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Am I a bitch

128 replies

TwinSetAndPearls · 06/08/2005 22:53

I hate my dp dog. He shits in my garden, has wrecked my lawn, chews dd toys, always pulling over the kitchen bin and spreading contents over the floor, he smells, he slobbers, the house is full of dog hair, he has ruined my carpets, he makes my house smell, we can't go on holiday for more than a week because dp won't leave him, when I am on my period he practically rapes me.

On top of that I am allergic to him, not a little bit , but a serious allergy that robs me of all my energy. He makes me feel like I have flu permanently, so tired, run down, constantly sniffing eyes streaming.

Oh and another thing, dp keeps letting him sleep in our room so our bedding gets covered in dog hair.

I keep telling dp I don't like him, dp keeps saying that he will find him a new home but he never does. Tonight had a row about him which has resulted in dp walking out with the dog saying I am an intolerant bitch and he will have to find a way of getting rid of him just to shut me up.

I now feel awful as dp and dd both love the dog, I spoke to dd about finding a new home for the dog and she was heartbroken. I also wanted to find the dog a proper home with people who loved him not have dp wandering the streets with him. He could be a lovely dog in the right home, he is a Springer with a lovely temperament and fantastic with kids but just not in a home with someone who doesn't like dogs, hates hoovering up dog hair and is allergic to them.

So am I a bitch? Should I let the dog stay?

OP posts:
starshaker · 06/08/2005 23:18

dont know if its the same for dogs but i know with cats that if u get a kitten u build up an immunity to them as they grow as its not the hair ur allergic to its the saliva on there fur. my doc recomended i got a kitten as i was so bad when it came to cats. i had a gorgeous kitten and ive not been allergic since

expatinscotland · 06/08/2005 23:19

I once dated a man who was very attached to his dog. We split up when he wanted her in the bedroom w/us. Uh, no can do.

Hattie05 · 06/08/2005 23:20

Is that just the cat you've got used to starshaker? or all cats that you are no longer allergic to?

I actually grew up with cats at my parents, and was always allergic to them.

Caligula · 06/08/2005 23:22

I think you object to the dog because it is causing you a lot of extra work which you don't enjoy. If DP would stick to his part of the bargain, to pick up poo and walk the bloody thing for 2 hours a day minimum, you could tolerate it. IMO, lots of dogs are simply under-exercised because people don't take their need for a good walk seriously enough. I'm a bit militant about this because a friend of mine is a dogwalker and she spends a minimum of four hours a day walking dogs. And some of those dogs are quite small, and still aren't all that tired by the end of it.

And a dog should not be sleeping in a bedroom. Surely he wants to join in the sex, fgs? Call me uptight, but I can't see myself getting it on with Rover panting on the carpet.

TwinSetAndPearls · 06/08/2005 23:22

The dog has a kennel in the garden that he is in most of the day now as I have said I don't want him in the house. It is a very large , luxury padded kennel!! Another attempt of mine to be nice to the dog!

As an added complication I am going to start childminding to help out with our finances. The dog just can't be in the garden if the children are going to play out incase he poos or jumps on one of them. I was also advised by the Ofsted inspector (shortly after he mounted her!!) that he would have to be kept away from the children as he is so lively and big. So where will he go, there is only upstairs, can't go in the bedrooms so there only leaves my study which I am in every evening for a few hours working for my degree. I don't really want my study turning into a hair filled smelly dog room.

OP posts:
starshaker · 06/08/2005 23:22

im no longer allergic to any cats would love another as kayfir got killed by a car but i have a 4 month old baby and where we live there would be too much mice to bring home

TwinSetAndPearls · 06/08/2005 23:24

Dd will be four in september - she loves the dog with a passion, despite the fact he chews her toys and is always humping her toy horse!

OP posts:
TwinSetAndPearls · 06/08/2005 23:26

lol Caligula, the only way I can ensure that the dog remains downstairs is to saunter about in racy underwear so do thinks he is getting sex!

OP posts:
TwinSetAndPearls · 06/08/2005 23:28

expat I have thought about leaving over the dog, partly beacause I know how much he loves it and feel so awful that I do not want it.

But apart from this issue dp is a wonderful man whom I love to bits and who has done so much for dd and I.

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 06/08/2005 23:28

That sux. Can you try to find a new home for him yourself, or would dp freak out at that?

MrsGordonRamsay · 06/08/2005 23:29

We have our dog in a long run on the side of the house, but we do let her in to the "green garden" to quote DS(4), if he does find poo and sometimes I suspect the foxes...........I go out, remove it, and either Dettox the area. or pour boiling water on it.

Hattie05 · 06/08/2005 23:31

(sorry to hijack)

You'll be surprised about the mice starshaker. We used to live inner city and the cat brought zillions of mice in through the cat flap. Now have moved to a more rural area surrounded by fields and after a year here, have only seen two mice. Admittedly i refused to get a catflap this time - to stop her bringing mice in. But she uses the kitchen window as a catflap now and that is how these two mice got brought in, and none ever found in the garden.
There are an awful lot of cats around here, i wonder if they're all beating my cat to the mice!! which pleases me.

expatinscotland · 06/08/2005 23:31

Anyone had indoors-only cats? I've never had anything else.

Eugenius · 06/08/2005 23:32

I hate dogs - get it a kennel

expatinscotland · 06/08/2005 23:32

Same here, Eugenious. They're okay - when they're someone else's.

Aimsmum · 06/08/2005 23:34

Message withdrawn

starshaker · 06/08/2005 23:37

i used to have an indoor kitten after kayfir but she wasnt very happy and when i rehomed her she was a different cat as she got outside but i know a few cats that are more than happy to be indoors all the time

expatinscotland · 06/08/2005 23:39

It's the done thing in the US for them to be indoors only. In fact, its against city ordinance in a lot of cities to have an outdoor cat just running about. You can get a ticket and fine for 'cat at large' (or dog). It's also technically illegal for them to be un-neutered unless you're a registered breeder in a lot of cities. A shelter will not let them leave w/o being neutered.

Gobbledigook · 06/08/2005 23:43

Eew - get rid. Dogs - smelly, and yukky and they just don't mix with houses or children imo.


expatinscotland · 06/08/2005 23:43


I was trying to be more diplomatic. But you read my mind!

Caligula · 06/08/2005 23:50

Must admit, I can't understand this obsession with castrating cats and dogs. Why do people do this?

expatinscotland · 06/08/2005 23:51

B/c it prevents more unwanted dogs and cats in the population. It also prolongs the animal's life by avoiding the risk of reproductive cancers.


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Eugenius · 06/08/2005 23:54

who wants the dogs b*llocks flopping all over your flokati?

Caligula · 06/08/2005 23:57

But it costs about £250 for a dog. That doesn't sound unwanted.

How much are cats nowadays?

And I'm sure they get illnesses from having produced too many litters, but what about the ones they get from not producing any?

Although whenever I go To Greece, I always wish they'd castrate a few cats. Especially when I order sardines.

Caligula · 06/08/2005 23:58

What, pray, are flotaki?

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