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Could we have a poppy emoticon for Armstice day?

57 replies

TheCunnyFuntOfEastwick · 30/10/2012 20:27


I just think that it is such an important piece of history that we should show some support (besides wearing one) and have a little poppy throughout November.

I'd use it loads :)

OP posts:
HelenMumsnet · 31/10/2012 11:26

Hello. We usually do a little poppy on our Twitter logo/FB logo and (if we can remember how!) our site logo.

We're reckoning on doing the same this year because Tech will stab us with his pointy stick if he has to create any more emoticons

ExitPursuedByAaaaaarGhoul · 31/10/2012 11:29

Yes to the poppy (but not the white one).

MrsCantSayAnything · 31/10/2012 11:30

I would love one too. Yes please!

MrsCantSayAnything · 31/10/2012 11:31

We could have the poppy instead of the bunch of flowers? Or we could have one instead of a smiley.

TodaysAGhoulDay · 31/10/2012 11:35

Yes please to the poppy!

Thumbwitch · 31/10/2012 11:36

I would like one. It's no different to the saint day emoticons in terms of use - but I guess some people might be unhappy with the idea because of the political ramifications (which I disagree with personally).

chibi · 31/10/2012 11:37

yes please

without it, it is impossible to tell who is the remembringest. it will also make it easy to pick out the unpatriotic traitors

using it in the site logo is way too discreet, let's have it as a smiley which in no way at all triviallises war, death, loss, destruction and remembrance

is it possible to ensure it is glittery?

futuredream · 31/10/2012 11:42

Agree , chibiSad

ISeeDeadFairies · 31/10/2012 11:42

Fabulous idea!!! Seriously!

threesocksonathreeleggedwitch · 31/10/2012 12:10

yes please

HelenMumsnet · 31/10/2012 12:28

Please see our earlier post - and so sorry to have raised emoticon hopes.

We're not going to be able to do poppy emoticons but we will be doing our usual poppy-adding to our logo on site and on our social media channels.

OpheliasWeepingWillow · 31/10/2012 12:30

Me please

TheCunnyFuntOfEastwick · 31/10/2012 12:41

Booo :(

OP posts:
Scuttlebutter · 31/10/2012 13:09

Such a shame. It's an excellent idea.

MrsCantSayAnything · 31/10/2012 13:10

Why can't we have one?

threesocksonathreeleggedwitch · 31/10/2012 13:39

that is bad.
I would love to know why not

TheDoctrineOfSnatch · 31/10/2012 13:45

I think emoticons are quite a design challenge, threesocks. Maybe for next year, Helen?

TheCunnyFuntOfEastwick · 31/10/2012 13:49

Yes! Next year then please? Pretty please?

OP posts:
BehindLockNumberNine · 31/10/2012 13:52

uhoh, is NewKateMumsnet getting a telling off from HelenMumsnet for raising our hopes?
I hope not.

And yes, a poppy would be lovely...

WereTricksPotter · 31/10/2012 13:57

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

PoppadomPreach · 31/10/2012 13:59


Would the people requesting white poppies please explain the point? I just see it as disrespectful.

Sirzy · 31/10/2012 14:13

Stab tech with the pointy stick til she agrees!


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TheDoctrineOfSnatch · 31/10/2012 14:16

I think the Tech to-do list is around four-and-twenty leagues long.

threesocksonathreeleggedwitch · 31/10/2012 15:10

perhaps everyone who wants a poppy should put it in there NN

OlaRapaceFru · 31/10/2012 16:23

Sirzy, not only is our 'main' Tech a man (shock horror), but he also lives in New York - I suspect might have more worrying things on his mind at the moment?

But, as TheDoctrine says, the Tech-To-Do-List is probably rather long. He/they might get around to a Poppy for next year, but I doubt they have time to do it for this year.

Good point, threesocks!

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