
RaisingSteam · 25/05/2016 15:52

DH has stuck out for 20 years of marriage wanting a dog. Only when we got one did I realise really how much he missed having a dog. They are besotted. I feel a bit bad although it was for all kinds of sensible reasons. Ddog brings so much affection and character to our chaotic house.

YaySirNaySir · 25/05/2016 15:52

We have two dogs and they are part of our family.
We live in a beautiful area of the country and get to explore different walks all he time. We have always had dogs so our DC have grown up with dogs in the house and understand what goes into looking after them.

MozzieRocks · 25/05/2016 15:54

From a dog family, had a dog in childhood and got a dog as soon as living arrangement allowed in adulthood. It is a family member. Definitely I walk more and chat to more people on the walks. Not sure there is a reason to get a dog - why not?!

Greydog · 25/05/2016 16:02

I always wanted a greyhound after a friend of ours introduced us to Slim Jim, the most laid back animal you could imagine. And then I found out about the dreadful lives racers have, and we got a rescue dog. She's an absolute delight, calm, gentle, good with (most) strangers, and she loves us. She's our family.

fourpawswhite · 25/05/2016 16:30

Unconditional love, friendship, long walks in the countryside. Those eyes and the way they make you melt. Our young dog bought for dh chose to be my friend instead of his. I have never had that before. It's amazing. She just loves me.

asuwere · 25/05/2016 16:34

When I was younger (10 ish) I wanted a dog as I thought it would be fun and cute. We got one and he was very cute and fun but more work than I realised. He was such a huge part of the family, I can't wait till my youngest DC is old enough and my work hours suit for us to get a dog. They are so loyal, good for enjoying long walks with family and teaching DC responsibility.

IonaAilidh11 · 25/05/2016 16:47

for the company, and so that kids learn to be responsible

Knitwitty · 25/05/2016 17:17

Dogs are great for companionship, for completely unconditional love, and for a good laugh at times - but the best thing about having my dog has been the benefit to my health. He's young and fit, and he needs at least an hour of walking daily - and I'm not talking a stroll around the block. We've explored all our local footpaths, up and down hills, via farm lanes and hedgerows - and all that walking has been amazing for both my mind and my body! Getting out in the fresh air can't be beat - and now I have the perfect reason to do it every single day.

Key reasons for getting a dog - share them here - chance to WIN £300 NOW CLOSED

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headsy12 · 25/05/2016 17:24

I have always had dogs and feel the home is empty without one. All the dogs I have had over the last 30 years have 'belonged' to my son Michael but this one - a rescue dog - was mine from the moment we picked him up. I went on holiday to Cornwall with him (483 miles each way) in April and had a great time.

loosechange · 25/05/2016 17:26

Responsibility for the children.
Makes you more active
A dog always thinks you are the bees knees

LifeIsGoodish · 25/05/2016 17:31

The best thing about having a dog is being a teen with all the inarticulate distress that goes with being a teen. Unconditional love, companionship and affection. Pour your heart out to the dog, they will not judge, betray or embarrass you. Taking them for a walk gives you an excuse to escape when you feel overwhelmed (and, as my mum told me years later, means you take a fierce protector with you so she's less worried about you).

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