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H made me sick deliberately

125 replies

exdefil · 28/10/2021 10:10

I have been married for 20 years, 3 dcs. Lots of rows and red flags in that time; but I couldn't afford to leave, and what he did could usually be interpreted as (at a stretch) non-deliberate.

However, last week - he had been hassling me to help him choose a new second-hand car, as he'd recently bought a dodgy car that broke down immediately. I don't drive and we live walking distance to a station and both work from home, so not a huge priority for me but he was insisting we had to discuss it then. We'd already spent hours discussing it and failing to find anything suitable. I was v busy with work and stressed. He had been saying that week he felt a bit ill but he's had long Covid in the past and claimed it was that. He came and sat next to me in bed, but really weirdly - not affectionately, but getting right into my space, so it felt uncomfortable, and put his face right up to mine, so his cheek was up against mine. This wasn't affectionate - it felt quite aggressive, and I was edging away. Supposedly, this was so we could look at cars together on his phone. He was like this for several minutes, with me edging away, and him pressing his face to mine. He got cross when I asked him to move over as I felt squished and he was in my space.

So... 5 days later, and I have Covid symptoms - temperature, dizzy, sore throat, cough. (I am double-jabbed.) When I told him this, he said he felt exactly the same last week, still has some symptoms now. He hasn't done a PCR test - claims he did a lateral flow test last week and it was negative, but no idea if that was true, and anyway, they aren't intended for those who are symptomatic, and he doesn't ever do lateral flow tests properly, as he claims they make him gag.

So he seems to have deliberately infected me - this is an illness that can kill, with potentially long-term implications. WTF?!

I am waiting for a PCR test to see if what I have is Covid, but even if it's 'just' a nasty respiratory virus, the fact remains, he appears to have knowingly and deliberately infected me. I feel physically dreadful, and knowing that the man who vowed to love and protect me, instead went out of his way to try to make sure I got Covid, makes me feel horrified. If he would do this, how could I be safe as I got older and frailer, and with no-one else in the house?

I recently inherited some money, so leaving is now finally an option, but dc3 has GCSEs this summer, so a bad time for him for a shock divorce.

Advice wanted please.

OP posts:
catfunk · 28/10/2021 12:09

You don't know that it's Covid and you would likely have caught it from him in the house and you have no proof that's why he was sitting close to you.
Regardless, sounds like you don't like him at all so just leave.

Beautiful3 · 28/10/2021 12:10

You yourself know that his behaviour was weird, he knew he had it, and wanted you to get it too. That's not normal behaviour from someone that's supposed to love you! If I'm ill, I keep my distance from everyone, reminding them not to get too close because I have a cold/virus etc. It seems like your marriage has died its death. Divorce now while you have the means to.

Muffinsandfruitcakes · 28/10/2021 12:14

Sorry , I think you are reading too much into that incident. If it is normal for him to hug you , then surely he could have given you a nice hug and infected you instead of rubbing his cheek on yours in a strange way? Or he could have made a cuppa for you and rubbed his mouth around the cup without you noticing? He could have even rubbed some of his saliva on the keypad/board of your wfh device without you noticing? He was unwell and I think you just caught it, just like my dh is now unwell after me and dd have got a nasty virus. We definitely didn't infect him deliberately. That's just what usually happens in households.

Labloverrr · 28/10/2021 12:17

I’d think the same OP, in your situation and with this man. You’re not batshit, of course it would cross your mind with how strangely he was behaving.

TirednWorried · 28/10/2021 12:19

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Bornlazy · 28/10/2021 12:22

Do you share a bed OP? It would be much easier to deliberately breathe on you to infect you through the night. Even not deliberately you would still be breathing in each other's faces.

EvenMoreFuriousVexation · 28/10/2021 12:24

You say this, but also say you're not scared of him?

I have a feeling you have been afraid since early childhod and thus don't recognise it as an emotion, because it's your norm.

Concerned3 · 28/10/2021 12:30


Before you do anything else put your inheritance into trust for your DC. Get legal advice as soon as you feel up to it. If you divorce, you don't want your H getting his hands on half your inheritance.

Nanny2many · 28/10/2021 12:32

leave him if you're unhappy. you've said twice now that "you" have an inheritance, but surely if you're married then half of that is his...... i'd check the laws etc

IAAP · 28/10/2021 12:33


Before you do anything else put your inheritance into trust for your DC. Get legal advice as soon as you feel up to it. If you divorce, you don't want your H getting his hands on half your inheritance.

This. And yes he clearly infected you - that’s not normal.

Line your ducks up if eldest D.C. is in gcse year. I would actually think about getting his take on it - better to move out and have a happy home now and settle by January as then it will be another reason eg a levels etc
1forAll74 · 28/10/2021 12:37

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itsallgoingpearshaped · 28/10/2021 12:38

You know him best, OP, and it sounds like he did deliberately try to get you sick. The divorce talk has freaked him out. Your inheritance and potential freedom has probably freaked him out. He's angry and trying to keep you there.

I would get some good legal advice as soon as you're able to about protecting your recent inheritance and getting out.

ChargingBuck · 28/10/2021 12:39


most of your post is paranoid drivel, but its clear you are unhappy in your relationship with DH

All of your post is drivel, but it's clear you are unhappy in your relationship with ... something.

Hope you feel a bit better now you've had your needless swipe at OP's feelings @TirednWorried
Fireatseaparks · 28/10/2021 12:42

@exdefil - "he got angry when I asked him to stop"

Just so you know, this isn't normal or ok.

You're probably so used to his poor behaviour, but it isn't ok for someone not to move away when you ask them to. I'd hit the roof of someone got in my personal space and didn't move if I asked, but I haven't been worn down to keep the peace over the years.

Trust your gut on this one. Get out.

1forAll74 · 28/10/2021 12:48

That all sounds a bit over the top,saying he deliberately gave you covid !
You obviously don't like being with this man, for Many reasons.
But the choosing of the car is odd too, if You don't drive, unless it's the money aspect of a car purchase.

exdefil · 28/10/2021 12:49


most of your post is paranoid drivel, but its clear you are unhappy in your relationship with DH

Did you feel that was constructively phrased when you wrote that?
OP posts:
GCAcademic · 28/10/2021 12:53

Ignore the posters telling you you are paranoid or over the top.

You know the man, and we have instincts for a reason. Don't ignore them.

I hope you feel better soon and get away from this situation.

TatianaBis · 28/10/2021 12:55

I can understand why he wanted you to be involved in the car decision - he has sole responsibility for lugging everyone around - and the last decision went wrong.

I think he was just aggressively wanting you to look at cars on his phone.

If he'd wanted to infect you he could have just spat in your tea or breathed on you when you were asleep. There are easier and more likely ways to infect someone.

exdefil · 28/10/2021 12:58


That all sounds a bit over the top,saying he deliberately gave you covid !
You obviously don't like being with this man, for Many reasons.
But the choosing of the car is odd too, if You don't drive, unless it's the money aspect of a car purchase.

Yes, agree it sounds over the top. If I had just happened to catch it off being in the same house, or having a hug, that would be completely normal and expected. It's because his behaviour was really odd at the time that made me put 2+2 together after the event. But maybe he just fancied getting weirdly in my space when he knew he was infectious but hadn't told me, and it hadn't occurred to him I might get sick?? Possible but still odd; as I said, if I had the symptoms of an infectious illness, I would tell my family members and stay away from them!

About why he wanted me involved in the car decision - he needed me to pay for it as the only spare cash we have is from the inheritance. Plus his method of choosing a car is to send me dozens of adverts of cars he likes and then I have to point out the flaws, eg no MOT, dealer has rubbish reviews etc. He has mild dyslexia and claims he can't spot these details on his own.
OP posts:
exdefil · 28/10/2021 13:00


Ignore the posters telling you you are paranoid or over the top.

You know the man, and we have instincts for a reason. Don't ignore them.

I hope you feel better soon and get away from this situation.

Thank you.
OP posts:
Lotusmonster · 28/10/2021 13:03


Your son's anxiety is probably caused by the situation you're in🙁

You don’t know that! You don’t know jot! That DC’s anxiety could be the result of absolutely anything. Don’t guilt the poor woman!!!
Youknownothingsnow · 28/10/2021 13:13

DameMaureen it isn’t illegal to give a family member money? However, it would be better to get it ringfenced by a solicitor.

OP, I don’t think the issue is whether he intentionally infected you with COVID or not. The fact you are even thinking he may do this is very telling. He sounds very hard work and I know it’s tough but you could be moved out by Christmas with your son giving him plenty of time to settle before GCSEs


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BoredZelda · 28/10/2021 13:23

If he doesn't have covid, how did he give you covid?

Isn't it far more likely to have come from your son who is at school?

Wife2b · 28/10/2021 13:23

People on this forum are obsessed with others being in an abusive relationship. For gods sake it’s unlikely he gave you it deliberately, if anything he has probably been a bit blaise with the old hygiene routine but I doubt he’s intentionally set out to make sure you get Covid and those calling it a “physical assault”, what a reach. If he’s had it before he’s probably not twigged that he could of got it again. Regardless, you clearly don’t want to be anywhere physically with this man so why are you with him? You’ve said you’re not scared of him so pack your bags and go or kick him out.

BoredZelda · 28/10/2021 13:24

Did you feel that was constructively phrased when you wrote that?

It is a valid point though.

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