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Would you mind if your husband did this?

129 replies

ChiChi999 · 02/11/2019 10:06

We visited a nearby city, about 2 hours away on the train. We had lunch and went round the shops, and all of a sudden he started to get bored and annoyed less than 2 hours after we had arrived. He stormed off and called me 10 minutes later to say he was at the station, and he would come back if I agreed I was only allowed to go in 3 shops. I said we could go in different shops and then meet up later, he said he didn't want to do that because he needed me to help him in his shops.

He then got on the train and went home by himself. I told a friend and she is appalled that he left me to get the train home alone. Is she right? I always get train by myself so I don't see that part as a huge issue, just wondered about people's thoughts.

OP posts:
marvellousnightforamooncup · 02/11/2019 10:17

Following someone around their shops can be really boring. The correct way to deal with it is to split off from each other and meet up later not flounce and give ultimatums.

Zaphodsotherhead · 02/11/2019 10:18

I never go shopping with men. None of the men I've been with would ever want to look at things or try things on, they just wanted to walk into a shop, pick something up, buy it and take it home. Unless it was something for THEM, and then they'd want to look at every available model, flick through the brochures, compare the prices, go into every shop selling it, then go back and buy the first one.

But I had to walk into a shop, pick up a dress and walk out with it, without even trying it on.

Maybe I've only known men like your DH. But I used to HATE it. Why should I wait around for them, when they couldn't do me the same courtesy?

Does he do that, OP? Because it's an incredibly rude way to behave.

supadupapupascupa · 02/11/2019 10:18

Honestly, any more than two hours shopping and I would be bored too. If I could see my dh had had enough we would leave together, change the plan. Why would you force someone to do something they clearly didn't want to do? He told you he wanted to leave. You could have gone with him. It's only shopping

EvenMoreFuriousVexation · 02/11/2019 10:20

Getting the train on your own isn't the issue, it's having a strop and just stomping off that is.

Have you previously had rows about your different shopping behaviours? Does he get annoyed that you're "browsing" rather than looking for a specific item and buying it? I find it very difficult when people are doing that and so there are specific friends and family who I avoid "going shopping" with.

His behaviour was extremely rude though. I would never abandon anyone that way. Although I might say I was getting a headache and I'd go to the Costa at the station and meet them there in an hour or two. But just stropping off is very childish.

supadupapupascupa · 02/11/2019 10:20

From what you say he also said he would come back to do three more. Sounds like he was trying to compromise

Sushiroller · 02/11/2019 10:21

He stormed off and called me 10 minutes later to say he was at the station, and he would come back if I agreed I was only allowed to go in 3 shops. I said we could go in different shops and then meet up later, he said he didn't want to do that because he needed me to help him in his shops.

For avoidance of doubt...
Normal people do not behave like this...

I imagine getting the train is not what your friend had the issue with it

simplekindoflife · 02/11/2019 10:21

What a strange reaction... is he normally so dramatic and selfish?

supersop60 · 02/11/2019 10:21

Childish to strop off.
I hate shopping with other people though.

Hatherden123 · 02/11/2019 10:25

Your trip sounds really dull for him, plodding round shops is meh for many fellas - and for me - if you bother to go to a new city by train do something more interesting than bloody shopping - relly love pep it up or expect your fella to get so bored he'd bugger off

MyGoodTimes · 02/11/2019 10:25

I'd be upset and annoyed if my DH behaved in this way. He ruined your day out together. My young DC wouldn't behave like that.

ToLiveInPeace · 02/11/2019 10:25

I once had a boyfriend who did more or less the same thing to me... but he was a rather immature 16 year old boy.

Sounds like you might have different expectations for a nice day out though. Would it help to make a plan in advance for trips in future? Including some nice shopping time without him, if needed :)

Happityhap · 02/11/2019 10:25

What was the arrangement for the day?
Did you each know roughly how much shopping the other person wanted to do?

My DH did similar on an outing with the kids - got fed up half way through and went to sit in the car.
He was being a plonker but it was better than having him there moaning.
We never go shopping together.

Loopytiles · 02/11/2019 10:27


myhandsareverycold · 02/11/2019 10:28

Yup childish behaviour.

Like others have said I much prefer shopping alone.

LonginesPrime · 02/11/2019 10:28

he said he didn't want to do that because he needed me to help him in his shops

Assuming he actually needs help, how was he able to get the train home on his own?

What kind of help does he need?

Froggledoggleoggle · 02/11/2019 10:29

The going home and leaving me to get the train wouldn't bother me, everything else would! Normal people do not behave like bratty children.

Chamomileteaplease · 02/11/2019 10:29

Was the plan to go to this city and shop? Because if so, he was being unreasonable. But only for agreeing to shop for hours when most people would rather flick their own eyes out onto the pavement outside those shops Grin.

Had you made any other plans? Museums, parks etc?

EleanorReally · 02/11/2019 10:31

two hours shopping after a lunch?
I would also want to go home

Sexnotgender · 02/11/2019 10:31

I’d be fairly pissed off if my husband did this. But he wouldn’t, because he’s nice.

EleanorReally · 02/11/2019 10:32

are you sure you didnt miss any signs before he stormed off

Nanalisa60 · 02/11/2019 10:32

My husband has never been able to manage to do more then three shops at a time!, so I check him into husband day care for a good hour
( nearest real Ale pub) then I pick him up again and he’s like brand new again can do another three shops!!

Real stops the tantrums This method has work for me for a good twenty years.

AuntieDolly · 02/11/2019 10:35

I don't go shopping with my husband as we'd both hate it.


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AnotherEmma · 02/11/2019 10:39

"are you sure you didnt miss any signs"

He's not a fucking toddler!
He's perfectly capable of saying "I'm bored and I've had enough, let's take a break or go home".

Typical that some people are trying to make this OP's fault.

I hate shopping too and I'd get bored but I wouldn't go off in a strop like him, I would talk to my spouse like a reasonable human being!

FizzyGreenWater · 02/11/2019 10:42

Well yes it's an issue in that he's clearly a giant toddler with no manners or adult thought processes.

However you seem to have developed an attitude that works for you, which is to completely ignore him and get on with your life. Fine if he's useful to have around in other ways and you get your meaningful human interaction elsewhere! However, if he's a drain overall - I find it hard to imagine how he wouldn't be, looking at this example - then get rid of him.

funnylittlefloozie · 02/11/2019 10:43

Fortunately my partner is an adult, and capable of behaving like one. He doesnt storm off, he uses his words, and is quite happy to compromise when it comes to shopping.

Your partner, OP, is a childish idiot. The train is the least of your worries.

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