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TwoAndTwoEqualsChaos · 24/05/2015 16:28

I know Mumsnet is a robust site used by adults but I am finding the Conception titles (which appear in Active, I am not seeking them out) a bit too much. There were mildly amusing before, but they are now, IMO, crude and unnecessary. Can they be reined in a little?


OP posts:
NerrSnerr · 24/05/2015 19:10

I'm not a hater, I just roll my eyes at some thread titles (not just conception but no one starts threads on the others that are daft too!). I'm sure the threads are supportive but was just giving my opinion on the titles and the impression I get from them.

SoupDragon · 24/05/2015 19:19

PMSL at ending a rant with "Peace" :o

Just because I don't like certain thread titles doesn't make me a hater. I have no need to read the threads to find out what they are about, what is in the thread is irrelevant.

TwoAndTwoEqualsChaos · 24/05/2015 19:20

LaLa much more dramatic than I had planned!

OP posts:
5hell · 24/05/2015 19:20

nerr i dont think people necessarily mean to be "look at me, we're so daring and are the rebels of mumsnet" but some titles and threads may well be full of in-jokes and randomness and a little rudeness...but as its probably been said before, when your ttc for 3/12/32 months, you often need a distraction and some support. And the various titles let people know what sort of chat they may expect in that thread and so help them decide if they'd like to join.

Depending on our stage of life and our issues there are a wide range of threads we each may find offensive/trite/shallow/annoying /ridiculous etc etc etc

MN, the internet and the world is full of all sorts of people, all sort of standards, language and lifestyles. People are entitled to be offended, defensive, find it funny, rude or wonderful! But lets just all let each other got on with life, providing each other the support and answers mn was presumeably intended for xxx

BadgersArse · 24/05/2015 19:22


but mostly the clique ones, and always hide swearing ones as they are just shit

Have hidden conception as i dont want to concieve

BadgersArse · 24/05/2015 19:22

clique in jokes just look REALLY sad.

TwoAndTwoEqualsChaos · 24/05/2015 19:25

Hey, Jelly, I am not a "hater" and if you have too much time on your hands and search me, you will see I have had my own issues/problems with having children, namely a full-term stillbirth, a miscarriage, a "blighted ovum" and a condition which means I have to self-inject when trying to conceive and when pregnant. Grantaire says it better than I did, I think, about the shared space.

OP posts:
CountryGal4 · 24/05/2015 19:28

God your so right

Their so rude. I find it just offends me all there joyousness utterly tiring. And how rude are the titles i mean vagina?!?! Ergh! It's so exhausting.

honeysucklejasmine · 24/05/2015 19:29

So, in summary... different people find different things funny or offensive, but if you don't want to see it, hide the forum? Sounds good. Problem solved. Smile

NerrSnerr · 24/05/2015 19:56

Taking the post from Countrygal is an example of the hilarious banter on the threads eh? Wink

honeysucklejasmine · 24/05/2015 20:04

Satire at it's finest. Grin

FannyFernackapan · 24/05/2015 20:06

I agree with you OP but not in a delicate flower kind of way. I just think the titles sound ridiculous and silly.

NerrSnerr · 24/05/2015 20:06

(Yep, aware my grammar was shit, no excuse my grammar is just shit).

TwoAndTwoEqualsChaos · 24/05/2015 20:07

I am not a delicate flower, I just think the joke has been pushed too far.

OP posts:
CountryGal4 · 24/05/2015 20:08

Haha rumbled

Obviously not all the threads on here are going to be appreciated by everyone. We can accept that our special brand of "banter" isn't going to be found amusing by all. We do know this. There are many forums that I find not my cup of tea but I just tend look past them and carry on with what I'm doing. As honey said above really.

Well go back to our dark corner and continue to be a bit rude and hopefully you guys can go back to what you enjoy doing :)

CountryGal4 · 24/05/2015 20:10

Also nerr the bad grammar wasn't at you're expense or anyone else in this thread. Reff to a thread where people were really rather cruel about us - was trying to make to gals laugh. Had been a bit crap the last couple of week

NerrSnerr · 24/05/2015 20:11

I do agree Countrygal, I just couldn't figure out if it was a genuine joke or a dig at the typo in the OP.

I'm drawn into this thread when in reality it doesn't affect me (apart from my condescending eye roles) so I am going to do my best to be a good person and not comment on these threads in future and to live and let live. Smile

DulcetMoans · 24/05/2015 20:11

This again?! Are there really not better things to get your knickers in a twist about?!

MN, the only way around this is a scale of swears and inappropriate words and topics. You tell us what we can and can't say - just to know what are the bad ones to avoid to suit the sensibilities of all the MNetters. Since we need to try and please everyone in the shared space.

Also, since some are identified as 'cliques' can you put any resource into making sure the same groups of people don't end up some how posting on more than, say, 3 threads together? The last thing we need is friendships forming and supporting each other, encouraging them to return! I think that will mean the end of the monthly buses in conception, pregnancy and parenting plus no more junk like sweary thread, night owls, vogue edition and DRY. They are just all attention seeking idiots and you need to reign them in.

Then we can concentrate on the good stuff like where we should at store potatoes, what length hair is most attractive and parking spaces. Those are the gems that keep me coming back...

LittleBearPad · 24/05/2015 20:18

Just hide them or hide conception. It's not that big a deal.

Bakeoffcake · 24/05/2015 20:20

I agree with you too Op.

And as I've said before, you can hide the threads, and I do, but you still see it in "most active". So I wish people would stop with the "just hide the thread", cos it doesn't work!!

And like you TwoandTwo I've had lots of my own problems conceiving/keeping a baby and after an emergency operation because of an eptopic pregnancy I had to stop right there. So I really don't like being reminded about sodding conceiving.

But hey, as long as those on the threads are ok which it, the rest of us just have to suck it up as we're "too delicate" Hmm

ThursdayLast · 24/05/2015 20:22

Grin Dulcet

TwoAndTwoEqualsChaos · 24/05/2015 21:00

Sidetrack, Nerr, but I am so tired I can't see what my typo was in the Op ...

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TwoAndTwoEqualsChaos · 24/05/2015 21:01

Dulcet, *sigh, not "knickers in a twist", but a comment and an opinion.

OP posts:
LaLaLaaaa · 24/05/2015 21:22

Dulcet that did make me chuckle! Proper rant there!! Smile

OP I think you've seen that we mean no harm and hopefully we can go on our merry way making ourselves and each other laugh. It's not meant to offend, it's a coping mechanism and yes it's not going to be to everyone's taste.

To anyone who thinks we are cliquey though you are v v wrong and that just demonstrates that you've no idea about the people on those threads. They are the loveliest group, so welcoming. Everyone is invited in with open arms and given support.

Everyone copes in their own way and if we were all the same life would be very dull.

Hope the worms and prostitute have both moved on!

LaLaLaaaa · 24/05/2015 21:24

Bakeoff I'm so sorry to hear about your experiences ttc Flowers

A lot of us on the thread have had mc or are going down the route of ivf or similar. It's a very difficult and often heartbreaking experience.

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