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Am I a bitch

128 replies

TwinSetAndPearls · 06/08/2005 22:53

I hate my dp dog. He shits in my garden, has wrecked my lawn, chews dd toys, always pulling over the kitchen bin and spreading contents over the floor, he smells, he slobbers, the house is full of dog hair, he has ruined my carpets, he makes my house smell, we can't go on holiday for more than a week because dp won't leave him, when I am on my period he practically rapes me.

On top of that I am allergic to him, not a little bit , but a serious allergy that robs me of all my energy. He makes me feel like I have flu permanently, so tired, run down, constantly sniffing eyes streaming.

Oh and another thing, dp keeps letting him sleep in our room so our bedding gets covered in dog hair.

I keep telling dp I don't like him, dp keeps saying that he will find him a new home but he never does. Tonight had a row about him which has resulted in dp walking out with the dog saying I am an intolerant bitch and he will have to find a way of getting rid of him just to shut me up.

I now feel awful as dp and dd both love the dog, I spoke to dd about finding a new home for the dog and she was heartbroken. I also wanted to find the dog a proper home with people who loved him not have dp wandering the streets with him. He could be a lovely dog in the right home, he is a Springer with a lovely temperament and fantastic with kids but just not in a home with someone who doesn't like dogs, hates hoovering up dog hair and is allergic to them.

So am I a bitch? Should I let the dog stay?

OP posts:
Caligula · 06/08/2005 23:58

Or flokati, even?

Eugenius · 06/08/2005 23:59

dontcha know nuffink?

MrsGordonRamsay · 07/08/2005 00:00


rickman · 07/08/2005 00:00

Message withdrawn

MrsGordonRamsay · 07/08/2005 00:00

still 4


Eugenius · 07/08/2005 00:04

I 4 that you 4

MrsGordonRamsay · 07/08/2005 00:04


Caligula · 07/08/2005 00:05

I know I'm going to offend huge numbers of people now and have to change my name afterwards, but I'd rather have a dog, with or without his bollocks, than that carpet...

MrsGordonRamsay · 07/08/2005 00:06

Do you mean E's link ??

Eugenius · 07/08/2005 00:08

it's larverly

Caligula · 07/08/2005 00:10

Yes - god knows what a carpet like that could harbour. Looks like someone from a seventies TV series might have shagged in it and left the evidence there, unrecognised for decades...

MrsGordonRamsay · 07/08/2005 00:12

I can just see Don Johnson, sleeves rolled up, espadrilles at ready, trying to pull on that,

Caligula · 07/08/2005 00:16

Hmmm... Don Johsnson eh? The carpet's looking better...

Eugenius · 07/08/2005 00:16

eeew - see what I mean!

Caligula · 07/08/2005 00:19

But if you're not prepared to have his willy on the carpet, why have him? (Love me, love my willy? etc. )

I mean, if we took the same attitude to men, where would be?

oops · 07/08/2005 00:48

Message withdrawn

Tortington · 07/08/2005 01:10

has anyone mentioned dogwalker? sorry if repeated - you could advertise at the newsagents and get your dp to pay for it or get off his arse to walk the dog.

i have a dog who is not allowed in my bedroom becuase she gives me asthma. my husband respects this as he damn well should - your partner should respect your allergy.

fqueenzebra · 07/08/2005 05:20

Caligula, PMSL at picture of the dog wanting to join in during marital relations....

Twinset : pay a local teenager to walk the dog and clean up its poop every morning & afternoon for you.

I sort of thought unspayed bitches (the female dogs, I mean) were prone to uterus infections if they never bred; i know someone whose dog needed an emergency hysterectomy for this.

In the USA it's a big class indicator if you don't castrate/spay your dog (or cat); only rednecks, poor people and macho paranoids don't castrate their dogs & cats. Everyone else does it out of civic responsibility. Also, I was always taught that uncastrated male dogs were dangerous, which makes me nervous since my childminder has 2 of them (Ofsted are ok about it, though). It took me years to get used to seeing "intact" male dogs everywhere in this country. My childminder's dog had a hard-on the other day, and I didn't like it being so obvious.

WideWebWitch · 07/08/2005 06:26

I think I'd have to say he gets rid of the dog too if he's not going to keep to his side of the bargain: i.e. he walks it properly - and springers need it - and cleans up after it. How old is the dog? Might it, ahem, die, at some point?

oops · 07/08/2005 07:19

Message withdrawn

Fio2 · 07/08/2005 07:45

fgs sake its a dog it isnt rocket science. i think you are being incredinly selfish as when you met him you let him move in with dog in tow. He cannot just GET RID of it, are you mental? Limit him to one room in the house and insist dp cleans up poo and employ a dog walker and stop being so meladramatic

edam · 07/08/2005 07:50

Why not give dp a time limit - change his act within a month or the dog goes. Draw up a task list (together) - poop scooping, walks, closing the gates, brushing the dog, whatever. Treat dp a little bit like a toddler (without telling him that, of course) and use the techniques you'd use on a small person whose behaviour you'd want to modify. If, at the end of a month, he hasn't achieved the goals, the dog goes.


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Fio2 · 07/08/2005 07:57

where will the dog go to?

KemalsStilletto · 07/08/2005 08:02

I think you need to compromise. Let dp keep the dog but only if he agrees to keep him downstairs, in one particular room (e.g. the kitchen) unless dp or dd wants to cuddle it, and only then when it's going to be sat down for cuddles can it move to other downstairs rooms and then it must stay on the floor and not on the furniture and on nice days set up a shady patch for it outside with food and water and lock it out in the garden for most of the day if it isnt too hot. As for your allergy, i'm sure you can buy products to kill the allergy bacteria on the dogs fur. I dont know what its called though.

Twiglett · 07/08/2005 08:03

if you get it neutered won't it calm down?>

failing that threaten to get DH neutered unless he agrees to keep him in one room

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