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Mobile site strife? Come and post here

128 replies

KateSMumsnet · 26/11/2014 13:34

Hullo everyone,

There are several threads about the mobile site being a bit wonky (technical term that), so we thought we'd start a thread to keep everyone's comments in one place, so we can see what's what.

It seems from the other threads, a few people were having problems with Galaxy S4 - is anyone else?

Please do post saying what you're using (eg iphone 5, safari, ios 7), and we'll try and make things run a bit more smoothly.

OP posts:
ZeroSomeGameThingy · 04/12/2014 19:45

So are the shortcut buttons / pop up buttons / whatever (TIA etc) not coming back at all then? Sad

I've switched back to mobile to check - but will have to continue with desktop (on phone!) because no other way to access TIA. What is going on?

Is it the rather pushy Santa at the bottom of the screen that has messed things up? (Although my Santa has been banished there's no improvement.)

BigRedBall · 05/12/2014 10:06

iPhone, Safari iOS 7.1.2

Big threads take ages to load. Like 2 mins at least. When I press those "3 dots" it takes a long time to open if the page hasn't loaded. Same with the "add post" button at the bottom. I don't ynderstand the point of them if you still have to wait for the whole thread to be loaded for them to work.

The buttons at the bottom of the screen don't work when there's an advert underneath, so I end up clicking an advert instead. Very annoying.

When I switch between pages I go back to the MN page and all of my post that I've half written is lost. I'm not on private browsing either. The whole page just reloads every single time.

Please can we just go back to how things were before? Doing links is a night mare now. Can't switch between pages.

I hate this mobile site.

ThomasLynn · 05/12/2014 14:25

Sorry DawnMN , forgot I'd posted.

Yeah, still happening. Nearly threw it across the room this morning!

LineRunner · 05/12/2014 18:48

Yy to the flickering screen on Kindle fire.

Also it is still so SLOW to load.

The the ad at the top still blocks text. And moves and flashes and is really bloody irritating. And the content is irrelevant. Halloween?? Really???

TheOneWiththeNicestSmile · 05/12/2014 19:38

Floating flashing banner ads getting more & more irritating

Deja vu here...Hmm I was a complete mobile page refusenik when the original changes came in but it had been ok for ages

Will be going back to desktop very soon

PolterGoose · 05/12/2014 20:08

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

DesperatelySeekingSanity · 05/12/2014 21:23

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TeenyfTroon · 06/12/2014 05:57

STILL hate the ads at the top.

I thought you were experimenting - can you update please?

LineRunner · 06/12/2014 06:04

Even this time of day the mobile site is very slow.

The ad at the top is still covering too much text.

Please stop the flashing.

BirdingWidow · 06/12/2014 06:12

From last night at 11pm ish the mobile site isn't loading for me - I am just getting the desktop site which is nigh on impossible to read. Still the same problem this morning. I am on an iPhone 5s and safari

googietheegg · 06/12/2014 07:20

Rubbish here too - iPhone 5 on the app. Often click on a thread and there's just nothing there - refresh but nothing still. V slow too, even when right next to wifi and other apps working quickly.

ZeroSomeGameThingy · 06/12/2014 07:45

And, btw, "Bump and reset" has never worked on the mobile site since the recent upgrade....

(Just call me Moaning Minnie ...)

kinkytoes · 06/12/2014 08:59

The downward pointing chevron which should bring up the menu is very hard to click on. I end up clicking on the wrong thing 9 out of 10 times. Can it be made bigger, or sited further away from other links please?

ophiotaurus · 06/12/2014 16:29


ophiotaurus · 06/12/2014 16:29

Sorry about caps. Couldn't bear to go back and change.

FrauHelgaMissMarpleandaChuckle · 07/12/2014 08:04

The ad at the top and the shite at the bottom means I have about 5 lines I can see on the mobile site.

Was MNetting on my phone last night - iphone - on the mobile site.

Replied to a PM and it bounced to the desktop site. Did it twice as well.

Very annoying. V V V slow - other sites are fine, just you guys are slow as treacle on that mobile site.

Suddengeekgirl · 07/12/2014 19:44

It's SLOW!
A thread with more than 200 posts seems to take dial up internet lengths of time to load! Shock I can almost hear a 1990s modem whirring away somewhere!

The ellipsis and arrow buttons are very unresonsive, as are the options the drop down arrow brings up.

I hate the ads being back at the top of the page again. Having occasional ads mid thread was possibly less annoying... Hmm

The mobile site is still not much better for me than when it was first changed to the new look. :(

SingSongSlummy · 08/12/2014 14:25

What's going on? The buttons have all disappeared and it's currently a totally shite user experience. Can't be bothered to stay on when it's so awful!

PenelopePitstops · 08/12/2014 14:29

It's slow! Loading threads is dial up speed particularly over 200 posts.

Galaxy s5 chrome

PenelopePitstops · 08/12/2014 14:30

Also buttons at the top and ellipses take too long to load.

chockbic · 08/12/2014 14:47

I can barely post. When I press submit, it doesn't, just buffers.

ZeroSomeGameThingy · 09/12/2014 14:34

Xmas BlushXmas AngryXmas Confused

So why did no one tell me the shortcut buttons were a hidden option in the Account section?

I don't remember altering anything. But I've opted back into having the buttons on screen. Life will be so much better now!


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brittanyfairies · 09/12/2014 14:41

iPhone 6 iOS 8 on safari. I keep getting logged out and sometimes it won't let me log back in. Very slow sometimes.

Madamecastafiore · 09/12/2014 14:44

Am on iPhone 5s and other than titles loading but not threads I often get a cannot connect box come up.

Only recently links are not showing either. It's got to the stage where I think everyone else is seeing lovely things except me!! Wink

Mind you both the above happens on my iPad too.

I'm using the mobile site.

ZeroSomeGameThingy · 09/12/2014 14:52

brittany Ignore this if you've already dealt with it but when I had the same problem it was because I hadn't enabled cookies ...

Click Safari in Settings and check they're not blocked.

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